On the sea.

A warship is sailing at high speed.

Ace, the Fire Fist, is holding seastone handcuffs with both hands. He looks at the sky, and the memories of Luffy, his father, Sabo, Dadan, etc. emerge in his mind.

"Take a good look at this last bit of sky!"

"Once you are shackled on the execution platform, you will never be able to watch again!"

Vice Admiral Ghost Spider stepped forward and said lightly.

The warship sailed quickly and soon arrived at the Gate of Justice.

Ghost Spider took the communication telephone bug and reported:"This is Ghost Spider!"

"Marin is numerous, Qing is ready to open the door!";.....

At the same time, at the Navy Headquarters, an officer rushed to the temporary meeting room, pushed open the sliding door, and shouted respectfully,"Marshal Sengoku!"

"What's the situation?"

Zhan Guo asked hurriedly

"As expected, he couldn't find it anywhere. There were still more than five hours before Ace was executed. During this most dangerous time, Whitebeard could appear at any time...."

"We searched the entire island, but couldn't find the Seven Warlords of the Sea Blackbeard!!!" the naval officer said excitedly.

" Another thing, a warship without permission to sail has now arrived at Impel Down!";

"What?" Sengoku was shocked, his forehead covered with sweat.

Pushing into the city.

With the addition of Crocodile and Jinbe, they rushed forward and soon reached the fourth floor.

After defeating an enemy, Luffy turned around and asked in confusion:"Where is Crocodile?"

"This guy is missing???"

Ivankov was shocked

"Look, there's a hole up there, is that where he ran away from?"

Jinbei pointed to the roof of the third floor, where there was a big hole.

"I guess it's this bastard!" Ivankov said angrily.

"Yoshi, there is a hole there, let's go up there too!"

Luffy said excitedly, stretched out his arms and grabbed the top, making one arm longer, wrapping around more than a dozen people, and flew up at once.

At the same time, they pushed into the city entrance.

Blackbeard was laughing at the navy lying in a pool of blood at the door.

""Hahaha~ Guys, let's go in!"

Blackbeard looked at the door that had been opened, called out, and walked inside.

Blackbeard and his group quickly ran to the first floor. At this time, Blackbeard stopped.

""Da da da~" The sound of leather shoes came from the darkness.

Crocodile in a suit walked out.

Blackbeard saw the person coming and said in surprise:"Oh? It turned out to be you, Crocodile, I didn't expect you to be the first to escape!"


Crocodile smoked a cigar and laughed dryly.

"Now that you have been stripped of your status as a Shichibukai, how about it? Do you want to join us?"

Blackbeard asked

"Not interested!"

Crocodile replied while smoking a cigar.

When Blackbeard saw the other party's refusal, he spread his hands and said with some regret:"Well, what a pity!"

"Captain, what should we do?"Lafitte asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry about it, our target is the group of people inside!"

Blackbeard finished speaking, grinning, and waved to the crew behind him, saying:"Let's go!"

Seeing that the captain had let the other party go, several people looked at Crocodile provocatively, and then quickly passed by him.

After Crocodile watched them go away, his originally calm expression suddenly became excited, and then he rushed to the outside of Impel Down.

After a while, Crocodile came to the outside of Impel Down. He subconsciously glanced at the sea. The sea was empty, without a single ship.

"Damn it!"

Crocodile said with an ugly face.

"Forget it, let's find the DNA first, and then Jinbei and his people will probably find a way."

"The cells recorded on Pluto should be here!"

While Crocodile was speaking, he looked towards the dam in the distance.

""Let me see if this is true!"

Crocodile's words fell, and he pressed his hands on the concrete floor.

The devil fruit power was activated, and in an instant, the surface of the dam began to be sanded, the edge of the dam began to tilt, and a large amount of sand flowed into the sea.

As more and more sand flowed into the sea, the dam became shorter and shorter, and gradually, a box emerged from the gravel.

Crocodile was extremely excited when he saw this, and he immediately used the fruit power to gather a pair of sand hands to pick up the thing in his hands.

With a nervous mood, Crocodile opened the treasure chest.

In the box, two sealed glass bottles lay quietly, one of which contained a tube of blood, and the other contained a seed.

"This is the DNA, right?"

"It seems to be true!"

Crocodile's hands trembled. The Hades he had been looking for for many years finally appeared in the world.

"I have memorized the psychic ninjutsu, now all I need is the sacrifice..."

Crocodile stopped talking and looked in the direction of Marin.

"Whitebeard, just wait, this time I have Pluto, you are dead!"

"And the Navy, and the World Government, keep your eyes open and watch!"

"I! Crocodile, will scare you!"

Crocodile was just finishing his heroic words when a large group of people came running behind him. Crocodile looked back and saw Buggy the Clown and hundreds of pirates in prison uniforms.

In order to prevent others from discovering what he had in his hand, Crocodile quickly hid it in his arms.

"I didn't expect you to run away early, how insidious of you!"

Bucky said madly.

"Haha, I just came out to see if there is a boat, but it seems there is none~"

Crocodile said with a smile

"Hey, why is there no boat?"

At this time, Bucky saw that the shore was empty and exclaimed

"The guards of Impel Down probably let the ship sail away so that we could not leave here!" Crocodile analyzed.

"What should I do then~" Buggy was a little mad.

Crocodile took a puff of his cigar, then he looked at the little lol behind Buggy. He wanted to use one of those people as a sacrifice to summon Hades.

As soon as this idea came up, it was rejected by Crocodile:"No! If it is in battleship mode, it needs human control. If these guys see Hades, they will definitely fight for their lives. There are also some good players here, which is a bit troublesome~"

As for the giant warrior mode, Crocodile thought the water here was too deep. If the warriors swam over, it would be too embarrassing. Crocodile decided to wait and see.

On the other side.

At the harbor of the Navy Headquarters.

Among the many naval forces gathered, the logistics troops were carrying explosives and distributing detonating tags.

The crescent-shaped bend and the entire island were already filled with fifty warships with heavy artillery.

"For this battle, the Science Corps has produced a million detonating talismans. This time, no one can get ten, and ten kunai!"

Lieutenant General Jesse shouted through the loudspeaker.

"Great, I can make a rich account this time!"

"This is also the first time I got so many detonating talismans!"

"My throwing skills are absolutely accurate, and I won't waste any of them."

The navy members said excitedly.

"Don't be careless. No matter what happens, there are only three hours left. Everything will be over by then!"

The giant vice admiral stood on the steps and shouted to the navy below.

At this time, the harbor was filled with many heavy artillery. Standing at the forefront were several members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. They were Gekko Moriah, Doflamingo, Hawkeye Mihawk, Empress Hancock, and Bartholomew Kuma wearing sunglasses.

Behind the Seven Warlords of the Sea were eight giant vice admirals, who faced the sea.

"What's going on? This suffocating feeling of oppression?"

A marine with sweat on his forehead turned around and found that it was the three admirals who were slowly walking up the steps behind the giant vice admiral. When the marines saw the three admirals appear, their emotions suddenly became high, and they cheered with their sabers in their hands.

""Hua La~Hua La~Hua La~"

The sound of slow footsteps and shackles attracted the attention of many navy officers. They looked towards the execution platform.

Fire Fist Ace was being held by two executioners and walking slowly towards them.

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