
A crack appeared on the ice from under the feet of the Five Elders.


Shepard ten Peter Saint looked down.

The next second, the ice on the ground rushed to the black ball in the sky, and the five elders retreated quickly.

"Boom boom boom!"

Not only where he was, but also where Aokiji, Akainu and others were standing, the black substance in the sky seemed to have suction.

Kaido and others didn't understand what it was, so they temporarily avoided it and didn't take action.

Gradually, ice blocks with a diameter of 20 to 30 meters gathered outside the black substance in the sky, forming an oval.


Shepard ten Peter Saint's eyes widened, and his body flew into the sky uncontrollably.

"What's going on?"

The moment Shepard ten Peter Saint was shocked, countless ice cubes on the ground shot towards his huge body.

"Boom boom boom~!"

Shepard ten Pit Saint kept twisting his lower body, with the domineering aura of the insect's tail wrapped around it, slapping the ice cubes that attacked him, but his speed of ascent did not slow down.

Below, Uchiha Madara increased the output of chakra power, and with a whoosh, the bodies of the Five Elders shot like sharp arrows to the ice ball in the sky and stuck to it.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Dense ice cubes flew down onto the Five Elders like raindrops.

""Hurry, help!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru shouted hurriedly when he saw that the helper who was helping to deal with Uchiha Madara, who was suspected to be a member of the 'World Government', was hit by Uchiha Madara's moves. Aokiji pressed his hands on the ground, and two icicles rose from the ground. There were two big hands on the top of the icicles, trying to pull the opponent back.

When Aokiji's icicles rose to 100 meters, his icicles shattered, as if there was a great attraction in the sky. His pillars floated in the sky, indirectly helping the ice ball to grow.

Below, Hawkeye was about to draw his sword to chop the giant ball in the sky, and his clone holding lightning hit him. Hawkeye immediately changed his moves and entangled with the clone.

"What the hell is this!!!"

Kaido jumped on the rising stones with a mace in his hand, and at the same time, he had to guard against the attack of the giant Uchiha Madara.

The wooden man on Red Hair's side entangled Red Hair again.

Aokiji saw that the ice on the ground was getting smaller and smaller, and sea water was even coming out in some places. He stepped on the moon step. This time he did not reinforce the ice surface, because if he did so, the ice ball in the sky might increase indefinitely.

Seeing that there was almost no place to stand, Vice Admiral Tsuru and others hugged Sengoku and called on the giant vice admiral to leave here.

On the ice surface, the ice continued to rise.

The people watching the battle in the distance were stunned, because the ball in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and it had reached an incredible situation.


A sound of falling into the water was heard. Garp wanted to sneak attack Uchiha Madara to stop the opponent's move, but was hit by a shadow into the water.

When Garp surfaced from the water, he was stunned, because Marin disappeared. Except for the place where the barrier was, the area within a few kilometers became a water area.

On the water surface,

Red Hair, Hawkeye, Akainu and others used chakra to stand on the sea water and stared blankly at the huge sphere in the sky.

Kaido saw that the ice ball was not falling for a long time, and said in surprise:

"Home...It actually stopped in the sky?"

At this moment,

Uchiha Madara in the distance attacked again.

Uchiha Madara slowly raised his right hand, facing the ice ball in the sky and swung it down.

The ice ball that had stopped in the sky hit the scattered people below at a very fast speed.


Kaido roared and rushed towards the giant ball that was falling rapidly from the sky.

The three clones of Uchiha Madara arrived above him in the next second, apparently trying to stop them from breaking this move.

Aokiji below originally wanted to use his ability to support the giant ball falling from the sky, but a chakra sword sprang out of the water. Aokiji narrowly avoided it, and the sword was still chasing, as if trying to stop him.

""Yellow Monkey!!!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was far away, saw this and shouted.

Yellow Monkey immediately activated his ability and appeared in front of Aokiji, dragging Aokiji with him and disappeared again. Then Akainu, Red Hair, Kaido, and Garp


The huge ice ball fell into the water, creating a huge wave of ten thousand meters

"Oh no, a big wave is coming!"

The navy in the distance saw the huge wave coming and shouted in fear.

The same thing happened in the area where the pirates were on the other side. The pirates shouted in fear.


On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard took action. He punched the incoming wave hard.

The seawater that covered the sky and the sun poured back.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji shouted, and the attacking seawater froze immediately, and the power of ice spread to Uchiha Madara.

The battlefield returned to normal again. The red-haired people standing on the navy side were silent. Uchiha Madara's strength refreshed their cognition.

A suspected animal fruit awakener sank into the sea without even responding to Uchiha Madara's move. They dared not imagine how terrible Uchiha Madara would be if he used all his strength.

Kaido regretted more and more. At this time, he thought that the clown's choice was right, and it was impossible for him to leave now. This kind of strong man would definitely not be merciful to the enemy. Even the big bear who helped Uchiha Madara store his eyes for many years was killed at will. Now Kaido can only go down this road.

"Navy! Uchiha Madara seems to be beyond our ability to deal with. Isn't the World Government behind you? Let them call for help! Kaido said to Akainu.

"I think Kaido is right. We can't win this kind of war by ourselves!" Kizaru echoed.

Akainu clenched his fist tightly. He felt deeply powerless against this enemy.

"This is the only way!" Vice Admiral He said, and started to call the Five Elders.

After a long time, they found that they couldn't get through, as if the line was busy.

At the same time, over the sea not far from the Red Earth Continent,

Saint Satan was answering a call from the Navy with an ugly face.

"I got it!"

After listening to the report, Saint Satan held the phone that had not been hung up and replied weakly.

The other two Five Elders on the back of the strange bird were unusually silent, because the navy reported that Saint Pitt was wrapped in a giant ice ball and sank into the sea, and his life or death was unknown. It was obvious that Saint Pitt was finished.

Saint Marcus Maz in the form of a strange bird saw that the others were silent, and said directly:"The opponent's strength has exceeded our expectations. We have to return to the holy land immediately, report this matter to Lord Im, and request the dispatch of the Knights of God!"

"Will Charlotte Lingling still answer it?" Satan Sheng, who was undecided, asked

"Take it! You will be in charge of this matter later, and the three of us will go and report it!"Izambalon·V·Nasujuro Sei interjected.

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