On the other side, on the second floor of the villa where Saitama was, there was a stack of banknotes on the table. Saitama stared at the banknotes, feeling very hesitant.

Thinking that this was the house built by Uchiha Madara, Saitama retracted his gaze and looked at the man named Genos and said,"This villa does not belong to me alone, I have no right to agree to let you live here!"

"Genos, although I have accepted you as my apprentice, if you want to live here, you have to see if another person agrees!"

"Then teacher, can you tell me where the other person is? I will go and ask him for help!"Genos is not a person who would make trouble. After finding a breakthrough, he is ready to find another person to talk to.

"I don't know where he went, it seems he hasn't come back for a day!"

Saitama said this, looked at the ground and asked:"Do you know?"

As Saitama's voice fell, a head popped out from the ground. This person was A Fei. Uchiha Madara asked the other party to go back to Saitama first.

"Madara-sama has gone to help Saitama fight people and do research, he may not be back for a while!" A Fei replied

"You see, since he's not here, I have no other options!"

Saitama helplessly spread his hands and said to Genos.

"OK, how about I come back in a few days!"

Genos asked directly


Saitama nodded, and then he looked at the banknotes.

Following Saitama's gaze, Genos saw Saitama staring at the banknotes and said directly:"Ah, this money is for the teacher, buy whatever the teacher likes!"

Saitama was excited when he heard it:"Thank you!"

Saitama said, and hurriedly put the money into his arms.

""If you have nothing else to do, Genos, go back first. The teacher still has things to do!"

Saitama said without raising his head. Genos heard that the teacher was going to chase him away, and said respectfully:"Yes! Teacher!"

After that, Genos left the second floor and slowly walked out of the house.

As soon as Genos left, Saitama murmured:"Finally he left, I haven't even had breakfast yet!"

Then, Saitama hurriedly took a lot of ingredients from the kitchen on the first floor and cooked hot pot on the second floor.

While cooking the hot pot, Saitama changed into a set of swimming trunks, jumped into the swimming pool on the second floor, and started swimming.

"This day is so great!"

Saitama was having fun in the water, shouting excitedly.

But before he could be happy for long, a childish voice came from the sky:"Hey, that bald guy!"

Saitama's face darkened when he heard this, and his eyes were fixed on the dwarf in the sky.

A few hours later.

Saitama looked at a bicycle on the ground with an indifferent face.

"Teacher! Maybe she doesn't know this at all, don't be too sad!"

Genos stood beside Saitama and comforted him.

"Bastard! It's all my fault! If I had been more careful, White Zetsu wouldn't have died!"

Saitama blamed himself as he hugged the half-dead body of White Zetsu, feeling extremely sad.

"Lord Saitama, don't be sad, wait for Lord Ban to come back, he may be able to resurrect this dead brother!"

Ah Fei on the side comforted him.

Hearing this, Saitama said happily:"Really?"

‘Yes, Master Saitama!

""Yoshi, that's great!" Saitama shouted excitedly.

Although he and White Zetsu have only been together for more than a day, Saitama has established a deep friendship with them. These guys are very cute, and they will do whatever you tell them to do. They are very well-behaved and obedient. Saitama likes such subordinates very much.

Now that he heard that he could be resurrected, Saitama was not so sad.

Seeing that Saitama was not so sad, Genos asked directly:"Then teacher, will you join the Hero Association?"

"Genos, don't mention the Hero Association to me, I won't join it!"

"It was okay that this dwarf took advantage of someone's misfortune last time, but this time he even killed White Zetsu. I will never join their organization!"

"It can be expected that if the second-ranked S-class hero is like this, then the other heroes are probably not much better!"

Saitama said angrily.

Tornado's actions directly left a very bad impression on Saitama.

""Teacher, you misunderstood. Maybe Tornado's actions were a little extreme, but she had also eliminated many monsters and protected a large number of people. The same is true for other S-class heroes. Maybe their recruitment methods were too aggressive, which led to this misunderstanding!"

Genos said to Saitama.

Saitama didn't finish his words, staring at the bicycle, not knowing what he was thinking.

At the same time.

On another street in City Z.

The C-class hero Unlicensed Knight was running fast with Tornado, who was unconscious and seriously injured, on his back. The

Unlicensed Knight held a phone in his left hand, which showed that it was connected, and Xiqi's voice came from it:"What's the situation? Unlicensed Knight!"

"I am in City Z, heading to the government. Master Tornado is unconscious and I have rescued him! Send someone over here quickly, Master Tornado is seriously injured!"

The unlicensed knight replied.

"What?" Xiqi was shocked.

Then Xiqi asked hurriedly:"What's going on? Didn't you say that you saw a fight over there?"

""Tornado was fighting with a bald guy. When I arrived, Tornado was already unconscious. He was about to attack, but I blocked his fist with my body. I thought he was going to kill me, but he stopped. I was afraid that Tornado would be attacked again, so I ran away with her in my arms!" The unlicensed knight explained hurriedly.

"We will send someone over right away!"

Xiqi replied hurriedly, and then began to arrange for manpower.

Soon, a helicopter landed at Z City Government. The unlicensed knight was worried about Tornado, so he followed him to the headquarters.

On the helicopter, after half an hour of treatment, Tornado slowly woke up.

"What happened? Tornado!���Juan woke up and asked directly

"Sorry, I killed a normal person!"

"We failed to recruit Saitama. The other party probably hates us!"

Tornado lowered his head with some self-blame and replied in a depressed mood.

"What happened?"

Xiqi asked again when he heard that Tornado killed ordinary people.

"I didn't know the other person was an ordinary person. I thought he was a weirdo at first....."

Then, Tornado narrated what happened.

It turned out that after seeing Saitama, he called Saitama baldy, and Saitama called him a dwarf in return. Both of them hated this name and got excited and started to quarrel with each other.

Later, Tornado used a strong tone to ask Saitama to join the Hero Association. Saitama, who was already angry, said directly:"I heard that the Hero Association is all about protecting the people and selflessly devoting themselves. I didn't expect that there would be such a hateful guy like you!" When

Tornado heard this, she was immediately unhappy and asked:"Baldy, explain clearly, how am I hateful!"

"Last time you attacked someone by surprise, which was extremely abominable!"

Saitama said, and then angrily said:"Also, I'm not bald, I just have a lot of hair loss!"

""Haha~ You are the bald man!"

Tornado seemed to have caught the other's sore spot and laughed.

The two began to curse at each other.

Saitama was unable to win the scolding of the sharp-tongued Tornado, and he was a little anxious. White Zetsu, who was hiding in the wooden board, made Saitama suffer, and appeared to help Saitama scold Tornado.

As a result, when Tornado saw that the other party was actually living with a monster, he activated his ability without saying a word.

Saitama didn't expect the other party to start a fight as soon as he said it, and it was too late to rescue him. White Zetsu died in Tornado's hands, and Saitama only got half of his body.

Tornado wanted to wake up Saitama who was mixed with the monster, and kept attacking. Saitama did not fight back, and held the body of White Zetsu for a long time.

Saitama, who was attacked more than a dozen times, gradually came to his senses, He must make the other party give an explanation.

Tornado didn't know how terrible an angry Saitama was, and she kept mocking him, saying that Saitama was mixed up with monsters. He said a lot of things. Saitama also explained that these people were not monsters, and explained that they were Uchiha Madara's modified people.

Tornado slowly realized that she had made a mistake. How could she, who was a proud girl, bow her head easily? She said some stubborn words, which angered Saitama.

Saitama only punched Tornado, relying on the wind of his fist, and knocked Tornado to the ground. Tornado almost died.

Fortunately, an unlicensed knight came and blocked the fist of death. Saitama's attacking fist stopped, and Tornado completely fainted.

After hearing what Tornado said, Xiqi was helpless.

"Now that you have offended such a powerful person, I guess they won’t join the Hero Association!"

"Now, Uchiha Madara has also been indirectly offended. You were too impulsive this time, Tornado!"

Xiqi said with a helpless look on his face.

Tornado lowered her head. In fact, there was one thing she had never said, and that was her attack on Uchiha Madara.

Tornado thought about it, and finally told the story of Fubuki and Uchiha Madara.

When Xiqi heard this, his blood pressure soared and he shouted angrily:"Why did you...���Why didn't you say so earlier?"

Thinking of the feud between Tornado and the other party, why bother recruiting Uchiha Madara!

"I thought it was not an important matter, so I did not say anything...."

As Tornado spoke, her voice became smaller and smaller. She knew that she seemed to have done something wrong.

Xiqi's face immediately changed. After listening to Tornado's story, he understood what kind of person Uchiha Madara was, and hurriedly shouted to his men:

"Quick! Call Zombie Man and tell him to come back, don't let him get killed!"

At the same time, at the gate of the House of Evolution,

Zombie Man found the direction of Uchiha Madara's flight through a large number of surveillance checks, and finally, Zombie Man came here.

Seeing this suspicious building, Zombie Man walked in and saw the plants that had penetrated the six-story building at a glance.

"This tree is a bit strange!"

The zombie man touched it with his hand.

The next moment, the tree seemed to come alive, and a large number of branches grew out. In the zombie man's shocked eyes, those branches followed his arms and tied her tightly.

"Not good!"

The zombie man felt his strength and vitality draining away quickly, and was horrified.

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