"But there's still a long way to go~"

Uchiha Madara added coldly

"That face...."

Everyone is wondering who is that person on Uchiha Madara's chest

""Compared with Hashirama Senju, your fighting power is nothing but trifles," Uchiha Madara said again.

Uchiha Madara's words made everyone present extremely confused. Who exactly is Hashirama Senju?

"Hey, you keep saying that we are not as good as the Senju Hashirama you mentioned, who is he?" Garp asked the question that everyone was wondering.

"Dad, do you know the Senju Hashirama he mentioned?"

On the Moby Dick ship, Marco asked curiously.

"I haven't heard of it either!"

Whitebeard replied, looking into the distance.

"Have you heard of Senju Hashirama?"

The navy kept asking, and every navy member who was asked shook his head.

"Senju Hashirama! The man known as the God of Ninja, the battle between me and him is a life-and-death battle..."

"It's not a joke like this!" Uchiha's voice became louder.

As soon as these words came out, they were so angry that their teeth itched.


"Stop looking down on others!"

Akainu and Kaido said angrily at the same time.

After hearing what Uchiha Madara said, everyone couldn't imagine how strong this man named Senju Hashirama was.

This was also what Uchiha Madara said deliberately to make up for his previous failure to pretend, but everyone present believed it.

In Pangu City.

The Five Elders had a solemn look on their faces. From what they heard from Uchiha Madara, it seemed that he had not used his full strength yet. They couldn't believe how strong the man named Senju Hashirama was.

"Have you heard of Senju Hashirama?"

Saint Satan turned to the other four and asked

"I haven't heard of it." Marcus Mazishen shook his head.

The other three also shook their heads.

"I will contact CP to find out right now. Someone as powerful as Uchiha Madara cannot live in this world!"

Satan Saint said, and called CP directly to ask them to investigate.

Uchiha Madara's words not only spread to the Holy Land, but also to people around the world who watched the live broadcast.

Reporters in the Sabaody Archipelago began to record, and they had already thought of the title, [Shock! The man who made Uchiha Madara feel difficult was actually him....】

On the battlefield of Marin, Uchiha Madara continued:"You can't use ninjutsu, your attacking moves are not as good as one finger of Hashirama, you are a weak fruit ability user!"

"The weak are ugly, and so are the weak fruit ability users!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice

""Stop talking nonsense!"

Garp shouted, unable to bear it any longer.

Akainu stepped forward and said coldly:"We are indeed not good at using ninjutsu!"

"The ninjutsu you mentioned is nothing special!"

"I'm not the weak person you say I am!"

"I don't just possess the power of fruit....."

At this point, Akainu's magma fruit gathered into a fist, which was covered with Armament Haki.

Akainu looked at Uchiha Madara and shouted,"With these Haki and magma, I can definitely seal you today!"

"Don't underestimate the admiral's fighting power!"Akainu shouted again, which also represented his awareness.

For a moment, the navy present were stunned. They were shocked by Akainu's speech.


Uchiha Madara sneered and asked doubtfully:"Do you think you can defeat me with this so-called willpower?"

"Power is not will, but a phenomenon caused by matter...."

Uchiha Madara hadn't finished speaking when Akainu interrupted him, saying,"Wrong! Your determination to destroy the pirates will inspire me and then show my strength!"

Uchiha Madara nodded and said,"In that case, let's dance and see, don't just talk big."

"I don't need to use my full strength to deal with you. You are not qualified to be recognized by me!"

Uchiha Madara said arrogantly. Even the good-tempered Aokiji was angry. The other party looked down on their title of admiral.

At the same time, in the area where the navy was located,

Jesse was lying on the ground. Two navy soldiers who were good at medical treatment were using palm magic to maintain Jesse's life.

"What I said...you..."Did you remember it?"

Jesse asked Lieutenant General He with difficulty.

Lieutenant General He nodded with red eyes.

""Send me over!"

Jesse said, and began to prepare hand seals.

Two marines wanted to carry Jesse to the battlefield, and Smoker next to them volunteered to come forward and said,"I'll do it!"

Smoker activated his smoke ability, and a large amount of smoke came out of his arm, forming a smoke cloud under Jesse's body, and dragged Jesse to the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Akainu, who was originally ready to attack, put down his arm when he saw Smoker bringing Jesse.

"Oh? You're pretty tenacious, you're not dead yet!"

Uchiha Madara saw the person coming and joked in a low voice

"Generals, just now his...I heard what he said, cough cough~"

Jesse spoke with difficulty, and before he finished speaking, he started coughing violently.

"The opponent didn't seem to be using all his strength. I was going to use that move....Help you guys..."

Jesse's words made Uchiha Madara curious, and he wondered in his heart:"What is it?"

After Jesse finished speaking, he formed seals with his hands. Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment. The seal formed by the other party turned out to be the Impure World Reincarnation?

""Immortal Reincarnation!"

Jesse's shout confirmed Uchiha Madara's guess.

After doing all this, Jesse fell to the ground.


There was a sound of ice crackling, and a coffin rose from below.

"He is..."Yellow Monkey was shocked


Uchiha Madara smiled and stared at the coffin with interest.

"Uchiha Madara, this is my last resort. I believe that with this man and the generals, I can definitely seal you!"

Jesse shouted


The lid of the coffin was gently pushed open, and a man who shocked Garp, Ace, Whitebeard, Buggy and others walked out.

Everyone watching the live broadcast held their breath, unable to believe what they saw.

"Alas, do I have to help you solve the enemy again? Can't you just let me rest in peace?"

A helpless voice sounded

"Say, if I help you this time, you have to let me go see Ace, otherwise I won’t help you!"

The next moment, the man who spoke saw Uchiha Madara, was stunned for a second, and his expression immediately became serious:"It's you!"

"Haha, what I didn't expect was that he summoned my former defeated opponent!"

Uchiha Madara said disdainfully.

The navy officers present were stunned. Unexpectedly, another strong man appeared.

"Roger! Is that you, Roger?"Cap shouted excitedly

"It's me, Karp, you're old!"

Roger greeted happily.

""Kulala~ Long time no see, Roger!"

In the distance, Whitebeard laughed and greeted.

"Ah? It's you, Newgate, you're old too!"


Buggy yelled.

Roger was stunned for a second when he saw Buggy dressed as a clown, and said,"Hey, it's you, Buggy!"

The escaped prisoners in Impel Down looked at Buggy in disbelief. The other party actually called Roger Captain?

"You are...."

Before Roger could finish his words, Zhan Guo interrupted and shouted excitedly:

"What are you doing Jesse, why did you summon this guy!"

"put...Don't worry!...Marshal..even if I die..after death, without my restraints..he...He won't...Won't do bad things..."

"I...I believe him!"

Jesse said, he looked at Roger and asked:"Roger! Help the Navy to eliminate him..."

After saying this, Jesse's eyelids became heavier, his breathing became more rapid, and gradually, his pupils dilated, and the brilliance in his eyes gradually faded, and everyone knew that he was dead.

Roger looked at Jesse lying dead on the ground and sighed helplessly."You guy, ah~"

Roger felt that the means of restricting himself were lifted, which meant that Jesse, who performed this trick, was really dead.

Then, Roger said sadly to Jesse's body:"We have been together for so many years, and I actually have recognized you. Besides the fact that I hate you for asking me to fight pirates, the most hateful thing about you is that you don't let me see my son!"

"but...I forgive you!"

"Alas, you are dead now, so I will help you fulfill your wish!"

After saying this, Roger looked at Uchiha Madara and said seriously:"Next, I will defeat you!"


Uchiha Madara asked with a puzzled look.

Uchiha Madara asked in a low voice:"Are you qualified to say that?"

"I've said before, in this world, the only one who can stop me is Hashirama, and you...Nothing special!"

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