The third day of the Battle of Kamisama Valley.

Garp's name resounded throughout the sea.

The great pirate Uchiha Madara who killed Rocks G. Beck, and more than twenty famous pirate groups were all destroyed, with only seven or eight captains escaping. The Roger Pirates were annihilated by Garp, with only a few people escaping. Garp was awarded the title of Navy Hero for his meritorious service in the extermination.

On a warship heading to the headquarters, Garp held a newspaper in his hand and clenched his fists tightly.

Although he didn't know how a terrifying existence like Uchiha Madara died, he could imagine that it was probably related to Roger and the Five Elders. He couldn't even lift Uchiha Madara's giant feet, and those pirate groups were all burned to death by Uchiha Madara's flames. How could he be qualified to be awarded such a title?

"Those who witnessed this battle and survived will definitely laugh at me when they see the newspaper, Bogart!"Garp was in low spirits.

Bogart was silent beside him. The image of Uchiha Madara stopping him with one move kept appearing in his mind. He would never forget those strange eyes.

South China Sea, Solway Kingdom.

Big Bear, Ivankov, and Ginny were reading today's newspaper

"It turns out that Uchiha Madara was killed by Garp, and even the Roger Pirates were almost destroyed. The navy is really terrible!"

Ivankov, who didn't know the truth, was shocked.

"I don’t think so. If Garp really had that kind of power, they would have destroyed Beehive Island long ago and would not have let Rocks live for so many years!"

"There must be some unknown secrets in this."

Ginny analyzed

"Why don't you resurrect him and ask him?" Ivankov joked.

"I won't. We finally regained our freedom. If we resurrect him, he will definitely invite me to be his crew member, and then I will be separated from you two."

"I can't bear to give up this hard-earned freedom!"

Ginny said directly.

Ginny told the two of them all the moves that Uchiha Madara taught him, so Ivankov knew about it.

"But that White Zetsu will resurrect the other party sooner or later. If that terrible existence knows that you didn't do what he said, he will definitely kill us!" Ivankov said solemnly.

Ginny was silent. Thinking of the hard-earned ordinary life, she could only say sorry to Uchiha Madara in her heart, and said:"I will pass the news of Uchiha Madara's possible resurrection and the information about White Zetsu to the Navy Headquarters, so that the World Government will definitely find a way to destroy the other party!"

As soon as these words came out, Big Bear immediately retorted:"Ginny, you can't do this, he has helped us!"

"Big Bear, you are too kind. The other party has been taking advantage of Ginny. Aren’t you also the container for him to store his eyes?"

"On the day he is resurrected, his eyes will be taken away by the enemy, and you will become a blind man!" Ivankov threatened.

"I have saved so many people with this fruit, even if I become blind, it is worth it!"Big Bear was not afraid at all.

"Xiongzai, if a terrible person like Uchiha Madara were to be resurrected, many people would suffer on the sea, and then I would be a sinner!"

"Think about it, the other party is a pirate, landing on the island to burn, kill and rob, the surviving orphans will definitely not survive, and they will be sold as slaves for a bite of food and become people like us, you definitely can't bear it, right?"

Smart Ginny only said these two sentences, and the kind bear didn't know how to refute.

At the same time.

On a pirate ship in the West Sea

""Villi, what are you doing?"

A one-eyed sturdy man carrying an axe came to the warehouse with a gloomy face and questioned the man named Virilli. Behind him were seven or eight pirates.

When they were having dinner, they found that half of the people on the ship were missing, so they led everyone to look for them.

"I...I'm treating him."

There was panic in Vilri's voice.

After Vilri finished speaking, he pointed behind them with a shocked look and shouted:"Uchiha Madara, why are you on this ship?"

Those people looked back at the same time and found nothing. They knew they were deceived. They turned around and found that Vilri had disappeared.

"Where are the people?"

The captain rushed into the warehouse in surprise and looked around, only to find several corpses and a bucket of blood on the ground. There was also a strange pattern on the ground, and a person was lying on the pattern.

In the sea, Bai Zetsu looked at the departing ship in despair and sighed,"It's so difficult, this is not something I can learn at all."

After leaving the Valley of the Gods, Bai Zetsu swam for a day and met a pirate group that came to watch the fun but was late. He sneaked onto the other party's ship and took the opportunity to sneak attack several weak pirates, wanting to practice with this, but found that he could not learn it at all.

"Alas, just as Madara-sama thought, I am a waste. It seems that I can only refer to the plot that Ban-sama showed me and look for an ambitious person or an extremely desperate person."

White Zetsu made up his mind to continue swimming to the next island.

On the fourth day.

Steel Bone Kong of the Navy Headquarters received a piece of information, that is, Uchiha Madara's crew said that Uchiha Madara might be resurrected soon, and he also asked his subordinate White Zetsu to prepare for the resurrection ceremony.

When the news came out, the admirals of the navy, the Five Elders and others were shocked.

The Five Elders did not think about it and directly issued a bounty to White Zetsu, and indicated 5 billion berries.

Originally, the Five Elders wanted to offer a bounty of 1 billion, but when Garp saw that it was only so little, he contacted the Five Elders directly and explained that the opponent's giant move was just a medium-level move. This made the Five Elders understand that it was pure luck to kill the opponent at the beginning. The Five Elders were terrified and directly increased the bounty to 5 billion, which was higher than Roger.

For a while, the sea was boiling.

【The wanted order of Akatsuki Organization - White Zetsu with a reward of 5 billion berries spread across the sea.

A few days later.

On the sea of the New World, a pirate ship was sailing rapidly.

Whitebeard stood on the ship, collected the latest newspaper, and laughed:"Kulala, is this your back-up? It's called the Impure World Reincarnation Technique?"

"Don't worry, I will keep your weapons for you. This is a man's promise!"

At this time, Whitebeard was ready to go back to his hometown. Stussy wanted to go with him. Since the death of Uchiha Madara, the people who returned to Beehive Island had different dreams and chose to go their separate ways to fulfill their own dreams.

On another sea.

Charlotte Lingling looked at the newspaper with an ugly face.

""Little boy, you have to master the power of the fruit. That guy will definitely come to trouble us when he is resurrected!" Charlotte Linlin said to Kaido who was also holding a newspaper.

"I think we should find a way to eliminate the man called White Zetsu. We can't let that bastard Uchiha Madara be resurrected!" Long Bread said with some fear. Charlotte

Linling nodded and said,"It seems that we have to form our own force so that we can find White Zetsu!"

"I will not be so embarrassed next time!"

Kaido put down the newspaper, his heart furious.

Beehive Island.

Wang Zhi, John and Silver Axe were frightened by the news, and immediately sent a large number of pirates out to sea to find White Zetsu, and promised that whoever killed White Zetsu would get the position of fourth in command. For the high bounty and status, the pirates went out to sea in an endless stream.

Above the sky of the New World, the golden lion Shiki was flying with a small boat. There were only a few people on the boat. He grinned while smoking a cigar,"Hahaha, I didn't expect the captain to have other means!"

"It seems that those who betrayed us are in trouble!"

After saying this, Golden Lion turned around and looked at his men and said,"Let's gather some people and find White Zetsu to help him revive Uchiha Madara. I want to join forces with him to dominate this ocean!"

"Captain, Uchiha Madara is the captain of the Akatsuki organization. Now that you have set up your own organization, will he agree to join forces with you?"The subordinate asked curiously.

"I didn't expect that guy had a backup plan. Since he can be resurrected, I will change the pirate group back. From now on, I will be the vice captain of Akatsuki!"

"That guy's dream must be the same as Rocks's. Only if he and I join forces can we succeed!" Golden Lion Shiki said confidently.

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