At the same time, in Pangu City, the Five Elders received a call from their subordinates.

"How is it?" Saint Sadan asked curiously.

"Vice Admiral Tsuru has already convinced Crocodile, and the place he is heading to is exactly where you told him to go!"The Navy reported in the Den Den Mushi

"Very good, you continue to keep an eye on the battlefield, and convey any intelligence that the camera Den Den Mushi fails to capture in a timely manner!"

""Yes!" the navy said and hung up the phone.

Saint Satan took back the Den Den Mushi, looked at the few people and cursed:"That damn Jesse, he didn't tell us that he had such a move, what's the point of leaving behind a move to release the seal!"

"This bastard!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Although it is a pity, as long as we control Uchiha Madara, we can get it out!"Izambaron·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng said lightly

"That's right, once we subdue Crocodile, we can use the seal to threaten Uchiha Madara and ask him to do things for us. He won't disobey us. After all, this man has been planning for so long to be resurrected, he definitely doesn't want to die!"

Shepard ten Peter Saint agreed.

"As long as we know the trick of Impure World Reincarnation, we can kill and control any disobedient admirals in the future and use them for our own purposes!" said Marcus Maz Saint.

Several people nodded in agreement.

"Then let's get ready and go!"

Satan said.

Several people immediately stood up and walked to the side, where a strange magic circle was placed.

There was a black outer circle on the circular magic circle, and there were many letters near the outer circle. There was a huge five-pointed star in the middle, and there were five numbers around the five-pointed star, which was a lowercase 5.

The five Five Elders stood in their respective areas, with a number 5 under their feet.

The next second, the formation began to rotate, and the black flame cloud energy gathered on it.

With a bang, the black beam of light reached the sky, and the five Five Elders were in it. Then the black energy refracted and shot towards the direction of Marinford.

A few seconds later.

With a bang. A loud noise came from the deck of a warship that had already docked at the edge of the ice.

The Five Elders appeared on the deck.

Then, several people waited quietly for Crocodile's arrival.

On the other side.

The battle on the ice of Marinford continued, and another member of the Red Hair Pirates fell to the ground.

""Laki Lu" the red-haired man screamed heartbreakingly

"" Boom!"

The Susanoo Titan didn't give Red Hair time to be sad, and chopped at Red Hair's head.

Luffy saw that people he knew died one after another, and he was unable to help, so he hurriedly shouted:"Grandpa, go help!"

Luffy's desperate shout resounded throughout the square.

When Garp heard that it was his grandson's call, he turned around and shouted:"What nonsense are you talking about? I can't handle it, how can I have the time!" Garp was distracted and was chopped a hundred meters away by a sword. Seven or eight giants jumped towards Garp, trying to chase him in the air.


Sengoku reminded loudly.

Aokiji hurriedly pressed his hands, and an ice wall suddenly rose up. The giant waved his sword, and the ice wall collapsed.

""Sengoku, go help my crew!"

Shanks didn't want any more crew members to die, so he shouted at Sengoku with a disdain.

Sengoku, who had distanced himself from the besieging giants, glanced at Jesus Bu and Mengshida who were in danger. As for the monkey, it looked even more dead than Lachi Lu.

Sengoku shouted to Aokiji helplessly,"I'll go over and help first!"

He has to help. Now Red Hair is helping them deal with Uchiha Madara. If he doesn't help his team, it's not impossible for Red Hair to leave. Sengoku doesn't dare to gamble. Sengoku, with his upper body naked, activated the Six Styles - Ladder and rushed towards the thirty giants over there at a very fast speed.

After some members of the Red Hair Pirates died, Uchiha Madara let the extra Susanoo deal with Roger and the others. Now there are only thirty left to beat up the two.

A shock wave was shot out from Sengoku's fist, and the giant of hundreds of meters staggered, saving Jesus Bu who was going to resist.

Then, Sengoku rushed into the giant at an extremely fast speed, with the domineering aura wrapped around his arm, and the attacking sword blade hit his fist and shattered instantly.


A shock wave came from the side, Zhan Guo crossed his hands to protect his head


Sengoku's body crashed into a giant.

The Susanoo giant slashed at Sengoku on the giant with his sword.

Sengoku slammed his feet and hit the downward blade like a cannonball, shouting:"Damn Kaido!"

The shock wave just now was when Kaido attacked Susanoo and Susanoo dodged.

Kaido did not respond and continued to fight Susanoo with his mace. Because there were too many people, even Kaido, who was one of the Four Emperors, did not dare to be distracted. If he was not careful, he would be hit in the ice, and then he would be greeted by dense slashes. Although he could not be hurt, it was really painful.


With a loud noise, Uchiha Madara looked at Sengoku. The opponent attacked at close range and blew up the right leg of Susano. Then Sengoku's fruit opened, his whole body was golden, and his body quickly rose to 20 to 30 meters.

"It appears, the Marshal's ability!"

The Marines shouted excitedly when they saw the Marshal display his ability.

"This is the first time I've seen the Human-Human Fruit Mythical Beast Species - Great Buddha Form!"

After the Navy finished speaking, Sengoku punched the huge Susanoo, and Susanoo shattered again.

"What a strong attack power!"

Izo said in shock on the Moby Dick.

"Kulala~ Of course, the opponent is my old rival!"Whitebeard said with a smile

"I didn't expect that he was on the same level as the admiral!"

The third brother hiding on Whitebeard's ship said in shock.

"Marshal Sengoku was a navy admiral before. How could he become a marshal without some strength?"Jinbei said

"Uchiha Madara! Your clones are useless to me!"

After defeating another Susanoo Titan, Sengoku shouted at Uchiha Madara who was watching the show with his arms crossed. He wanted to use this method to boost morale.


Uchiha Madara pretended to be puzzled.

""Put away your moves, they are useless!"

Sengoku shouted again.

Uchiha Madara stopped controlling Sengoku's Susanoo, and with a"whoosh", Uchiha Madara came to a place ten meters away from Sengoku.

Without the giant's attack, Jesus, Benke Punch, and Mengshida were able to catch their breath. Their faces were covered with sweat, and they were obviously exhausted.

"I'm just playing around!"

"Since you said so, forget it!"

Uchiha Madara said lightly

"I am the Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Beast, Great Buddha Form. Although your giant is huge, it is of no use to me!"

Sengoku said to Uchiha Madara, and even reported the name of his own fruit.

Uchiha Madara was speechless. Why do these people always like to report their trump cards to each other.

Although Uchiha Madara was speechless, his expression remained unchanged.

A second later, Uchiha Madara pretended to be puzzled and said:"Great Buddha?"

"That's right!" Zhan Guo said seriously.


Uchiha Madara sneered and said:"Speaking of the Great Buddha, you are not even one-tenth as good as Hashirama!"

Then, Sengoku saw Uchiha Madara's expression change, and he looked serious. Uchiha Madara's voice came again:"Let me tell you, what is the Great Buddha!"

"With a"snap", Uchiha Madara clapped his hands and shouted in a low voice:"Senjutsu·Wood Release·Top Buddha!"

As Uchiha Madara's voice fell, the ice surface vibrated violently in an instant, and the large number of Susanoo that had been attacking also stopped attacking.

"What happened? Is there an earthquake?"

In the navy, the sailors shouted in panic.


Everyone looked at Uchiha Madara, only to see his figure quickly rising. They looked at Uchiha Madara's feet, and a huge Buddha head appeared.

This was not the end, and then the Buddha's body appeared, followed by the Buddha's hands, and then the body.

Everyone stared at the behemoth that was five times taller than the Susanoo Titan with wide eyes, and was so shocked that they couldn't speak.

On the Buddha's head, Uchiha Madara shouted in a low voice:"Warring States! This is the Great Buddha!"

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