
Red lightning danced on Roger's body. Roger slowly raised his right hand and grasped the hilt of the sword with a zizi sound.

Red domineering was entangled on it, and black domineering appeared, and the two forces intertwined.

Not only him, but also Kaido next to him. Kaido also used the domineering domineering. He didn't want to be outdone by Roger in front of the live broadcast. He wanted to be the next Pirate King.

The three admirals were ready to go, and even Garp was full of armed color.

""God avoid~"

Roger shouted, and the moment the sound fell, the slash had already cut Uchiha Madara's fan, the speed was amazing, and Roger's sword actually bypassed the slash and hit Uchiha Madara's heart.


Uchiha Madara's dark left hand launched a one-handed attack and collided with Roger's big sword Ace. The next moment, Uchiha Madara's fingers began to collapse.

This also surprised Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara swung his fan forward, launching Uchiha Madara's rebound, and threw Roger's slash towards the attacking Akainu.

Uchiha Madara���Seeing his fingers shattered, he temporarily avoided the sharp edge. He retracted his hand and moved his body to the side. At the same time, Roger stabbed the air and reacted to change his moves. He held the sword and wanted to cut off Uchiha Madara's head.


Uchiha Madara blocked it with his fan, and Roger's sharp sword Ace slashed it.


The fan made a huge explosion, and the ice under Uchiha Madara's feet burst instantly. Roger's strength was too great, and Uchiha Madara didn't last a second before he was blown away.

"With a"swoosh", Kizaru instantly appeared beside the flying Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara wanted to fight back with his fan, but just as he threw it, Kizaru disappeared. Uchiha Madara realized that he was deceived and immediately launched the Shinra Tensei. As Uchiha Madara flew backwards, with a"rebuke", Garp, who was attacking, was blown away in the air with his fist clenched.

Uchiha Madara blocked it with his fan to the side, and Kaido sent a shock wave.


Unable to gain leverage in the air, Uchiha Madara flew out again. Similarly, he waved his fan and launched the Uchiha Rebound, and the shock wave bounced back to Kaido.


Kaido's eyes widened when he saw his attack was countered.


At the same time as Kaido's place exploded, Akainu's fist gathered a magma fist bigger than a house and hit Uchiha Madara who was flying backwards.

Uchiha Madara immediately stretched out his restored left hand and activated the Hungry Ghost Path. Uchiha Madara who was flying backwards never thought that Akainu directly abandoned the magma fist and rushed out of the magma with a black fist in his hand.

Uchiha Madara hurriedly activated the third stage of Susanoo


Akainu punched Susanoo's frame, and Susanoo exploded instantly. At the moment when Akainu's fist was about to hit Uchiha Madara's body, Uchiha Madara launched the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"As soon as it landed with a"swoosh" sound

, Kizaru's golden right leg kicked Uchiha Madara's head. Uchiha Madara turned his head and reached out to grab Kizaru's leg.

Suddenly, Kizaru changed his moves and chopped down. Uchiha Madara blocked it with his fan.

"With a"bang", Kizaru's downward kick hit the fan.

Kizaru pushed hard and Uchiha Madara fell on the ice.

The moment he landed, an ice spike came from one meter away from Uchiha Madara, right at Uchiha Madara's chest.


At the same time, Uchiha Madara's feet were frozen by the ice.

Uchiha Madara pointed his finger at the ice spike.

At this moment, Aokiji actually emerged half of his body from the ice spike. The opponent's left hand pressed against Uchiha Madara's finger, and his right fist hit Uchiha Madara's chest.

"" Bang!"

A sound was heard, and Aokiji's fist pierced Uchiha Madara's chest.

Aokiji did not give Uchiha Madara time to move, and immediately shouted:"Freezing moment!"


Uchiha Madara was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Vice Admiral Ghost Spider in the distance immediately activated the seal, and black runes crawled all over the ice sculpture. Aokiji felt unsafe and activated the power of ice again. The ice sculpture became much thicker.

""Keep using the seal. I will control the ice to melt, and you guys tighten the runes!"

Aokiji shouted, and Fire Mountain used the seal. A large number of runes crawled all over the ice sculpture that trapped Uchiha Madara.

Then, Aokiji felt that it was still not safe, so he added another layer of ice. A square ice cube the size of a house was formed. The other three lieutenants used the seal again, and the dark runes wrapped around the ice.


Seeing that the movement inside stopped, Aokiji exhaled a breath of cold air and was relieved at the same time.

He had just used the elemental transformation to cover the sneak attack with ice, but he didn't expect it to be successful.


The sailors shouted excitedly when they saw that there was no movement in the ice.

"How is it possible!!!"

Whitebeard was stunned. He didn't believe that Uchiha Madara, who had such a strong fighting consciousness, could not dodge.

"This is too scary, three admirals, a navy hero, a Four Emperors, and a Pirate King have joined forces!"

Marco said with a cold sweat.

"Are these the men who stand at the top of the world? Even Uchiha Madara is no match for them!"

Jinbei said in shock.

Vice Admiral Tsuru looked at the ice ball. He was not far from Crocodile at this time. He originally planned to find a chance to contact him, but now that Uchiha Madara was sealed, there was no need to go.

"How is it possible! He just lost like that?"

Crocodile didn't want to believe that Uchiha Madara, who was so arrogant just now, had such an ending.

Akainu, Garp, and Roger came over, and Kaido stood on one side.

"This guy was too arrogant when he was defeated. If I were him, I would use those fire ninjutsu to attack from a distance, so that I could at least hold on for a while longer!"

Roger came over and commented on the ice sculpture.

Suddenly, Roger noticed Garp's expression and asked curiously:"Garp, why are you frowning?"

"I always feel that the seal is too simple!"

"Don't think too much, we have succeeded now!" Roger comforted

"Humph, I thought you were so powerful, but you are just like this!"

Akainu came over and said disdainfully.

Roger smiled and said,"Of course, you are men who bear the title of admiral. Together with Kaido, Garp and me, with this kind of fighting power, it is not unfair for Uchiha Madara to lose."

At this moment, a deep voice came into the ears of several people.

"As expected of someone who bears the title of Admiral and Pirate King.~"

"Then I, Uchiha Madara, will be a little more serious!"

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