"Damn it!"

Jesse cursed with an ugly face, and then vomited a mouthful of blood.

"You are a rat who has only learned a little bit, and you actually want to seal me?"

"Humph, ridiculous!"

Uchiha Madara snorted disdainfully

"Uh uh uh ah~"

Jesse roared, grabbed the chakra sword with both hands and used the strength of his arms to push his body up into the air, and his body escaped the piercing of the blade.


After Jesse landed, Sengoku saw that Uchiha Madara did not chase him and hurriedly shouted:"Quick, medic!"

Jesse immediately raised his hand and made a gesture to stop him.

The two marines who ran over were stunned in place, looking at Jesse with some uncertainty.

"I'm already hopeless!"

Jesse said, forming a seal and slapping the ground. The scroll that had sealed Uchiha Madara before began to fade, revealing a wooden figure inside.

""It's true~"

Jesse sighed.

He had been attacked until now and couldn't figure out why he was attacked even though he had sealed Uchiha Madara. Now it seemed that the other party had used the Golden Cicada Escape Technique, which also proved that his seal was effective, otherwise the other party would not have used this clone technique.

If Uchiha Madara knew his thoughts, he would only sneer. As for saying that you think too much, he would not say that.

"How could it be wood?"

Kizaru asked puzzledly.

"It should be a method of splitting with wood attributes....."

As Jesse spoke, his hands glowed green, and he pressed them on his abdomen to heal himself. He still had things to do, and he didn't want to die like this.

Uchiha Madara saw him using the Palm Immortal Technique, and said in a low voice:"Death struggle!"

Jesse coughed and roared, shouting:"Ahem~ Admirals, the seal is useful!"

Hearing this, Akainu and his men launched an attack again. The five people of Ghost Spider pulled open the seal scroll, and kept practicing the way of making seals in their hearts.

Before, the time was too hasty, they only knew this move, but they were not good at it, and they were afraid that they would make mistakes if they were too nervous later.

As for Jesse, after getting up with difficulty, he walked towards Vice Admiral Crane.

Akainu in the field was the first to hold the magma fist, and Uchiha Madara jumped back, and at the same time in the air, he opened the third stage of Susanoo, and the Yasaka Magatama in his hand quickly took shape and threw it at the attacking Akainu.

Akainu saw the spinning attack coming, and punched out. The moment the two moves collided, there was an explosion, but there were also several Magatamas attacking behind Akainu, where Ghost Spider and his men were.

Seeing this, Aokiji pressed his hands on the ground, and a huge ice wall blocked Ghost Spider and the others. The energy hit it, and an explosion sounded.~

"Aokiji, you are responsible for protecting them and sealing them, nothing can happen to them!"

Zhan Guo on the execution platform shouted, if he hadn't been worried about Whitebeard coming to rescue them, he would have gone to help long ago.

"I know, Marshal!"


A powerful flame burst out from Kaido's mouth. Seeing that his opponent had turned into a giant, Kaido planned to fight in the form of a blue dragon.

In an instant, a large amount of flames engulfed Uchiha Madara, and a huge explosion occurred where Uchiha Madara was.

Kaido continued to spit fire, and Uchiha Madara's voice came from the flames:"Kid, this trick is useless to me!" In the flames, the chakra sword was struck out, and Kaido in the dragon form twitched his tail


With a loud bang, the tail and the chakra sword collided with each other.

Kaido's flames stopped, and his tail immediately rolled up, crawling backwards along the chakra general towards the sequel Nohu. Kaido used his huge body to wrap around Susano's arms, trying to restrain the giant.

Seeing this, Akainu instantly kicked the ground with his feet, and rushed to the center of Susano like a cannonball.

Suddenly, the Susano giant grew two more arms and a head.


Kaido was shocked for a moment and found that the opponent used two lightsabers to slash at Akainu in the air.

Seeing this, Akainu, who wanted to attack the giant, had to change his moves and hit the two swords with his fists.

The first sword was thrown, and with a"bang", Akainu had no place to gain leverage and was smashed into the ice like a stone.


The ice exploded, and Akainu, who was lying inside, just opened his eyes when another big sword attacked him. He quickly protected his head with both hands.


There was an explosion where the Chakara Great Sword had struck.

Suddenly, the Susanoo Giant staggered, and Uchiha Madara looked down. He didn't know when, Garp had actually emerged from the ice and was now holding onto the right toe of Susanoo.

"Get up!"

Garp roared, gathering his strength. Seeing this, Kaido, who had entangled the giant's two arms, immediately gave up and quickly slipped away. Garp, holding Susanoo's toes with both hands, turned his waist, then grabbed the giant and slammed it to the ground.


The ground suddenly cracked.

Susanoo was smashed to the ground by Garp's power.

Seeing that the giant was about to attack Garp with the big sword again, Aokiji in the distance activated his freezing ability again, and Susanoo, who was still attacking, was turned into an ice sculpture.

Garp jumped high, using his armed color domineering to the extreme, and shouted:"Fist bone collision!"


A huge impact came out from Garp's fist.

The Susanoo Titan collapsed instantly, and Uchiha Madara inside was a little shocked by the opponent's attack power.

At this time, his palm was facing Garp's vertical fist and he launched Shinra Tensei, and Garp also withstood the rebound force, and Shinra Tensei showed signs of collapse.

In order to avoid being hit by the opponent, Uchiha Madara abandoned Susanoo with a flash body technique.

At the same time as the bang sounded, Uchiha Madara noticed Kaido's huge tail coming from the side, and immediately clapped his hands:"Wood Release: Flower Tree Realm Advent!"

In an instant, a large number of vines suddenly sprang out from the ice and entangled Kaido in the form of a blue dragon.

"Huh? What the hell is this thing!"

Kaido was immediately tied up into a ball, and he was terrified.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

A large number of giant vines spread across the battlefield and quickly attacked Akainu who had crawled out of the ice without any damage. Akainu quickly launched an attack on the nearby vines.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

There was a sound of vines breaking through the air as they chased Kizaru. Kizaru was extremely fast and disappeared into the jungle in a few flashes.

But Garp was not as fast as Kizaru, because there were too many vines and he was instantly tangled up like a dumpling.

Aokiji held an ice knife and kept chopping down the violent trees, trying to relieve the pressure on Spider Demon and others behind him. Spider Demon and others held a scroll in one hand and used a slashing move with the other hand to hit the trees in groups.


's magma fist kept bombarding. Garp and Kaido, who were tied up like dumplings, broke free from the vines with force, but the next second, the vines attacked the two again.

In the distance.

The Whitebeard captains who were watching the battle were stunned. The opponent's moves directly changed the battlefield. It was simply terrible.

"It's too scary, it's like entering a primeval forest!"

The third brother said in shock.

As for Luffy who wanted to save Ace, he didn't dare to move forward. He estimated that he would die in this kind of battle.

Although he was dumb, he was not stupid. In addition, Jinbei next to him kept telling him that it was not the time yet, so Luffy didn't move.

On the side of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, seeing that the growing wood showed signs of growing towards them, several people hurriedly ran towards Whitebeard.

As for joining the war, don't joke. This kind of war is not something they can participate in, except for Hawkeye who was somewhat moved, people like Gekko Moriah were scared to death.

On the ice, the navy looked at the forest in front of them and were so shocked that they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Bartholomew Kuma stood at the edge of the woods, looking at the giant above, and said with difficulty in his heart:"You... your eyes... come... take them...I'm almost... losing consciousness... I can't... resist the order……"

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