"Look, what is that?"

At this moment, a navy officer in charge of observation shouted while holding a telescope.

All the navy officers looked in the direction pointed by the officer and saw a violent wave crashing in from a distance.

The ground in the harbor was shaking violently.

"It's coming! The earthquake that guy just caused has turned into a tsunami and is coming!"

Karp shouted hurriedly

"It's a tsunami, it's huge!"

The sailors saw the tsunami coming from both sides of the harbor and shouted in horror.


Coby, Belumber, Iron Fist Finbudi, and Zangao looked at the huge waves that were more than a hundred meters on both sides, screaming in fear, and their legs were shaking.

Not only them, but even some lieutenant generals and brigadiers were also so scared that they stood there.

"I'm dying. I'm dying.~"

"It's over, we'll be drowned!"

Bucky and San Ge screamed.

"Dad, why is he so calm? Isn't he afraid? He is in the attack range of the huge wave!"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who was standing still with his arms crossed, looking ahead, Izo asked in confusion.

"Kulalala~ My dear son, a strong man like your dad doesn’t need to be afraid of this kind of move, let alone Captain Uchiha Madara who is stronger than me!"

"Just watch carefully!"

After Whitebeard finished speaking, he asked Uchiha Madara:"Captain, what do you think of my move? It's pretty good, right?"

""Not a bad move~ It's already half as powerful as my move!"

Uchiha Madara looked at the tsunami in the sky and nodded in praise.

What did Izo and the others hear? It's half as powerful?

"How is it possible!"

Vista was shocked. He obviously didn't believe Uchiha Madara's big talk.

"Kulala, my dear son, what the captain said is true!"

"I will always remember the move the captain made before he died. Just one move covered the huge island of God Valley. It is simply not something a human can perform!"

Whitebeard said seriously.

Some captains who didn't know about the war that year looked at the man who was not as tall as them in shock. It was hard for them to imagine where the energy in the other party's body was hidden.

On the navy side, the huge waves were about to hit.

Aokiji stretched his legs and jumped into the sky. He shot out two cold air with his hands, corresponding to the tsunamis on both sides.

At the moment when the cold air connected with the huge waves, Aokiji shouted:"Ice Age!~"


A series of freezing sounds were heard, and the tsunami that was coming was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into an ice sculpture standing in the air.

In the sky, Aokiji's cheeks and curly hair were covered with ice, and waves of cold air came out of him.

"It seems that there are also capable people in the navy!"

Uchiha Madara praised lightly

"I'm saved!"

Bellumebo's eyes were filled with tears, and he almost peed himself out of fear.

"It's Admiral Kuzan!"

Coby said excitedly.

Countless navy officers saw Haitsun frozen, wiped the cold sweat from their fear, and felt like they had walked through the gates of hell.

Aokiji in the sky didn't know what Uchiha Madara was going to do, so he didn't attack him. Instead, he gathered two ice spears with his hands and shouted at Whitebeard:"Ice""Two Thorns".

He wanted to boost morale in this way.

In an instant, two ice spears shot towards Whitebeard in the distance.

Seeing the attack coming, Whitebeard turned slightly, and at the same time, he gathered power in his right hand and smashed it towards Aokiji in the sky.


The air in front of Whitebeard shattered, and the two pieces of ice shattered along with Aokiji's body in the sky.


Aokiji sighed, turned into a pool of ice, and fell into the sea.

The moment Aokiji fell into the sea, a human-shaped ice sculpture with the appearance of Aokiji appeared on the sea surface, and then the sea water under the ice sculpture began to freeze and spread to the surroundings, with a continuous sound of freezing.

Luffy and others turned their heads and saw that not only the bottom of the warship they were riding on, but also the bottom of dozens of pirate ships in the distance were all frozen. The turbulent sea water disappeared, and was replaced by an ice battlefield where people could stand. The ice surface was endless and the range was extremely wide.

""Wow... so awesome!"

Luffy said in shock.

Seeing that Aokiji had actually set up a battle field, Sengoku on the execution platform regretted not telling Aokiji not to do this. Now he didn't know Uchiha Madara's attitude. If the other party joined forces, their headquarters would be finished.

In order to find out Uchiha Madara's plan, Sengoku directly shouted:"Uchiha Madara, since you are resurrected, get out of here quickly!"

As soon as these words came out, the navy present looked at Marshal Sengoku in disbelief. The other party could actually say such insulting words.

Suddenly, the morale that had been raised with great difficulty became low.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"Uchiha Madara asked coldly.

As soon as he said this, Zhan Guo's face became extremely ugly.

"" Kulala, Captain, you haven't changed~" Whitebeard laughed and sighed.

Marco's eyes swept back and forth between Sengoku and Garp. Thinking of what his father had told her, he wanted to confirm it and said directly:"Captain Uchiha Madara, I heard from my father that you once suppressed Roger's pirate group and the elite team led by Garp. Is that true?"

This was recorded by the live broadcast and spread to various sea areas.

In Windmill Village, Dadan looked at the question coming from the screen and said in shock:"It's hard to imagine. If it's true, then the opponent is too terrible!"

In Dadan's heart, what he feared most was Garp, even Roger couldn't compare to him.

Sabaody Archipelago

"Big news, it turns out that Garp and Roger were once crushed!"

"Hurry up and notify the headquarters, and prepare the materials immediately!"

The reporters kept filming the scene and shouted in shock.


Yamato kept struggling and yelled:"Let me go, I want to inherit the will of Master Ban,���Go follow him!"

"Master Yamato, he is Kaido's enemy, you can't say such things!"Quinn said with cold sweat.

"No, I'm going! The bastard Kaido didn't let me find Master Ban's body, and he sealed my chakra. I deserved death for not being able to revive Master Madara in time. Now you dare to stop me from following him. I will never coexist with you!"



The two of them felt tired when they saw the troubled Yamato.

Kaido was angry because the other party was clamoring to inherit the will of Mr. Ban. It was because of a ninja diary that Yamato became like this.


The two looked at each other helplessly and sighed."

Lead aside.

As soon as Marco's words came out, the battle results on the stage hurriedly shouted:"Quick! Turn off the live broadcast!"

Uchiha Madara certainly would not let the other party get what he wanted. Now he was finally resurrected, and he also gained so many new skills. He pretended to be confused and said,"What is that?"

While he was speaking, he lowered his head, not wanting those people to see that his eyes had changed, and launched the Wanxiang Tianyin move.

A lot of live broadcast equipment flew over


The navy guarding the equipment was shocked.


There was a sound, and the camera flew to Buggy's side. Uchiha Madara regained his Sharingan's gaze and glanced at the equipment, and whispered:"It turned out to be used for video recording. I was..."

Buggy thought of what Crocodile said, and hurriedly picked up the equipment, started the live broadcast, and pointed the camera at Uchiha Madara.

And Buggy also knew that if this legendary pirate made the other party happy because of his filming, maybe he would take him away from here safely in the end.

Uchiha slowly turned his head and said to Marco:"If you have to say it, it is indeed true."

Uchiha Madara finished speaking and corrected:"But I am not suppressing them!"

Upon hearing this, the navy breathed a sigh of relief. If this is true, it would be terrible.

Marco looked at Whitebeard with some confusion, with inquiry in his eyes.

Garp didn't expect Uchiha Madara to say such a thing, which was considered to save his face, but the next sentence made Garp's blood pressure soar.

Uchiha Madara said with a puzzled look:"I don't know where you heard this version"

"I was just teasing them, but I didn't expect that you would say it was me beating them up!"

"Do you think an adult would use all his strength to deal with two children?"

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