"Hmm, the sound came from above? Is Straw Hat Luffy coming for Fire Fist Ace?"

Crocodile stood up and walked to the cage, talking to himself.

"It seems like someone broke in!"

"How courageous!~"

"The other party seems to be looking for someone, and the riot must have been caused by them!"

"Let's see if I can get him to let me go later. I've had enough of this place!"

On the sixth floor of the prison, the serious criminals were discussing

"I have to find a way to get out this time, even if it means losing face and begging him!"

Crocodile decided in his heart.

""Da da da da da~"

The sound of rapid running was getting closer and closer, and Crocodile became more and more excited.

Soon, Luffy came to the cage where Ace was imprisoned before and stopped.

"We are trapped on the sixth floor of this underground building. There is no way to escape!"

Yimazuna said solemnly.

""Ace boy has been delivered to the Navy Headquarters for sure, let's give up!" Ivankov said regretfully.

In order to prevent Luffy from doing stupid things, Ivankov added:"No, the only thing we can do now is bet on Whitebeard. He is not a man who will abandon his subordinates, and he will definitely take action!"

Looking at the life value in his hand that was burning to the size of a fingernail, Luffy said firmly:"I'm going"

" I'm going to the Navy Headquarters!";

"If I give up, I will definitely regret it!"

Luffy's words represent his determination

""Don't talk about whether to go or not, we can't escape from this floor~"

Imazuna spread her hands and said helplessly.

Crocodile heard that they were worried about getting out, and he didn't need to beg them with words, so he laughed:"Hehe~hehe~hehe~he~"

Luffy heard the weird laughter and turned his head curiously. The laughter continued:"Hehehe~hehehehehehehehehe~"

"If you want to leave here, let me go!"

"I can make a hole in the ceiling!"

Crocodile said, approaching the cage, and the chains on his body made a rattling sound.

"It's you!!! Crocodile!"

Luffy was surprised to see him.

""Long time no see~ Straw Hat!" Crocodile greeted.

Luffy looked at him, sweat dripping from his forehead, nervous.

Crocodile looked at Luffy and said calmly:"I thought it would be boring to escape, but Whitebeard wants to fight the navy."

"I didn't expect to have a chance to take that old man's head.~"

"I am interested in that war. As long as I have the power, you and I can escape from here!"

"Isn't this a good idea? It's good for both of us!"

In order to get out, Crocodile told his goal and his value. He was sure that Straw Hat Luffy would agree.

"What a joke!"

Luffy shouted angrily, remembering what the other party had done.

"You are the one who messed up Weiwei's country...."

Before Luffy could finish his excited words, Crocodile interrupted him and said,"How long ago was that? I am not interested in that country at all now."


The sound of high heels came from behind Luffy. Crocodile was stunned when he saw the person coming.

"Let him go, Straw Hat Boy!"

"If he joins, it will indeed be a powerful force,"

Ivankov said directly

"Eh? Little Ivan, that guy!..."

Luffy pointed at Crocodile and exclaimed, but before he could finish his words, Ivankov interrupted him,"You can't stop, let alone go to the Navy Headquarters."

Crocodile in the prison saw Ivankov and gritted his teeth,"Ivankov!"

"Hey, long time no see, Crocodile boy!"Ivankov put his hands on his hips and greeted him.

Luffy was surprised to see that Ivankov knew Crocodile and asked,"You know him?"

"A long time ago, when this guy was still called a rookie..."

Ivankov paused and continued,"It's okay. Even if he betrays us, I will suppress him. Although he is not trustworthy at all, I know his weakness...."

At this point, Ivankov became proud and smiled.

"Hey, stop talking nonsense!"

Crocodile's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he hurriedly shouted to stop the other party from continuing to speak.

"Can you put on this kind of airs with me? Now I can make your past known to the public~"

Ivankov threatened with a smile

"As long as you help us, I can help you keep the secret!"

When Ivankov said the last few words, he emphasized them deliberately, as if to remind the other party.

"Hip Hop~~"

Crocodile saw the other party's smug look, and secretly hated him. He decided that after summoning Hades, he must kill this man first.

Crocodile had a secret in his heart that he didn't want to mention.

That was that he once went to sea to become stronger and joined the other party. He also heard that the shemale boxing was very powerful. In order to obtain this method of practice, he played the role of a younger brother in it. His gender was also changed by Ivankov, and he played the role of a shemale every day.

Now he is also a famous figure on the sea. He doesn't want people to know his past black history. If people know it, it would be better to kill him.

Crocodile looked at Ivankov's smiling face and sneered in his heart:"Wait until I summon Hades, and I'll see how you laugh!"

"What’s going on? Hey, can you let me go too?"

"And me, and me, I have a grudge against Whitebeard!"

""Please let me out too!"

The pirates in the nearby prison saw that they were going to release Crocodile, so they shouted to Ivankov in order to get out.

Suddenly, the noise and shouting resounded throughout the sixth floor of the prison.

"Shut up!"

Ivankov turned around and shouted, but these mortals didn't stop shouting and continued to shout.

"Death Eyes!"

Ivankov opened his eyes and attacked the screaming pirates.


One scream after another rang out, and the prisoners in the prison were so frightened that they dared not make any more noise.


At this moment, a deep shout came from a cell in the distance.

"Take me with you too, I will definitely help you!"

"We have known each other since Mr. Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates."

"He often tells me about his brother."

"I was put here because I opposed this war."

"I want to save Mr. Ace!"

"Please, let me die a worthy death!"

Luffy stared into the other's eyes, not blinking.

After more than ten seconds, Luffy decided:"Okay~"

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