The navy, Whitebeard members, and the Seven Warlords all looked at Crocodile in disbelief.

"Is he crazy? How can he say such a thing?"

Ivankov looked at Crocodile in shock. The next second he saw the rune under Crocodile's feet.

" No...That thing seems to be a seal, and I have never seen the pattern before. Could it be a new move?"Ivankov's face changed from surprise to confusion.

"It's so scary~"

Kizaru looked at Crocodile, who opened his arms and enjoyed the attention, as if he was looking at a clown.


Akainu said disdainfully

"Kulala~ What a great statement~"

Instead of getting angry, Whitebeard laughed.

""Crocodile! Have you become stupid from being in prison?"

Zhan Guo shouted angrily on the execution platform. He could not participate in such an occasion. Zhan Guo was very unhappy that Crocodile used words to disrupt the situation.


Crocodile didn't care about what Zhan Guo said at all. Thinking that he only needed to make a seal and the thing would come out, Crocodile laughed wildly:"Hahahahahahaha!"~"

"why are you laughing?"

"Even with your current strength, you can't be a match for Dad. I advise you to give up this thought and run away as soon as possible. This kind of occasion is not for you to attend!"

Marco said with a cold face and kindly reminded him.

Crocodile looked at Marco and nodded,"That's right! With my current strength, I am indeed no match for Whitebeard!"

""It's good that you know!" Marco said.

Crocodile looked at the navy and said to himself:"Ever since I failed in challenging Whitebeard, in order to defeat Whitebeard, I have been searching the sea for something that can defeat Whitebeard for 25 years!"

"So that one day, Whitebeard can be killed!"

"I joined the Shichibukai and have been operating in Alabasta for many years, and finally I found that thing!"

Thinking back to his previous life, Crocodile sighed.

Sengoku thought about what the other party said, that he wanted to kill the three admirals and Whitebeard at the same time. Could it be that the source of the other party's confidence was what he called -thing?

Thinking of this, Sengoku asked into the loudspeaker:"What did you find?"


Crocodile smiled proudly and said:"I found Pluto!"


Sengoku's shocked voice came from the loudspeaker. The faces of the three admirals changed immediately. Kizaru looked at Crocodile with vigilance and looked around, trying to find where Pluto was, so that he could escape as soon as possible if he was attacked.

The navy below knew that Pluto was powerful and their legs trembled. That was a super battleship that could sink an island with one shot!

"You bastard~"

Zhan Guo said with an ugly face

""Kulalala~ That's amazing, you actually found that thing!"

Whitebeard praised with a smile, but he was not afraid.

Crocodile looked at Buggy who was trembling with fear and said,"I'll give you a task later. Help me grab the Camera Den Den Mushi and aim it at the thing I summoned!"

"Remember, if you want to leave alive, just do this!"

"I want the world to see how terrible I am!!"

After Crocodile finished speaking, he opened his arms.

Crocodile and Buggy's words were heard by the strong man with super observation Haki present.

"Is it that rune? And what about that person? Could it be that Ginny's summoning technique?"

Thinking of this, Sengoku's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted to the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi:"Quick! Kizaru, the other party wants to use the summoning technique to summon Hades, stop him!" Kizaru didn't dare to delay when he heard it. If the other party really let him summon it, the navy would be finished.

Crocodile, who was standing on the highest platform of the warship, also heard this and was shocked. Fearing that Kizaru would come to disrupt the situation, he immediately slapped his hands on the ground and shouted:"Summoning technique!"

The next moment.

The platform shook rapidly, the person on it disappeared, and a coffin rose from the platform.

Kizaru, who was using the eight-foot mirror to fly over with refraction, kicked the coffin with his right foot.

The next moment.

Kizaru felt like something was about to come out, and hurriedly dodged.


The coffin lid exploded instantly, and a large amount of white smoke spewed out.

"Hmm?" Crocodile behind the coffin was puzzled. Why did he summon a coffin?

Uchiha Madara in the coffin opened his eyes, and the system's prompt sounded:"Ding Congratulations on the host's successful resurrection. The system will give you a free appearance ceremony!’

"" Pada~"

Uchiha Madara put his right hand on the coffin and walked out slowly.

Whitebeard, who was closest to him, used his observation Haki to sense the vague figure in the smoke, his eyes widened, and he was shocked and said,"Could it be..."...."

"I have finally waited for this day!"

Uchiha Madara's voice was filled with emotion.


Slow footsteps sounded, and Uchiha walked out of the coffin.

"Who is it?"

Ivankov asked curiously.

The three admirals of the navy, as well as Sengoku, Garp and others stared at the smoke.


A breeze blew, the smoke dispersed, and Uchiha Madara appeared in front of the navy.

"that is!!!!"

When Karp saw the person who appeared, his face turned pale instantly.

"How is it possible!!!"

Zhan Guo on the execution platform exclaimed

"yes...It's you...!"

Ivankov's legs were shaking, and there was fear in his voice. Later, he learned about the battle from some important people. He was terrified when he thought of Ginny's betrayal.

"How could he appear here!!!"

Vice Admiral He was shocked.

"Kulalala~ I didn't expect you to be resurrected~"

Whitebeard said with a big laugh

"Dad, who is he?"

Yi Zang asked curiously.

"My former captain - Uchiha Madara!"

Whitebeard said seriously


The navy and Whitebeard members present were extremely shocked when they heard the name.

They were shocked that the other party was actually the captain of Whitebeard.

Everyone present looked at the black-haired man, who was crossing his arms and looking at the navy in front of him expressionlessly.

"That's the legendary pirate, huh? The one who once defeated Roger's pirate group and Garp?"

Kizaru had already flown back to his position, looking at the black-haired man in front of him in shock.

"Not only that, after Vice Admiral Garp was humiliated by the opponent, he came back and practiced Iron Fist for ten years, and once lived in the shadow of the opponent!"

Aokiji explained with cold sweat.

"Bastard! How could such a strong man be resurrected?"

Sakaski said angrily, very puzzled.

He had also heard of the other party's legend, which was very scary, even more terrifying than Whitebeard.

"Is this the legendary pirate? It's getting more and more interesting!"

Doflamingo grinned, hoping that the world would not be in chaos.

"I don't know who is stronger, him or Whitebeard!" Hawkeye's eyes were filled with a strong fighting spirit.

"Is this the strong man that Granny New was talking about? He is really domineering~" Hancock said with emotion

"Hehehe, it seems like Kaido used to be this guy's subordinate. If I collect his shadow and then deal with Kaido, Kaido will definitely be scared, hehehe!"

Gekko Moriah said excitedly.

Among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Bear's originally lifeless eyes suddenly moved, and he murmured,"I'm...I'm sorry! Jin...Ginny... regretted it!"

At this time, the camera was pointed at Uchiha Madara, and his appearance and heroic demeanor were presented to the audience.

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