"Hahaha~ You're still as arrogant as ever!"

Instead of getting angry, Roger burst into laughter.

"It seems like our status is the same. Who summoned you?"

"Also, Whitebeard is here, as are his sons. What are they doing?"

Roger seemed to have many questions to ask. Turning his head, he saw the young man on the execution platform staring at him.

Roger found that the other party's eyes were filled with hatred, and he asked in confusion:"That young man..."

At this time, Ace saw the bastard father and was so angry that he was shaking all over. He wanted to ask him why he gave birth to him. Just as he was about to ask, Garp below got there first.

"Roger! Here's what happened. A guy named Blackbeard captured Ace...."

As soon as Garp said this, Roger was stunned for a moment and repeated:"Ace?"

"Are you talking about my son?" Roger asked


Garp nodded.

Roger subconsciously looked towards the podium, wondering why he was looking at him with hatred.

Garp continued:"Your son Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates. After he was captured, our navy wanted to publicly execute him. As a result, you saw that the members of the Whitebeard Pirates came and they wanted to save Ace!"

""Garp, as a navy officer, why are you talking so much to a pirate?"

Akainu asked angrily.

He was also afraid that Roger would find out about his son's execution and join forces with Uchiha Madara, which would be dangerous.

Garp didn't care about Akainu's questioning and continued,"We originally thought that a war would break out, but who would have thought that Uchiha Madara, that bastard, would be summoned out by that kid over there." Roger followed Garp's gaze and saw a man smoking a cigar with a scar on his face.

"That brat let Uchiha Madara kill the three admirals of the navy, and now we are fighting Uchiha Madara!"

"The opponent is too difficult to deal with. It will be difficult to defeat him!"

After Garp finished speaking, he looked at Uchiha Madara who was silent on the opposite side.

Uchiha Madara felt that it didn't matter. One more person would not change anything. He took advantage of the time when the other party was talking to comprehend the new sign-in moves.

‘Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the host for getting Black Zetsu -10 redemption points’


After hearing the system's report, Uchiha Madara asked the system in his mind:"System, will this Black Zetsu steal me?"

Uchiha Madara, who had watched the anime, was a little resistant to this. He wanted to confirm it.

‘Ding! Black Zetsu's will has been tampered with by the system. He will be loyal to you like White Zetsu. Host, don't worry! '

The system explained

"Are you sure?"

Uchiha Madara asked the system again in his mind.

‘OK! '

After the system answered, it said: 'Don't worry, host. If I wanted to harm you, you would have died long ago. After all, as a Blue Star person, you should know the power of the system, right? '

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara nodded slightly.

After thinking about it, he let Black Zetsu out.

Roger, who was originally looking at Ace, turned his head suddenly and looked at the black thing.

Uchiha Madara ignored the other party, launched an illusion at Black Zetsu, explained the request to the other party, and asked the other party to do it.

A long time passed in the illusion world, but only one second passed in reality.

After the illusion was lifted, Black Zetsu said respectfully:"I know, Mr. Ban!"

The next second, White Zetsu slowly sank into the ice and disappeared in front of everyone.


Kizaru looked around, using his observation Haki to search for it.

Aokiji placed his hands on the ice, sensing it. The next second he found that the black thing seemed to have sunk into the water and escaped from the ice.

"Ai...Ace, have you been doing well these years?"

Roger looked at Ace with red eyes and said

"Who are you?"

Ace asked with a cold face.

"I am your father!"

Roger replied.

Ace originally wanted to distance himself from the other party in a cold manner, but when he heard that title, he became excited:"I don't have a father who is the Pirate King, my dad is Whitebeard!"

""Kulala la la la~"

Whitebeard laughed in the distance.

In the field, the marines stared with wide eyes. Ace actually didn't recognize Roger.

"My father is Whitebeard Newgate, a man who values love and cares about his son, and the strongest man in the world!"

""Not the scumbag Roger who killed his wife and abandoned his child!"

Ace said loudly.

Roger was silent. It was indeed his fault. He just wanted to leave a descendant.

As for Lu Jiu's matter, Roger already knew about it after he and Jesse made a deal.

"Hey, Roger, what exactly is ONE PIECE?"

"And where is he?"

Kaido asked directly.

All the jailbreak prisoners and pirates present pricked up their ears.

"Bastard! Don't say that!"

Zhan Guo shouted angrily


Roger smiled, looked at Kaido and said:"You need to find it yourself. I have an agreement with Jesse that it cannot be exposed. I'm sorry!"

Sengoku, Akainu and others breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

The pirates were extremely regretful.

Then, Roger looked at Sengoku on the platform and said:"If you let Ace go, I will help you deal with Uchiha Madara!"

"I don't need your help, and I won't accept your kindness, even if it means death!"

As he spoke, Ace stretched out his hand to grab his neck, wanting to end his life. Zhan Guo, who was standing by, was shocked:"What are you doing!"

Zhan Guo hurriedly pulled Ace's arm and pulled his arm away.

"My silly son, don't be impulsive. If you don't want Roger to save you, your father and brothers will save you!" Whitebeard shouted.

"Yes, Ace, don't do anything stupid, we are still waiting for you to come back and drink with us!"Yi Zang shouted


Ace looked at Whitebeard and his gang with tears in his eyes.

Roger would rather strangle his own child than���I don't even want to recognize him, I'm so sad.

Garp walked up to Roger, patted his shoulder and comforted him:"Take your time, there's no such thing as an overnight grudge between father and son."

Although the two were far apart, Ace heard it, and excitedly Ace shouted:"I will never forgive this man, even if I die!"

After saying this, Garp didn't know how to comfort him.

Roger gritted his teeth and looked at Uchiha Madara. He planned to deal with Uchiha Madara first, which was also Jesse's wish.

"Let me see how much you have improved over the years."

Uchiha Madara said to Roger in a low voice.

Roger slowly drew out his sword and pointed it at Uchiha Madara and said,"In the years since you died, I have not wasted a single moment."


Uchiha Madara showed interest, looked at the other party, and praised:"Good momentum, I hope you can please me!"

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard saw Roger drew his sword, and Uchiha Madara had no weapon, so he shouted to Marco behind him:"Give me the weapon!"

Marco respectfully handed over the weapon that had been prepared long ago, and Whitebeard took it in his hand.

"Captain Uchiha Madara, I give it back to you. This is yours!"

Whitebeard said, and threw it hard. The Uchiha Tuanyan Fan flew to the Uchiha class.

Uchiha Madara caught it in his hand, and waved to the people who came closer, and said excitedly:"Come on! Dance!"

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