"Hmph! Have you forgotten that chakra can walk on water?"

Seeing Aokiji so surprised, Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and snorted coldly.

This method was also just thought of by Aokiji. He also said that if the ice surface was melted, the giant would fall down. Unexpectedly, it was useless.

Then, Aokiji froze the sea again and reinforced it.

"I will help you hold back two more in a moment. If you can run, try to run to Whitebeard's side!"

Laqi Lu said solemnly, threw the chicken leg in his mouth, and rushed towards the giant in front.

With his move, the battle started instantly.

On the other side, the prison escapee in Push City

"Damn it~"

Buggy clenched his hands, cursed in his heart as he looked at the giants.

Then he looked at Shanks who was fighting desperately, and prayed in his heart:"Shanks, please don't die!"

"Alas, except for Beckman, all the other red-haired members are in danger this time."

On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard sighed when he saw the red-haired members being beaten by the giants.

"Let me go, Ace! I want to help Shanks!"

Luffy struggled and shouted. Just now, Luffy saw Uncle Snake was seriously injured and wanted to help, but was stopped by Marco.

"Luffy! This is no ordinary war!"

"Even I am not qualified to participate, Luffy, please stop making trouble!"

Ace was afraid that Luffy would do something stupid, so he spoke in a much heavier tone.

"I don't care, Shanks' crew is in danger, I want to help!" Luffy shouted sadly

"Kid! This is their own choice, so they should risk their lives!"

"Besides, what can a little kid like you do?"

"This war is decided by strength!"

Whitebeard said kindly because of Ace's brother.

"Yes, little Luffy, you have to listen to your brother and be an obedient boy~" Ivankov advised


Another scream, the members of Whitebeard's ship all looked over.

They saw Rem Jones lying on the ice, with a big sword piercing his chest.

Rem Jones was nailed to the ice.


Roaring Gabu shouted in despair. He was careless and the two swords attacked him from the front and back.


A sound of flesh being torn apart was heard, and Roaring Gabu's body split into two and fell to the ground.

There was despair in Gabu's eyes. Before he died, he emitted a beam of energy from his mouth and hit the monkey that was about to be attacked by the sword.

The monkey staggered, and the chakra sword slashed the ground from behind his fur.


Benke Binzhi and Mengshida cried out with tears in their eyes when they saw that Gabu was still thinking about helping the members before he died.

Jesus Bu and Laqi Lu were fighting against a large number of giants. They didn't even have time to feel sad about the death of their companions. Except for Beckman, the two were the strongest in the team. In order to keep the other members alive, they shared a large number of giants, but they had no way to deal with these giants. Their attacks were not good and they couldn't break them. Only Laqi Lu could create cracks, but they were quickly repaired.

"Bastard, bastard~ bastard!"

Shanks cursed with fire in his eyes when he saw the crew members dying one after another, and pushed the Conqueror's Haki to the extreme. Although he had dealt with seven or eight of them, Uchiha Madara seemed to not give the other party a chance to rescue, and let another Susano join his battlefield.

Shanks kept 15 here.

Beckman, who was not far from Shanks, broke two of them. He wanted to help, but the giant did not give him a chance. The slashing moves were very violent. If you were not careful, you would be in danger of being hit.

In the field, Crocodile even made a sand pillar in order to see the battle caused by him more clearly, and he was standing on it alone, looking ahead with a smile on his face.


At this moment, Vice Admiral Tsuru and several lieutenant generals walked up to the pillar and raised their heads and shouted.

Crocodile was upset that his interest in watching the show was interrupted. He looked down

"I have something to tell you."

Lieutenant General Crane said.

Crocodile looked at the lieutenant generals around him, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

"We seem to be in a hostile relationship now, and we have nothing to say!" Crocodile refused to talk.

"You can see that Uchiha Madara is so powerful. If he continues to attack our navy, our navy will suffer heavy losses....."

Before Admiral Tsuru finished speaking, Crocodile interrupted him and said,"What does this have to do with me?"

When Admiral Tsuru came over, he had already thought of what to say and said directly,"Let's make a deal!"

Crocodile looked at the other party, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"You control Uchiha Madara and let him kill Kaido, then Red Hair and White Beard, we will recognize you as the new Pirate King, how about that?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru tempted with the identity of the Pirate King

"Although your move really makes me excited, I have no ability to control the other party at all!"

Crocodile said helplessly

"Didn't you see it just now? The other party almost attacked me!" Crocodile added

"I have a way to make him listen to you, but you have to promise me that you will do what I say!" Vice Admiral Tsuru said directly.

Upon hearing this, Crocodile asked excitedly:"What method? Tell me quickly!"

In Crocodile's view, Uchiha Madara is stronger than Pluto. If he can be controlled, even if the navy does not recognize him, he can become the Pirate King himself.

""Follow me!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru called out.

Seeing Crocodile standing there unmoved, Vice Admiral Tsuru explained:"If Uchiha Madara knew that you had the means to remove it, he would definitely kill you first. You don't want to die, do you?"

"If you want him to listen to you, come with us to a place where there is no one. I will teach you how to remove the mark of turning around. Once you learn it, you can remotely control him to do something, and he dare not disobey you."

""If you cancel the Impure World Transformation, your soul will ascend to heaven, do you understand?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru explained.

Hearing this, Crocodile frowned and thought, while Vice Admiral Tsuru looked at him quietly.

Crocodile glanced at Uchiha Madara, who was holding his arms across his chest and was very arrogant, and said fiercely in his heart:"We must learn this method of restricting the opponent!"

Then, he looked at Vice Admiral Tsuru and said:"Okay!"

Soon, except for a navy who stayed behind, the group quickly went to a remote place.

In order to have the means to threaten Uchiha Madara as soon as possible, Crocodile used sand to delay these people on their way.

Crocodile also planned to run away directly when he learned it, and as for cooperating with the opponent, that was definitely impossible.

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