"You're quite capable!"

Uchiha Madara had already come out of the barrier and praised Kizaru in front of him.

"Damn it!"

To Kizaru, these words sounded like mockery.

Just now, Kizaru took advantage of the moment when Uchiha Madara looked towards the sandworm and attacked. He wanted to bring out Akainu.

Kizaru first appeared behind Uchiha in an instant, and then activated the refraction. Four balls of light appeared. He wanted to use this method to confuse Uchiha Madara. As a result, he underestimated Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye and Sage Mode. Uchiha Madara immediately found Kizaru's body and punched Kizaru in the stomach, almost knocking out Kizaru's overnight meal.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, refracted to Akainu, and disappeared into the barrier with Akainu.

"You should be thankful that I didn't use the power of the Six Paths just now!"

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and said calmly.


Suddenly, a scream came from underground. The strong men present were all sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, and their attainments in Observation Haki were not low. They all heard the scream.

At this time, White Zetsu emerged from the ground wrapped in a camera, and said in a hoarse voice:"Lord Madara! That big guy actually wanted to use his body to knock away the barrier!"


Uchiha Madara found it a little funny, and after laughing he replied:"You're asking for trouble!"

"This is what the big guy spit out under the ice after swallowing it, and I picked it up!"

While talking, Bai Zetsu placed the equipment on the ice, and then she inserted her hands into the ice and activated her ability. In a few seconds, the third brother who was responsible for filming the man and the auxiliary filming were wrapped by the pitcher plant of Hei Zetsu and brought to the ice.

Then, Hei Zetsu used the treatment method to treat the two.

Soon, the two woke up and looked at the black figure in front of them, which scared them.

"Don't worry, just keep filming!"

Black Zetsu said hoarsely.

"yes...yes...!"The pirate in charge of filming picked up the camera Den Den Mushi tremblingly. After checking it, he found that there was no problem and continued to point the camera at Uchiha Madara.

Brother 3 looked at the black man in front of him with fear. He understood that it was the other party who saved him just now.

The moment he was swallowed into the stomach, Brother 3 felt a severe dizziness in his head. He suspected that it was the Conqueror's Haki, and the place where they were was pitch black, and then he knew nothing.

Fortunately, Brother 3, who was lucky to have caught up with a big shot, cheered up, used a candlestick to raise the person in charge of filming, and then concentrated on assisting.

As the live broadcast started again, the audience who were watching the live broadcast and looking forward to it there said excitedly:"There is a picture!"

At the same time.

Under the ice layer, in a circular passage.

Shepard ten Peter Saint was ten meters away from the flame array. His body shook and squirmed. The place that was originally burned made a few sizzling sounds and quickly recovered.

"Damn it! What on earth is this thing? It's so powerful!"

Shepard ten Peter Saint said with an ugly face. He just used his healing ability to consume a certain amount of life, which made him very distressed.

This overbearing flame made him dare not attack again, because his specialty was not here. He was good at swallowing

"Swallow that bastard Uchiha Madara first!"Macas

Maz Saint, who had made up his mind, squirmed for a while, and soon he came to the distance and stuck his head out to observe.

After confirming the location of Uchiha Madara, he dived underground again and quickly approached Uchiha Madara.

On the ice, Susanoo, who was fighting Kaido, suddenly abandoned Kaido, jumped, held the huge chakra sword with both hands, and stabbed towards the ground.

"Uh ah!"


A lot of blood splashed out from the ice, and screams and piercing sounds were heard at the same time.

The next second, the Susanoo giant used his sword to pick up the huge sandworm that was pierced by the sword.

And something unexpected happened.

The sandworm hanging on the sword suddenly squirmed after its body was pierced by the sword, and then quickly broke away from the blade and came to the ground.

The strong men present all looked over and found that there was another cut where the opponent was pierced. It was obvious that the sword blade had cut its body and fell from above. What shocked them even more was still to come. They saw that the flesh on the sandworm's hand quickly adhered, and in a few seconds, the big hole and scratch in its eye disappeared.

"How is it possible!!!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru looked at the other party's fast healing area, and then looked at Sengoku who had no strength to speak. He was very puzzled. They were both fruit ability users, why could the other party recover so quickly?

"This must be fake, it's almost as good as Uchiha Madara's recovery ability!"

Kizaru said in shock.

"It seems that the other party has sent out a difficult person!"

White Beard stared at the other party and said seriously

"Dad! What happened to this world? Not to mention the surgery fruit, how can there be such an exaggerated healing ability!!!"

Marco asked Whitebeard in confusion.

"The other party's fruit has probably awakened!"Whitebeard replied solemnly, word by word.

"What?" Marco said in shock.

There was one more thing Whitebeard didn't say on the spot, that is, the other party had undergone surgery.

Rocks once told him that the Five Elders had super recovery abilities. Rocks suspected that the other party had undergone surgery. At that time, Whitebeard kept this sentence in mind. Whitebeard had no desire to dominate, and he had not investigated the Five Elders in these years, but now, the Five Elders' extraordinary ability to talk to themselves made Whitebeard more convinced of Rocks' words.

As for why he didn't say it, it was also for the sake of his children. He was afraid that if he said this, his sons would suffer revenge from the Five Elders.

At this time, the Five Elders were down, and Whitebeard was not sure whether Uchiha Madara could win, so there were some things he couldn't say casually.

"Good recovery ability!"

In the field, Uchiha Madara folded his arms and praised


The giant sandworm snorted at Uchiha Madara, then opened its big mouth and aimed at him.

The next second.

A strong suction came from the sandworm's mouth. Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Uchiha Madara did not resist and was sucked into the stomach of the other party.

In the darkness, Uchiha Madara's body was repelled and waves of stomach acid appeared around him. It seemed that the other party wanted to corrode him with this trick. Not only that, Uchiha Madara also felt that the other party was using the domineering aura to attack his spirit.

Uchiha Madara sneered and slowly stretched out his right hand. A black substance emerged from his hand, and the next In seconds, Uchiha Madara activated Flying Thunder God and disappeared into the opponent's stomach.

The opponent's unparalleled recovery ability made Uchiha Madara realize that unless special methods were used, it would be difficult to kill him. So, he planned to follow the opponent's intention and use this trick.

Outside, Akainu saw Uchiha Madara disappear, and was about to step on the moon step to deal with the tailed beast inside. Suddenly, Akainu felt a huge suction pulling him. In the sky, Akainu flew uncontrollably towards the ice.

Akainu looked in the direction of gravity, and Uchiha Madara was actually standing outside the barrier. Akainu hurriedly blasted out a magma fist, and the gravity disappeared.

"What happened? He was clearly swallowed!"

Garp, Red Hair, Kaido, Kizaru, Aokiji, and the Five Elders were puzzled.

Uchiha Madara activated the power of the Hungry Ghost Path, absorbed the incoming magma, and looked at the puzzled sandworm on the opposite side.

Uchiha Madara spread out his right hand again, condensed a black substance, and the substance gradually rose into the air and came to the sky above the Navy Headquarters.

"What is he going to do?"

Kizaru asked Aokiji in confusion.

Aokiji had no idea and stared at the black substance in the sky.

The next moment,

Uchiha Madara clapped his hands and shouted:"Chibaku Tensei (Chiba across the sky!)"

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