Rocks, who had noticed something was wrong, took action just before the explosion hit the hall.

A large amount of black smoke blocked the incoming flames and then instantly engulfed them.

The black smoke faded from the ground, revealing Charlotte Lingling. At this time, except for some burnt clothes, she had no injuries on her body.

Prometheus was a little afraid and didn't dare to look at Lingling.

"you...This bastard!"

Charlotte Lingling looked at Uchiha Madara angrily. The other party actually used her own moves against her and made her so embarrassed.

"How is it possible! That was Charlotte Lingling's best move, and it actually bounced back!"

"Isn't it? The power of that flame is very great."

The sound of pirates talking in the distance was heard, Uchiha Madara turned his head to look at the man, wondering:"Can this be considered a flame?"

While Uchiha Madara was speaking, he made a seal with his hands, turned his head and added:"Look carefully, this is a flame!"

After the voice fell, Uchiha Madara shouted:"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"


A mouthful of fire spewed out from Uchiha Madara's mouth, and the Rocks Pirates on the opposite side were stunned for a moment. The next moment, a fire curtain covering the sky and hundreds of meters high rushed towards them. The members of the Rocks Pirates stared with their eyes wide open, and they felt as if they were in a world of fire.

The pirates behind Uchiha Madara stared blankly at the flames that reached the sky in front of them, and everyone was stunned.


In just a moment, the skulls at the back of the square were engulfed, and the flames extended to the seaside. A powerful person with the Haki of Observation discovered that the opponent's flames were several hundred meters long, which was simply a natural disaster.

At this moment, a loud laugh appeared in the flames.:


This is Rocks laughing, and then the other party shouted:"Okay, that's enough, I admit that you are strong, put away your moves!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara stopped Ninjutsu and didn't plan to show off. If he continued, it would be suspected of being too pretentious.

The flames disappeared, and Uchiha Madara looked over and found that there was a lot of black smoke around the banquet. The black smoke was covering their banquet hall.

(A note of explanation: because the anime is not finished yet and we don’t know what kind of fruit Rocks has, I will set it as the Dark Dark Fruit here, please don’t criticize me. Also, don’t read novels and prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. I’m tired of you postgraduate entrance examination candidates, really.)

When Uchiha Madara made this move just now, he did not use his domineering power, otherwise it would not be so easy for the opponent to take it.

Seeing that the opponent’s flames were gone and the black mist was gone, Rocks laughed again:"Hahaha~ Join us!"

Rocks thought for a while and added:"I think, with you joining, our pirate group will be even stronger!"

Uchiha glanced at Rocks, who was pulling Charlotte Linlin, and it was obvious that he had just stopped the opponent from taking action

""How about it? Do you want to join us?"

Rocks continued to ask.

Uchiha Madara stood there and thought:"Rocks's power should be the largest among the pirates. With their help, there should be a greater hope of finding the surgery fruit."

"It would be too troublesome if we build our own power, which would be time-consuming and labor-intensive."

Thinking of this, Uchiha made a decision and said in a low voice:"Okay!"


Hearing the other party agree, Rocks laughed

""It seems that our pirate group has grown stronger again!" Whitebeard said with emotion.

Shiki:"Not bad, not bad!"

Captain John:"Now the navy will be more afraid of us!"

Charlotte Linlin looked at Uchiha Madara angrily and said:"You bastard, don't think you just defeated me, I haven't used my strength yet...."

"Forget it, Lingling. We are all family now. !"

Rocks came out to smooth things over and interrupted Lingling, then asked Uchiha:"By the way, what's your name? We don't know your name yet!"

"Uchiha Madara!"

Uchiha Madara seemed to be very frugal with words, and said four words in a low voice.

"How cool!"Flame Flower said with emotion

"Come on, bring me another table!" Rocks shouted to the people outside.

Soon, four pirates came over, the two in front carried a table, and the two behind carried drinks and food. After they came here, they stood there, not knowing where to put the table.

Uchiha Madara walked over and kicked the table. It spun and landed opposite Rocks, and then Uchiha Madara walked over and sat on the ground.

This move stunned the people present.

Some people think that Uchiha Madara is very smart and did not choose to be behind Kaido or Flame Flower, which would mean admitting that he is a newcomer.

But some people think that Uchiha Madara is too arrogant and actually sat alone opposite Captain Rocks.

Rocks didn't care. As long as the other party didn't sit in his position, he didn't care. He laughed and said,"Hahaha! Then everyone welcomes Uchiha Madara to join!"

Charlotte Lingling and the others looked cold.

Their positions were based on seniority, or if you were strong and everyone respected you, you could sit in the front, but what about you sitting opposite the captain? Being your own deputy captain?

Captain John said sarcastically:"Humph! Some people probably won't live long!"

"Who says it isn't~" Wang Zhi echoed

"Kulala~ It seems that you have angered everyone right from the start~ Take care of yourself!"

Whitebeard said with a big laugh, with a reminder in his words.

Uchiha Madara naturally understood, but he didn't care. He picked up the wine pot and poured a glass.

""Come on, cheers!" Rocks shouted, and everyone raised their glasses even if they were not convinced.

Uchiha Madara had just joined the party a second ago, and soon after, Marshal Steel Bone Kong of the Navy Headquarters received the news sent back by the spies from Beehive Island.

"I understand!"

In the headquarters office, Gang Gukong hung up the phone with a grim look on his face.

Gang Gukong looked towards the door and ordered:"Navy, notify the navy officers above the rank of lieutenant admiral who are still in the headquarters to attend the meeting!"

The navy officers at the door took two steps and saluted respectfully to Gang Gukong and said:"Yes! Marshal!"

Soon, the navy vice admiral who received the notice and the general Zhan Guo stationed in the headquarters came to the meeting room.

Ten people sat in a circle.

"Hahaha~ I'm late!"

Karp walked in laughing.

"You are the only one missing. Find a seat and sit down!" Gang Gukong said unhappily.

""Zhan Guo, when are you going on vacation? Do you want to go to my hometown to play?"

Zhan Guo glanced at the marshal who was about to get angry, and lowered his head.

Seeing that Zhan Guo did not answer him, Garp asked He,"Xiao He, are you going?" He kept blinking at Garp, hinting him to stop talking, but Garp seemed not to see it and asked again,"By the way, where is Zephyr? Why is he not here?" At this moment, Garp felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he looked at Kong, urging,"Hurry up and tell me, Marshal, I have to go back to the East China Sea later~ I finally have a vacation, tell me quickly, and I'll leave after you tell me!

" Kong showed a well-shaped mark on his forehead, and then said angrily,"You have been talking all the time, what do you want me to say?


"Hahaha~ Sorry, sorry ~"

Knowing he was in the wrong, Karp apologized awkwardly.

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