Beehive Island covers a huge area.

It is a paradise for pirates and the base camp of Rocks.

Thousands of pirates are stationed here, and many pirate ships are docked around the island. Some of them are from the Rocks Pirates, and some want to join or come here because of their reputation.

From Tos's memory, we know that Rocks and others were holding a banquet in the square under the landmark building of the island. He was hit by Kaido. Uchiha

Madara walked along the street to the square. There were many famous pirates in Tos's memory gathered here. Most of these people's bounties were tens of millions of Baileys, and there were very few that were over 100 million.

This group of pirates gathered in groups of three or five at the edge and drank fine wine. As for the landmark building, the skull, they didn't dare to go there. That was where the cadres of the Rocks Pirates were.

Uchiha Madara stood on a stone and looked at the people under the skull building. Sitting in the upper seat was the captain of the Rocks Pirates - Rocks·D·Jibek, the first position on the right is Whitebeard - Edward Newgate, followed by Ski, Silver Axe, Long Bread, and Bagingom Stussy.

Opposite Whitebeard is Charlotte Linling, and below Linling are Captain John, Wang Zhi, Flame Flower, and Kaido.

At this time, Kaido had just gotten rid of the newcomers, and he could only sit at the back according to seniority.

Uchiha Madara glanced at the hundreds of pirates around him and decided to use Uchiha Madara's tone.

Uchiha shouted to Kaido in a low voice:"That bull-headed kid!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the square looked at Uchiha Madara.

Seeing that the other party was staring at him, Kaido looked at Linling uncertainly and asked:"Sister, is he calling me?"


Charlotte Linling showed her flaming red lips, laughed, and said to Kaido:"It seems like I'm calling you, little brother!"

Hearing this, Kaido was immediately angry, glaring and said angrily:"You bastard, you dare to call me a brat!"

""Little boy, a dead body flew over here and disturbed me. Did you do it?"

Uchiha Madara deliberately made an excuse and asked in a low voice.

As soon as he said this, everyone present understood that he was here to cause trouble.

Uchiha Madara glanced at the shocked pirates behind him with the corner of his eyes, and felt extremely happy. This was the feeling he wanted. At this time, he also knew why Madara was so pretentious.

"Oh my, someone actually dares to come here to cause trouble~"

Captain John was a little excited.

Whitebeard said with a smile as if he was enjoying the show:"Kulalala~ You are quite brave!"

""Kaido, go! Kill him!"

Rocks gave the order in a cruel voice.

Kaido picked up the mace and stood up. He had long wanted to kill the other party.

"With a"swish" sound, the pirates drinking in the square quickly made way for them and hid far away.

"Oh? Just this brat?"

Uchiha Madara, who was standing on the stone, sat down and looked at Rocks with a playful look on his face.

Kaido was furious when he saw that the other party not only sat on the stone but also ignored him, and shouted:"Asshole!"

The moment the voice fell, Kaido rushed over at an extremely fast speed, with the armed color domineering wrapped around the mace


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, still sitting in the same place, not even looking at him.

Susanoo's arm shot out, with black energy on it, which was the armed color domineering entangled


The two's moves collided with each other, and Kaido's eyes widened quickly. He couldn't believe that the other party just sat there, and the energy outside his body resisted his attack?

"How is it possible!"

Lingling, who is most familiar with Kaido, immediately said in disbelief. He knows Kaido's power very well.

"It looks like another strong man!"Whitebeard said excitedly with fighting spirit in his eyes.

"This kind of person is worthy of my killing!"Silver Axe was extremely excited.

"Hehehe~" Rocks showed a sinister smile on his face. He felt it was getting more and more interesting.

"He actually blocked the attack of Kaido's monster?"

"Still sitting?"

"So strong!"

In the field, the voices of several pirates were shocked.

The reason why Uchiha dared to do this was because he learned from Toss's memory that Kaido's current strength was probably about the level of brigadier general. Toss didn't understand, but Uchiha Madara knew that Kaido was only a brigadier general, and his Haki was not as good as his, only a little stronger.

So Uchiha Madara dared to use Haki plus the first stage of Susanoo to deal with it.

Uchiha Madara looked at Kaido who was still swinging his stick, and said in a cold voice:"Kid! How dare you attack me?"

The moment the voice fell, Uchiha Madara's Sharingan illusion was activated.

Kaido, who was holding the mace, trembled, and his face quickly turned pale. Pictures appeared in his mind, countless corpses and wronged souls crawling towards him, including people he knew when he was a child, and Charlotte Linlin. They wanted to kill Kaido with weapons, but Kaido couldn't do it and didn't dare to fight back.

In the real world, Kaido started shouting after his body trembled:"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

His forehead was covered with sweat, and he stepped back in fear.

Seeing her younger brother's embarrassing situation, Charlotte Linlin shouted Kaido's name:"Kaido!"

As soon as the voice came out, Kaido felt his soul tremble and he woke up instantly.

Looking at the man sitting on the stone again, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. The experience just now was too terrible for him.

At this time, Kaido no longer had the courage to fight the other party.

"What is going on? Why would Kaido be scared by the other party's eyes?"

Stussy looked at Whitebeard in confusion.

Whitebeard stared at the other party's eyes, then explained:"It's probably that weird eye, it's like a devil's eye!"

"It seems that this is not an easy existence to deal with!" Flame Flower sighed.

Wang Zhi:"I don't know what the captain is going to do!" Shi Ji

:"No need, Captain, didn't you see that Lingling has stood up?"

Charlotte Lingling stood up and walked over slowly, cursing as she walked:

"You bastard, how dare you use such a weird method to scare Kaido!"

"What? Are you confident in your strength? Are you planning to fight me?"

Uchiha Madara asked three questions in a row with a puzzled look on his face.

Seeing his arrogant expression, everyone couldn't help but want to take action.


Rocks above laughed and said directly to Lingling:"Lingling, teach him a lesson!"

Even without Rocks's instructions, Charlotte Lingling also wanted to teach the other party a lesson. That expression looked so annoying.


Lingling shouted.

The pirates who were familiar with this move fled in fear.

A white cloud flew over, and Charlotte Lingling grasped it and injected soul into it. The next moment, Prometheus turned into flames. Lingling grabbed Prometheus and threw it to where Uchiha Madara was.


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, sat in place, took out the Uchiha Flame Fan from behind and blocked the front.

The incoming flames hit the fan, and Uchiha said in a low voice:"Uchiha rebound!"

The next moment, Prometheus, who had just exploded, was shocked because he felt his body flying backwards uncontrollably.


Charlotte Lingling was stunned and was instantly swallowed by the explosion.

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