1522 of the Sea Circle Calendar. In the desert of Alabasta.

Three figures are walking on the yellow sand.

The two people in the front are talking, and the man four or five meters behind is too hot to speak.

These three people are the Straw Hat Pirates, who have recently become famous in the Grand Line.

In front, Zoro is explaining to their new crew member Chopper some things about his boarding and some of Luffy's personality. The two are talking and laughing in this hot weather, which is in sharp contrast to Luffy who is hot like a dog behind him.


Luffy's eyes are attracted by the rock ten meters in front, and he is immediately revived and shouts:"I found a cool place!"

This shout scared the two people. Zoro and Chopper turned their heads to look, and Luffy shouted again:"Rubber rubber~" Luffy shouted a move and quickly stretched out his arms. Zoro and Chopper hurriedly tilted their heads to avoid it. Luffy's arms extended from between the two to the rock ten meters away.

A contraction, Zoro and Chopper were shocked.

The next second, Luffy bumped into the two and took them over.

""Boom!" A loud noise came from the cave.

In the cave, Zoro was sprawled on a large rock, and then he fell to the ground with a loud bang.~’

"Hahaha~ Hahaha~ It’s so cool~"

Luffy laughed happily while sitting on a rock.

"I'm going to chop you up!!!"

Zoro got up from the ground, drew out two swords and said madly

"Ah~ Sorry, sorry~"

Luffy raised his hand and said apologetically, then burst into laughter again


After laughing twice, Luffy realized that Chopper was gone.

""Hey~ where's Chopper?"

Luffy looked around curiously.

Zoro stood up and looked outside. Chopper was lying on the sand outside, motionless. It was obvious that Chopper had bumped into a rock when Luffy used his ability to lead the two of them into the cave just now, and now he was fainted. Luffy, who was confused, put his hand on his forehead, stretched his head and looked at Chopper and said,"What are you doing there? Are you trying to be funny?"


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Zoro put the knife on Luffy's neck. Luffy's face turned green immediately, and he realized that he did it. He hurriedly whispered:"Yes! It's all my fault, I'm sorry!"

Seeing Luffy admitted his mistake, Zoro complained:"Really!"

While Zoro was speaking, he inserted the knife into the tip of the knife and prepared to sit down and argue with Luffy

"I blame you just now..."

Zoro, who was sitting on the stone, had just said half of his words when his eyes suddenly widened and he screamed"Wow!" He suddenly sank down.

Zoro disappeared in the cave.

Luffy looked at the pit that suddenly appeared and thought that Zoro was imitating Chopper, and complained:"Hey~ I didn't ask you to be funny!"

Below the cave, Zoro shouted:"I didn't make you laugh!"

Luffy walked to the cave entrance where the gravel was still sliding down, and looked down. Zoro was lying in the cave on the lower level.

"Damn it! It hurts so much!"

Zoro covered his head and grimaced, looking around, he was puzzled and asked,"What on earth is going on?"


Zoro's eyes stopped at a few transparent glass bottles, and he was stunned for a moment and said:"What is that?"

"Hey, Luffy! We seem to have found a treasure, it's gold!"

Zoro shouted hurriedly.

Luffy above heard this and said in surprise:"Really?"

"Hurry up, there seem to be a lot of them!" Zoro shouted hurriedly


Luffy stretched out his arms excitedly and jumped down from the sky.

After landing, Luffy first looked around and found that it was an empty cave. There was a green stone tablet five meters to the side.

Then Luffy looked in the direction that Zoro was looking.

There were several layers of shelves there.

The shelves were divided into five rows.

Each row had ten glass bottles.

The glass bottles were as big as water cups.

Each bottle contained a round object.

The ones in the first row were already black, the ones in the second row were a little gray, and as for the third row, it was strange.

There were corn kernels on the round"stick"-shaped objects, some had chili powder, and some had things like green grass.

As for the fourth row, it was all muddy things, some were red, blue, green, and black. Zoro and Luffy didn't know what was in it.

Until the fifth row, all the golden stick-shaped objects were placed in the bottles.

"It really is gold~"

Luffy excitedly stretched out his arms and grabbed two in his hands

"Now I'm rich, I can buy good wine!"

Sauron said happily with a grin.

"Haha, then I can buy a lot of meat!"

Luffy said with a laugh, and twisted the bottle cap hard. The cap was very tight, and Luffy used a lot of strength to open it.

As the cap was opened, suddenly, a smell of dead rat came out from it, and the smell rushed into Zoro and Luffy's noses.

The faces of the two turned green instantly, and the next moment, Luffy and Zoro tilted their heads at the same time:"Ugh!~"

"What the hell is this thing? Why is it so smelly?"

Zoro's face was ugly, and he covered his nose and said

"Why does gold smell like this?"Luffy reached out and took out the golden stick, playing with it in his hand.

"It's so light~ It doesn't seem to be worth much!"

Luffy weighed the golden stick back and forth in his left and right hands.

Zoro covered his nose with one hand, and held the bottle with the other hand to observe the items inside, and said doubtfully:"Hey, it doesn't look like gold!"

"I heard that biting gold will leave teeth marks, let me try it!"

Luffy put the golden stick into his mouth while speaking.


A sound like foam was heard, Luffy touched a little with his tongue and felt that it tasted a bit sweet, he said in surprise:"It's edible!"

""Baji, Baji~"

Luffy bit off a golden stick and swallowed it into his stomach.

"Hey, why do you eat everything?"Sauron said with cold sweat.

"Hello...Luffy...Zoro! Where are you?

�� At this time , Chopper's voice sounded from above

"We are down here, Chopper, come quickly, there is food!"

Luffy waved his hand and shouted at the hole above his head.

"Are you in there?"

Chopper stretched his head and looked down.

"Come down quickly, Chopper, it's cool in here, and there are food, dozens of bottles!"

Luffy waved and shouted

"I'll be down right away!"

Chopper replied, transformed into a human form, and jumped down from above.


Chopper landed on the ground. The next second, Chopper sniffed his nose and looked at the bottle in Luffy's hand. Chopper asked curiously,"Who is so disgusting that he put this thing in a bottle?"

Luffy looked at Chopper in confusion and asked,"Huh? Chopper, do you know this thing?""

"I just ate one, and although it smells a bit stinky, it's quite delicious!"

As soon as Luffy said this, Chopper's eyes widened, and he looked at Luffy in shock, and said word by word:"You. Actually. Eaten. It?"

"What's wrong?" Luffy asked back

"Do you know what this is?" Chopper asked in a shocked voice.

"What is it?" Luffy tilted his head with a curious look on his face.

"It’s shit!!!"

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