"Is it never going to end?"

In the Flower Tree World, Garp bombarded one vine after another, and the vines were replenished. If he was not careful, the vines would even wrap around his feet.

Akainu had already elementalized in the Flower Tree World. A large number of trees were set on fire, and smoke rose.


Suddenly, Kizaru in the distance noticed that the red flower buds had actually bloomed, with pink pollen floating on them.

Kizaru took a rough look and saw more than a thousand of these blooming flowers.

Although Kizaru didn't know what it was, he always felt that there was something wrong with it, and hurriedly shouted:

"Be careful of the pollen!"

At this time, the violent trees stopped, and Garp, Akainu, Kaido, and several vice admirals in the jungle all looked at the blooming flowers.

Garp sniffed the fragrance around him and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"I'll add another spark to your fire!"

Uchiha Madara's voice came, and everyone turned their heads to see that Uchiha Madara had activated the giant form again and had already formed a mark.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation"

Uchiha���The moment the move was called out, Susano leaped back, and a huge flame spewed out from Uchiha Madara's mouth.

In an instant, the flame ignited the flower tree world below.

""Be careful, his flames are full of domineering power!"

Garp shouted directly.

At the same time, several people activated the armed color to protect their whole bodies.

"How is this possible?"

Ace, who was standing on the execution platform, was extremely shocked when he heard this.

""Not good~"

Suddenly, Ghost Spider shouted, and the people in the flames realized something was wrong.

"This pollen...It's...toxic, my body is paralyzed..."

After Ghost Spider finished speaking, the volcano behind him fell to the ground first.

Aokiji also felt a little uncomfortable. He knew that he couldn't let the other party continue to burn these flowers, otherwise the air would be full of poisonous gas.

""Freezing moment~"

Aokiji shouted.

A large amount of cold air sprayed, and trees were quickly frozen one after another. In an instant, an ice tree world took shape.


Aokiji took two breaths. When he froze just now, he felt a force blocking his move. For this, he consumed a lot of physical strength, but fortunately, it succeeded.

Uchiha Madara on the building above did not think that this move could knock them down. He used this move to test its power.

"As expected, the physiques of the pirates in the world of pirates are not ordinary. They only have some mild symptoms after inhaling so much pollen. If they were in the world of Naruto, like Ohnoki, they would not be able to get up at all!"

Uchiha Madara sighed in his heart.

Aokiji looked at several people and said seriously:"You have to be careful next, I'm going to help them!"

After that, Aokiji pressed his hands on the ground.

Uchiha Madara, who was standing on the building, controlled Susanoo to jump.

A huge ice hand emerged from the building and grabbed nothing.

Kaido's dragon head aimed at Tianlong and took a deep breath, and a swirling gust of wind went straight to the sky from his mouth.

The next second, Kaido closed his mouth, opened his mouth towards Susanoo, and a large number of wind blades spurted out of Kaido's mouth.


The giant swung the chakra sword, and one wind blade after another was knocked out, and the surrounding ice sculptures and trees made loud noises everywhere.

"What a boring move!"

Uchiha Madara said disdainfully while waving the chakra sword, and he decided to try other moves.

Then, Uchiha Madara did two things at once, letting Susanoo chop the wind blade while he clapped his hands and shouted in a low voice:"Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique!"


A dragon roared, and the ice surface where Kaido was suddenly exploded. A wooden dragon rushed out and bit Kaido's seven inches tightly. The wooden dragon quickly wrapped around Kaido.

The next moment, Kaido felt that the other party was actually absorbing his physical strength. Although it was very little, he also noticed it.

Kaido in the form of a blue dragon rolled in the sky for a few times, but he couldn't get rid of the restraint of the wooden dragon. Seeing this, Kaido immediately transformed into a human-beast form, got rid of the wooden dragon, and swung a mace at the wooden dragon.


The huge wooden dragon flew backwards, just flying towards Garp. The moment it landed, Garp grabbed the opponent's tail and did a 360° rotation, then smashed it towards Uchiha Madara. At the same time, Akainu shouted:"Hell Dog"

Akainu quickly stretched out his lava-like arms to attack the Susanoo Giant. This move not only had a very fast attack speed, but also had amazing power.

The wooden dragon, which was originally flying backwards, was controlled by Uchiha, and its tail pulled towards Akainu's move.

As a result, the wooden dragon's tail exploded instantly. He obviously underestimated Akainu's attack.

The long dog head passed through the wooden dragon and hit Susanoo. Susanoo suddenly had a crack on it. At the same time, Aokiji's five ice pillars attacked, and Uchiha Susanoo swung his sword. At the moment the ice pillars hit the slash, Aokiji increased the output of the fruit.


The giant's two swords froze instantly and connected to the icicle.

Aokiji immediately abandoned the icicle and started to shave. He dodged several times at an extremely fast speed and appeared in front of Susano on the icicle.

""Ice Gloves!"

Aokiji shouted.

Armament Haki and Ice Fist wrapped around his hand, and with just one strike, he launched an attack that was even more exaggerated than Garp's, and Susanoo exploded directly.

Uchiha Madara inside was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, Garp's fist hit again.

Uchiha Madara's Lightning Release Armor was activated, Armament Haki wrapped around his right hand, and he aimed at Garp's fist.


Black lightning flashed and jumped in the two's moves.

At the moment when the two were fighting, Kizaru appeared on the right side of Uchiha Madara's head.

Kizaru's black right foot kicked Uchiha Madara's head, and Kizaru's voice came at the same time:"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Uchiha Madara's head tilted, and Kizaru's heart skipped a beat, and he kicked in the air.

The next second, an arm grabbed his ankle, and Kizaru was so frightened that he wanted to turn into an element to escape.


A burst of thunder appeared at his feet. This was the Chidori Style launched by Uchiha Madara. Kizaru was electrocuted and his whole body was full of paralysis.

Uchiha Madara grabbed Kizaru's leg and smashed it hard against Aokiji.

Aokiji, who was about to continue attacking, immediately stopped and caught Kizaru.


A big foot kicked Kizaru, completing the pursuit.

Kizaru was kicked, and Aokiji, who was holding him, flew out with him.

""Go to hell, Uchiha Madara!"

A roar came from the sky, and Kaido jumped high with his mace, with a red light flashing on it.


Suddenly, the ground cracked, and a lava fist came out from it, piercing through Uchiha Madara's heart. Uchiha Madara made a seal with one hand and exchanged it with the wood ten meters away.

Kaido's attack came down, and Garp, who lost his target, dilated his pupils.


With a loud noise, the ice surface exploded.

In the distance, Akainu's hands were on the ice surface. His arms had become elemental, and there was a big hole in the ice surface right below his fists.

It was obvious that he had burned through the ice surface with magma, which spread along the ice layer to Uchiha Madara's feet and launched an attack.

"Damn, failed!"

Akainu looked at Onigumo and the others with some annoyance. They had such a good opportunity just now, but they didn't seal it.

After the explosion, Garp, Kaido, Aokiji, Kizaru and others looked at Uchiha Madara who was ten meters away at the same time.

The other party turned around slowly and praised in a low voice:"Beautiful dance!"

When Uchiha Madara turned around, everyone found that the other party's heart was recovering rapidly, and a human face appeared in front of them.

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