"Great! I didn't expect you to have this much energy in your body!"

Dr. Kinos stood on the operating table, looking at the values on the instrument in front of him.

At this time, Uchiha Madara was lying on the operating table, with pillows and monitoring equipment stuck all over his body.

"Unparalleled recovery ability, several elements and evil energy that I have never seen before!"

"Scary eyes!"

"This is simply the best rhythm of mankind!"

Dr. Kinos opened his arms and trembled with excitement.

"Then tell me, can you break my limiter? Make me infinitely stronger?"

Uchiha Madara was most concerned about this question, so he asked directly.

"Your limiter has been partially opened due to some force, but it is obviously impossible to achieve Saitama's level. I will first try to cultivate the cells of Beast King and Saitama, and then combine it with your so-called immortal physique and see how it goes!"

"Although I can't guarantee it, I can tell you clearly that your upper limit will be better!"

After listening to Dr. Jinoki's words, Uchiha Madara nodded and asked again:"What exactly is that limiter? Can you explain it?"

"Let me give you a simple analogy!"

"This metaphor can be explained with animals, just like a cat and a tiger.

When a cat grows up, it will only become a cat and will not surpass a tiger.

No matter how hard a cat tries or how intensively it trains, it will always be a cat and will not be stronger than a tiger.

The role of restriction is reflected in this.

It is necessary to break the dimension in order to violate the original growth trajectory.

When a cat breaks the dimension, it can have power that its species does not originally have.


"In other words, after you finish your experiment, I can evolve towards the tiger side?"

Uchiha Madara asked

"You can say that!"

After Dr. Kinos finished speaking, he changed the subject and said,"But it won't become a complete tiger. At most, it has the possibility of evolving in this direction. But don't worry, when my experiment is over, you will have certain 'tiger' abilities!"

Uchiha Madara nodded, and he understood.

"If you want to become stronger, you have to take me to find Saitama. Maybe I can study him more under the pretext of helping him grow hair, so that I can break the real limiter!"

Dr. Genos said again.

Uchiha Madara probably understood that Dr. Genos could not develop the limiter to the level of Saitama, but he could also make Uchiha Madara change. Of course, Uchiha Madara would not refuse. After seeing how powerful Saitama was, Uchiha Madara was eager to become stronger.

"All right, in that case, experiment on me first!"

Uchiha Madara said directly.

He was not afraid of Dr. Genos's dirty tricks, because he had made preparations and handed A Fei a syringe of blood. If the other party killed him, A Fei could resurrect him.

Soon, Dr. Genos called the clones and began to implant the prepared medicine into Uchiha Madara, and observed the rejection reaction of Uchiha Madara's body.

After the medicine was implanted, Uchiha's blood vessels swelled up, and then burst, and a large amount of blood flowed on the operating table, but the next second, his self-healing ability began to restore his body.

"I didn't expect your cells to be so active! What a terrifying recovery ability!"

"But this is just right, maybe I can tap your potential!"

After Dr. Kinos finished speaking, he pushed up his glasses, as if he was looking at a rare treasure, and shouted to the clone next to him:"Give me a bigger potion!"

As the next bag of potion mixed with Saitama's blood was pushed into Uchiha Madara's body, a dazzling alarm light came on the instrument, and the beeping sound kept ringing.

At this time, Uchiha Madara felt like there was a fire burning in his body. He gritted his teeth and endured it silently.

His muscles were torn and blood could not stop flowing out. The festering body went back and forth between recovery and festering.

"Give her a blood transfusion!"

Ginos saw that Uchiha Madara's blood kept oozing out, and he shouted hurriedly.

The taste of pain reminded Uchiha Madara of the hemostatic pills in the storage bag. With a wipe of his right arm, the pills in the storage bag flew into Uchiha Madara's mouth.

The next second, the bleeding on his body slowly stopped, and then Uchiha Ban took a large amount of recovery pills, which made Dr. Genos on the side stare at what Uchiha Madara ate.

"What did you take?"

Ginos couldn't believe that there was such a medicine in the world.

Uchiha Madara wiped the storage bag, and a few pills flew out and floated in the air.

"This is another system, a pill forged from herbs!"

Uchiha Madara explained in a low voice.

"You guys watch over here, I'll go analyze it!"

Dr. Kinos was excited to see the prey, and hurriedly shouted, holding the pill and running to the microscope to observe and examine it.

The experiment here was still going on. It was unknown how long it had been, but Uchiha Madara fell into a coma, and his limbs and body tended to turn into wood.

Perhaps the rejection ability of Saitama's blood was too strong, even the immortal Uchiha Madara could not bear it.

"Stay steady, stay steady, don't let the violent energy in his body run wild, otherwise we will all be doomed!"

Clone No. 1 prayed as he looked at the unconscious Uchiha Madara, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Just a few seconds after he finished speaking, a large number of tree trunks emerged from Uchiha Madara's body and rushed straight to the ceiling.

"not good!"

"Quick, give him a booster shot of adrenaline! Calm him down."

Dr. Kinos, who was checking the drugs, saw that the monster in the man's body was about to come out, and shouted hurriedly.


Several tree trunks seemed to have consciousness and entangled Dr. Kinos's clones. In a breath, the entangled clones were instantly turned into mummies.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Kinos was filled with fear. Inadvertently, Dr. Kinos���When he saw the value on the monitoring screen, he was delighted. The other party's tree trunk seemed to be able to absorb vitality, and the other party's current state was very unfavorable, and there was a possibility that he would be swallowed by the creature inside.

"Maybe I can use it to replenish my vitality and balance the opponent's runaway Ten-Tails!"

Thinking of this, Dr. Kinos shouted:"Go! Inject anesthetic into Ashura Rhinoceros Beetle! Then pull him over and use him as nutrients!"

"Doctor! Are you going to give up on the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle? He is the most powerful and terrifying being we have researched!"

Clone 67 asked in confusion.

"The Asura Rhinoceros Beetle is out of our control and keeping it around would be a nuisance. This is a good opportunity and perhaps we can research a new direction for its evolution!"


Following Dr. Kinos's order, the clones followed suit and went to the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle's room. They used the excuse of making the Asura Rhinoceros Beetle stronger to get the other party to willingly inject anesthetics. The unconscious Asura Rhinoceros Beetle was pulled into this room by several people.


Several clones who pushed Ashura closer to the vines were instantly attacked by the vines on Uchiha Madara's body, and were trapped together and sucked into a dry corpse. The powerful Ashura rhinoceros beetle was tied tightly by the vines, and the unconscious rhinoceros beetle showed pain on its face.

The shiny skin of Ashura rhinoceros beetle began to dim, the cheeks slowly sunken, and the hair gradually turned yellow.

Uchiha Madara's body, which had turned into wood, gradually grew flesh and blood."Boom boom boom~" The strong heartbeat sound appeared again, and the wood slowly shrank and retracted into Uchiha Madara's body. The half-dead rhinoceros beetle lay on the ground.

"Soon, she stabilized, and then injected Saitama's cells into her!"

As Dr. Genos ordered, the clones followed suit, and a new round began. The Asura Rhinoceros Beetle became nutrients again. The unconscious Asura Rhinoceros Beetle didn't know until his death that he had become the nutrients for others to become stronger.

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