Uchiha Madara snorted coldly:"Humph~ You have learned a little bit and you dare to speak nonsense in front of me! Is it because of courage? Or is it because of ignorance?"

"This kind of thing is useless to me!"

Hearing what Uchiha Madara said, Jesse grinned and said,"You won't know if it works until you try it!"

Uchiha Madara was too lazy to explain to him, and looked at him and said,"Do you have any other ninjutsu skills? Use them and see?""

"If you please me, maybe I will let you go!"

"The seal is enough to deal with you!" Jesse said, and spread the seal scroll wider.

Uchiha Madara nodded and said,"In that case, you can die!"

As he spoke, Uchiha Madara pointed his right hand at Jesse, and the next second, the Wanxiang Tianji was activated.

""Rebuke" a sound came, Jesse holding the scroll's face changed wildly, his body flew over uncontrollably, and was about to fly in front of Uchiha. Seeing this, Garp shouted:"Don't even think about it!" Garp's fist blasted out from a long distance, and a long shock wave hit Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara had to give up the Tenjinin, activate the third stage of Susanoo, and bless Haki and Senjutsu Chakra


The shock wave hit Susanoo, but there was no crack at all. Garp was shocked. He could break some of it before, but now it's useless?

""Bang, bang, bang~"

There were bursts of explosions from Susanoo. It was the attack launched by Kizaru who appeared behind Uchiha Madara's Susanoo. He had just discovered Kizaru's sneak attack, so he used this trick.

Seeing that Susanoo was not damaged at all, Garp frowned and said,"No, the opponent's reaction is too fast. If you want to break his shell, you have to get close to him. If you are too far away, the power of your fist will dissipate."

"Vice Admiral Garp! If you want to seal the other party, you have to find a way to create opportunities for us!"Jesse said hurriedly

"You still want to seal me?"

"You don't have much time left, kid!"

Uchiha Madara said to Jesse in a deep voice.

"Let's go together!"

Garp said, and rushed towards Uchiha Madara first.

"Freezing moment!"

Aokiji in the distance pressed his hands to the ground, and a large amount of ice emerged from Susano's body.


In just one second, the Susanoo Titan was frozen.

Aokiji did this to restrict the Titan's movements and create an opportunity for Garp and his men to attack at close range.

"" Boom!"

The ice surface of Susanoo exploded, and Uchiha Madara's Susanoo held the chakra sword and slashed at the attacking Garp.

Garp gathered the armed color domineering in his right fist and shouted:"Iron Fist!"


The attacking sword suddenly broke, and the long shock wave hit Susano's body.

At this moment, Kizaru suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Madara, and the yellow light pierced Uchiha Madara's eyes. The next moment, Uchiha Madara saw Kaido and Akainu attacking from the left and right. At this time, Kaido had turned into a human-beast form, and thunder was jumping on his mace.

"Roaring Thunder Gossip"

"Big fire breath!"

The two of them used close combat moves instantly.


Susanoo collapsed instantly

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

At this moment, dense beams of light shot towards Uchiha Madara.

"Spicy Tiansai!"

"With a"repulse" sound, a huge repulsive barrier formed around Uchiha Madara.

Kizaru was instantly bounced out, and Akainu and Kaido's fists and maces hit the repulsive barrier.

This made Uchiha Madara inside stunned for a moment. Shinra Tensei didn't bounce them away.

The next second,

Uchiha Madara made a seal with one hand and whispered:"Water Style, Dam Water Repair!"

A huge water column spit out from his mouth, and a huge water column instantly pushed him into the sky.


The moment Shinra Tensei disappeared, a huge source of water swallowed them both. Their attacks hit the water source and an explosion occurred.

"With a"boom", the two's attacks exploded in the water.

Aokiji, who was about to attack, immediately used his ability to attack the huge water source. He was afraid that Akainu and the others would be restricted by the water source.


A freezing sound was heard, and the 200-meter-wide water area that had just been spit out froze instantly and spread to Uchiha's feet.

Uchiha jumped high, abandoned the water escape ninjutsu, and aimed his right hand at Kizaru who appeared above his head. The hungry ghost ability was activated, and a transparent white rain shield rose up. Kizaru's dense light balls were absorbed.

"Buddha's impact!"

Zhan Guo on the execution platform opposite seized the opportunity, transformed into a giant Buddha, and punched out

"With a"bang",

Uchiha Madara was hit into the ice by this attack.

"Yoshi, good opportunity!"

Jesse, who had been ready for a long time, shouted.

The five of them instantly formed a seal and a large number of runes quickly crawled along the ice to the Uchiha side.


With a loud noise, Kaido and Akainu jumped out of the giant ice block frozen by Aokiji.

Uchiha Madara, who had just emerged from the ice, was covered with a large number of runes. The next second, the scroll became longer and flew over, wrapping Uchiha Madara.


Seeing that Uchiha Madara was sealed, Jesse shouted excitedly.

Several vice admirals also looked at each other excitedly.

"Is it over?"

Karp looked at the figurine wrapped in cloth with some doubt and murmured.

"How is it possible!!!"

On the Whitebeard Pirates' ship, Izo was shocked.

"Did he fail? Dad!" Marco looked at Whitebeard with a questioning look in his eyes.


Whitebeard laughed and did not answer. How could Whitebeard believe that Uchiha Madara would be sealed?

"Such a terrifying existence actually failed?"

Brother 3 exclaimed

"How is it possible!"

Crocodile's eyes widened. He was willing to believe that the other party was over.

"Yosi, that’s great!"

���As expected, he is Lieutenant General Jesse!"

"I didn't expect that besides being proficient in ninjutsu, he also knew this kind of terrifying ninjutsu that could even deal with the undead!"

"I think Vice Admiral Jesse can be directly upgraded to the grand prize candidate!"

In the crowd of navy officers, the navy officers started to discuss excitedly, one after another, and the whole square was filled with their voices. On

Onigashima, in front of the screen.

Yamato saw Uchiha Madara being sealed, and shouted excitedly:"No, absolutely not, Lord Madara will not fail!"

"Damn navy!"

Quinn shook his head helplessly when he heard Yamato's remarks. Not only did he not cheer for his father's side when they won, but he also spoke for Uchiha Madara. If he were Kaido, he would have beaten her long ago.

Unlike Yamato, Jack saw that Kaido's side won and shouted excitedly:"Hahaha, the boss won!"

"I don't think it's that simple!"

Jin frowned, feeling something was wrong. How could a strong man like him be wrapped in a white cloth?

In the battlefield,

Kizaru stared at the white cloth cautiously. His thoughts were the same as Jin's.

"Did you really seal him?"

Kaido asked in a muffled voice.

"Of course, this is the sealing technique I have studied for thirty years!"

Jesse said proudly.


There was a sound of flesh piercing through the body, and Jesse's smile froze.


"How could it be!"

Garp and Sengoku exclaimed at the same time.

The generals and Kaido in the field widened their eyes, only to see a blue sword piercing through Jesse's body.

""Hua La La~"

The sound of the ice surface squirming was heard, and Uchiha Madara rose from below. He stood there with his whole skeleton, and Susanoo's arm was holding a chakra sword, and Jesse was strung on it. Uchiha

Madara said to Jesse strung in the sky in a low voice:"I told you, I don't have much time left for you!"

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