"Little Ivan, I see you seem very scared. What is there for him to be afraid of?"

The naive Luffy asked in confusion.

"Hollow~ Hollow~ Hollow~"

The three brothers, Buggy, and Ivankov frantically winked at Luffy and made gestures to keep quiet, fearing that Luffy would say something bad and implicate them.

Jinbei even rushed to Luffy and covered his mouth. Uchiha Madara didn't even look at them, looking at the navy in front of him without saying a word.

At this time, Uchiha Ban didn't want to speak, but was confused by the system prompt.

‘Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the host for obtaining -10 redemption points for Hashirama cells!’

‘Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the host for getting 10 redemption points’

‘Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ninjutsu Wood Release: Tree World Advent -10 Exchange Points’

‘Ding! Sign in successfully......’

A large number of sign-in sounds appeared in Uchiha Ban's mind. Uchiha Ban glanced at the prompts on the system interface, one after another, and the exchange points directly increased tenfold, more than when he was alive. This made him understand that some kind of BUG should have been triggered after his death.


With his arms crossed, Uchiha Madara felt something on his chest, and a lot of memories came flooding back. It was the memory of Uchiha Madara fusing Hashirama's cells.

"This should be the face of Hashirama Senju. I didn't expect to get it in this way. It can be regarded as saving exchange points!"

Uchiha said with great satisfaction.

He glanced at the location of the exchange point, and the value on it soared to more than 138,730 points.

Uchiha Madara opened the mall without hesitation and clicked on the Samsara Eye to buy it, but at this time a prompt popped up from the Samsara Eye: 'Ding! Because the host has the Eternal Mangekyo, the host is now a body of the Impure World Reincarnation. After purchasing at the original price, the host will grow a pair of Samsara Eye out of thin air. If you buy at half price, the eyes deposited by the host will be automatically upgraded and can be used as long as you take them back!’

‘Ding! Buy at half price, in the Impure World state, you can also use the power of the Samsara Eye.

Uchiha Madara glanced at the big bear in the distance wearing sunglasses and looking at this side. Feeling that his eyes were still in the other's eyes, Uchiha Madara directly spent half the price of 20,000 to buy the power of the Samsara Eye.

The next moment, the bear in the Seven Warlords of the Sea felt a hint of warmth in his eyes, and the eyes under the sunglasses changed from scarlet eyes to circles of purple.

"Crocodile, you bastard, do you know what you have done?"

At this time, an angry voice came from the navy. It was Garp shouting through the loudspeaker.

"You see, Vice Admiral Garp seems to be very afraid of the other party. Is it my illusion?"

"Didn't Vice Admiral Garp defeat the other party? Why does it feel a little wrong?"

"Didn’t you see that the lieutenant general was sweating coldly?"

"Could it be that the other party could really scare Garp?"

In the navy crowd, a large number of navy officers began to discuss.

Crocodile was also confused. He summoned Pluto, but why did he summon the loser of the old era?

"I summoned Pluto, why you?"

Crocodile asked loudly in confusion.

He had finally enjoyed the attention of the crowd and was about to kill Whitebeard and his men, but now his hopes were dashed and he became a clown. With his intelligence, he could understand that he had been fooled. This was not summoning Pluto at all, but the"resurrection event" that had once caused a sensation on the sea.

But he was unwilling to accept it and wanted to ask what was going on.

""Where's White Zetsu?"

Uchiha Madara glanced at him and asked calmly. He did not attack Crocodile because of his tone, because the other party resurrected him.

Seeing that Uchiha Madara did not answer the question, Crocodile said angrily:"I want Pluto, why is it you? Tell me!"

"It seems that Ginny did not keep her promise. If it was you who resurrected me, it means that it was done by that guy. It seems that the guy’s plan did not go smoothly, and it took me so many years to resurrect!"

Uchiha Madara replied with emotion, which made Crocodile even more confused.

Gradually, Crocodile understood from the other party's words, and he said with an ugly face:"So that's how it is. The historical text does not record the summoning of Pluto at all, but a means to resurrect you!"

Crocodile seemed to have suffered some kind of blow, and lost his spirit. He stood there and laughed at himself:"I am so stupid that I actually believed that kind of nonsense! Haha~"

As soon as Crocodile said this, the strong men present also understood why Uchiha Madara appeared here. It should be the work of Uchiha Madara's subordinate White Zetsu. Crocodile was deceived.

"Kulalala~ Captain, you have a great plan, and this method is amazing~ I buried you myself, but I didn't expect you to be resurrected in this way!"

Whitebeard said with a big laugh.

"Newgate, there are 100,000 navy here, and those three newcomers, are they admirals?"

"The navy takes it so seriously, you are not a loser to me! It seems that you have grown a lot over the years!"

Uchiha Madara said lightly without turning his head.

Kizaru and Aokiji on the stage did not refute each other's words, because what the other party said was true, and in the eyes of the other party, they were newcomers.

Akainu clenched his fists, extremely angry at the arrogant words of the other party.

Whitebeard didn't mind Uchiha Madara's words at all, and said with emotion:"Because this is a war~"

After Whitebeard finished speaking, he added:"It's a war between our Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy. They captured my good son, and we have to rescue him!"

Ace on the execution platform heard Whitebeard's words and was moved and said:"Dad!"

The navy officers in the field could not imagine how strong Uchiha Madara was in the past. The opponent could actually say that Whitebeard had grown up and did not say it, and what shocked them even more was that Whitebeard did not refute it.

In the ranks of the vice admirals, Jesse's heart trembled. He was the one who knew this trick best, and knew clearly the current state of Uchiha Madara. He could not be killed, and even if he was beaten to pieces, he would recover quickly.

Because his parents were also alive through the Impure World Reincarnation.

Now he is struggling whether to say this trick or not. He has also studied the way to deal with this trick over the years, which is sealing.

Thinking that if the opponent is not eliminated, the opponent will definitely have a huge impact on the sea, for this reason, Jesse could not care so much. Even if he exposed his trump card and sealing technique, he had to do it.

Jesse secretly waved to the seven or eight vice admirals. After the few people gathered together and whispered a few words, they left here.

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