
Roger, Akainu, Garp, Sengoku, and everyone present looked at the location of the ice.


The ice surface exploded, and Roger and his men immediately used their arms to protect their faces. A huge monster rose from the ground. Several people who were standing close were blown away by the sudden giant.

All the navy and pirates present looked at where Uchiha Madara was.

They saw the other party's hair flying, stretching out in a giant.

Uchiha Madara's fourth stage of Susanoo took shape instantly.

"No matter if it's the three admirals or the Pirate King, all efforts will be in vain!"

Uchiha Madara's low voice came.

Roger, Garp, Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru stood together, staring at the front.

"good...It's so big!"

Kizaru sweatdropped

"Damn it! It's even bigger than before!"

Akainu said angrily.

"It’s almost a hundred meters away!"

Aokiji said solemnly.


In the pirate area, Crocodile saw Uchiha Madara showing his power again and laughed triumphantly.

"Dad, what a huge giant!"

Izo was shocked

"Still far from it, this is not his largest form!" Whitebeard said with a smile

"What? It can be even bigger?"

Izo was extremely shocked.

As soon as he finished speaking, the domineering voice of Uchiha Madara came from a distance:"With my complete form of Susanoo!"

Kizaru and others had never seen the other party's true form, and thought that was it. Who would have thought that Uchiha Madara's low voice came:"It's not over yet!" Uchiha Madara clenched his fist, and the fourth form of Susanoo began to change its form. Armor covered the back of Susanoo, and two wings with armor grew out. The height of Susanoo quickly reached more than two hundred meters.

A giant warrior with blue light stood opposite Roger and others.

The giant held two samurai swords in both hands. Uchiha Madara stood in the prism on the giant's head, looking at the people below with indifference.

Roger looked at the giant with cold sweat. Roger found that the giant at this time was different from before. In addition to the domineering aura, there was another kind of energy.

"good....It’s so big!"

Aokiji was shocked.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding me? Did Vice Admiral Garp and Roger fight against this kind of giant before?"

Kizaru asked Garp and Roger with fear on his face.

"Although it is a bit embarrassing, I have to say that I couldn't even break the giant's feet, and was humiliated by him stepping on me in a hole."Garp said with an ugly face.

When Garp said this, the hearts of the navy in the distance sank.

It was hard for them to imagine how fierce the battle was.

"How is it possible!!!!"

On the pirate side, Buggy saw that his captain actually showed a solemn expression and screamed,"That's the Pirate King!"

"Fufufu~ This battle is really eye-opening. To be able to make the immortal Pirate King show such an expression, it seems that this giant warrior is ridiculously strong!"

Doflamingo said excitedly.

Gekko Moriah looked at Kaido, and seeing that the other party was hesitant, Gekko Moriah estimated that Kaido was afraid. He couldn't believe that just a giant made Kaido dare not move forward. What kind of power is this?

Whitebeard saw this move again and laughed excitedly:"Kulalalala~"

His crew members were all stunned. Except for Whitebeard's laughter, no one made a sound.

"This guy!!!"

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo's forehead was sweating, and he gritted his teeth and said

"Is the gap really that big? How did you defeat the opponent in the first place?"

Akainu glared angrily

"I told you, the only one who can stop me is Hashirama!"

"But he is gone!"

Uchiha Madara's low voice came from above.

As Uchiha Madara said this, the chakra sword in his right hand disappeared, and he slowly raised his left hand and held the hilt of the sword in his left hand with his right hand.


At this point, Uchiha Madara drew his sword and slashed.

The five people on the opposite side, including Kaido on the side, glared, and several people quickly used weapons or arms to protect their vital parts.

In an instant, an orange light slashed at the six people, and the six figures flew backwards, and the ice surface they flew backwards exploded instantly.


A huge explosion sounded, and the buildings of Marinford disappeared instantly, along with the mountain behind the headquarters. A few kilometers away, there was a huge explosion on the sea.

The navy and pirates present looked at the place a few kilometers away in disbelief, unable to come back to their senses for a long time.

The audience watching the live broadcast was even more stunned.

At the many disappeared buildings in Marin, six people stood there. Except for their dirty clothes, they had no scars.

In the Susanoo, Uchiha Madara folded his hands on his chest and said in a low voice:"If it were just me, the scope of the rewritten map would not be so large!"

"How terrible! Not only did they destroy the headquarters with just one strike, they also destroyed the back mountain!"

Kizaru said cautiously while looking down at his feet with cold sweat.

"this...Is this the strong man from the old times?"

Marco looked at the giant with fear in his heart. He often heard his father talk about the power of Uchiha Madara, but he didn't expect him to be so terrible.

"good...Awesome! I want to develop this kind of giant in the future!"

After being shocked, Luffy said with determination. He thought it was so cool.

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Uchiha Madara finished speaking, looked at the few people, and changed the subject and asked:"Are you done with the fun?"

Hearing what the other party said, Akainu clenched his fists tightly, and Garp's face was extremely angry.

His group of people attacked together, but in the eyes of the other party, they were just playing?

"You bastard!"

Karp yelled angrily

"To deal with this kind of thing, you have to get close."

While Roger was speaking, he took a step forward and stood in front of everyone. As soon as Roger finished speaking, he raised his sword high, and his domineering aura soared into the sky.


Uchiha Madara snorted in the distance and swung his giant chakra sword towards Roger.

"So fast!"

Roger was surprised and quickly swung his knife to hit the giant sword.


The two attacks collided, and the powerful air wave immediately blew away several people nearby. There was an instant explosion under Roger's feet.

Aokiji, who landed in the distance, hurriedly pressed his hands on the ground to reinforce the place where Roger was.

Uchiha Madara clenched his right hand, and a chakra sword appeared instantly, sweeping towards Roger below.

Seeing that the other party was about to attack Roger, Garp launched a shave and instantly appeared in front of the chakra sword. He used the armed color domineering with both hands to the extreme, and Garp used his fists to resist the sweeping blade.

Garp only felt a strong force coming, his feet kept sliding back on the ground, and the ground exploded wherever Garp passed.

Akainu shouted, and countless magma fists shot into the sky

"Meteor Volcano!!!"

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