The other party suddenly fled, catching everyone present by surprise.

"I'll keep an eye on him. If he dares to show up for filming, I'll take care of him!"

Saint Satan said, staring at Whitebeard.

"Uchiha Madara!!!"

Fegaland Galinsheng shouted loudly

"It turns out that you are a former defeated opponent. I didn't expect you to be so lucky!"

When Uchiha Madara saw the newcomer, he remembered that it was the Celestial Dragon that he had thrown into the sea.

"The scar on my face is all caused by you! Today, it's time to take revenge!"

Feigalande Galin said viciously.

The other members of the Knights of God also slowly approached.

Izambaron·V·Nasujuro Saint looked at Charlotte Linling in the distance and shouted,"Charlotte Linling, I didn't ask you to come and watch the show!" When

Fegaland Galin heard the words of the Five Elders, he glanced at Charlotte Linling, and thought that Uchiha Madara was not easy to deal with, so he prepared to let the other party explore the way. He made a gesture to his men to stay calm.


Charlotte Linling laughed and shouted to Kaido beside her:"Kaido, we haven’t joined forces for a long time, let’s break that turtle shell together!"

"Oh~ Hehehe~"

Kaido seemed to have regained his confidence and laughed loudly.


Big Mom yelled, and the hat on her head immediately turned into a big sword, which was held in her hand.

Kaido next to her raised his mace high



The two began to gather strength and make sounds, and Conqueror's Haki appeared under their feet.

Charlotte Linlin held the flaming Emperor Sword, which was wrapped with Conqueror's Haki, and Kaido next to her also used Conqueror's Haki


This black thunder danced on the weapons of the two men.

A strong storm hit them, and even the ice surface under their feet gradually turned red.

"Your legs and feet haven't degenerated, have they? Old woman!"

Kaido, in a dark blue-black human-beast form, asked while maintaining his posture.

"Who are you talking to, boy?"

Charlotte Lingling replied unhappily.

The momentum of the two people's weapons became stronger and stronger. The next second, they swung their weapons at the same time.

""Ba Hai X2"

The moment the two shouts came out, a blue-red energy ball was instantly shot out, and it directly attacked Uchiha Madara's barrier along the ice surface.

The energy ball was very powerful, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a long shock wave. The ice surface burned red wherever the shock wave passed.

Looking at the incoming shock wave, Uchiha Madara praised lightly:"Good move!"

The next second, Uchiha Madara disappeared on the spot

"Hmm? Why did the barrier break?"

At the place where the three admirals were, Aokiji looked at the defense that was broken before it was attacked. He was a little confused.


At this moment, Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's combined skills hit the barrier.

The powerful shock wave instantly shattered the barrier, which was already a little broken.

Then, the impact speed continued for four or five kilometers before stopping.

"With a loud bang, the battlefield felt like it was shaking.

The explosive power of Kaido and Charlotte Linlin's moves was amazing.

The three admirals, the Knights of God, the Five Elders and others all looked at the place a few kilometers away.


Kizaru was stunned for a moment

"Home...It actually worked?" Akainu was stunned.

"It seems to be true, I can no longer sense the existence of monsters!"The red-haired man said.

Thinking that Uchiha Madara would not be able to become the immortal that the fox said without this, Garp murmured:"It's over....?"

"Yes! This world is over!"

A hoarse voice came from the ice in front of them. Everyone looked over and saw half of Black Zetsu's body exposed on the ice.

"Next Steps...."Let's get started!"

A voice came from the smoke four kilometers away, and the strong men present used their observation Haki to sense

"hold head high~~~~"

A sharp cry rang out in the smoke.

"It's fine!!!"

Kaido was very familiar with the moves he and Linlin had used together, and he was shocked.

A few kilometers away, the smoke was dispersed by several tails, and the Ten-Tails revealed its huge figure.

The red-haired man looked at the huge monster in the distance and said solemnly:

"What kind of monster is this? I can’t even sense it with my observation Haki!"

"I felt that thing like ice on the ground and the air, it was so weird!"Kizaru said with cold sweat.

"It seems a bit difficult to deal with!"

Izambaron·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng gritted his teeth and said

""Bulu Bulu~Bulu Bulu~"

Just then, the phone of the Knights of God rang.

Feigarande Galinsheng took out the Den Den Mushi and saw that it was his men calling. He answered it immediately.

"What's going on?"Feigarande Galin asked, looking at the monster in the distance.

At the same time, Mary Joa was shouting, and Belo Beti was standing on a high place waving a flag, encouraging the rescued slaves below to fight.

""Hurry up, get rid of more slaves before the Knights of God come back! Destroy the Celestial Dragons!!!" Belo Betty shouted.

Immediately, the members of the Revolutionary Army and the slaves below launched a fierce attack on the CP as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

A CP held the phone and shouted anxiously:"Saint Fegaland Galin! It's bad, the dragon of the Revolutionary Army is leading all the cadres and commanders to attack Marijoa!!!""

"We can't resist any more!"


Feigaland Galinsheng and several members around him widened their eyes.

"What did you say?"Fei Jialande Jialinsheng confirmed in disbelief.

""That bastard Long is about to attack Pangu City. Many Celestial Dragons have been killed. Come back and help!"

Another loud shout came from the Den Den Mushi. The voice belonged to a member of their Knights of God.


Saint Fegalande Galin cursed, then looked at the people beside him and said:"Hurry, let's go! Leave this to me and the Five Elders! Hurry!" Saint

Fegalande Galin called out, not daring to delay, and ran towards Mary Geoise with a few people.

Saint Satan and his people were shocked by this message and stayed where they were. They didn't come back to their senses until the Knights of God ran away.

"Damn it!"Izambalon·V·Nasujuro Saint cursed angrily.

Satan Saint turned around and shouted to the navy:"All navy listen up, launch an attack immediately! Destroy Uchiha Madara!"

The navy looked at each other, not knowing whether they should listen or not. After all, they had never seen the Five Elders and didn't know what they were doing.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the entire army - Kong Gang!"

"That's the Five Elder Stars!"

"From now on, the Five Elders will take over the command, and all navy officers must obey!"

Just then, the voice of Sora Cyborg came from the phone and reached the ears of every navy officer through the loudspeaker.

Aokiji glanced at the navy officers behind him with reluctance in his eyes. Even the lazy Kizaru showed anger on his face. This was purely sending the navy to die. How could those navy officers be qualified to intervene in such a war?

Garp clenched his fist tightly, angry at the decision of the Five Elders.

Red Hair wanted to say something, but Saint Satan did not give him a chance. He waved his hand and shouted,"Everyone! Come on together!" As soon as he finished speaking, the dense navy officers rushed towards the Ten Tails a few kilometers away.

Uchiha Madara stood in front of the Ten Tails, looked back at the restless and uncontrollable Ten Tails, and jumped on the head of the Ten Tails. Then, Uchiha Madara split into several wooden clones.

One of the wooden clones pinched a mark, and a tube grew out of the head of the Ten Tails and inserted it into the back of the clone's neck.

Uchiha Madara sat cross-legged on the ground.

"" Swish!" A sound was heard.

Uchiha Madara turned his head and saw that it was Black Zetsu who came here with two pale pirates.

The legs of the third brother and the pirate holding the camera Den Den Mushi were trembling.

Black Zetsu said in a hoarse voice:"This is a good place for live broadcast, and no one can disturb you, go on!"


Two sounds of swallowing saliva were heard. Seeing the dense navy rushing towards this side, Brother 3 and the pirate were almost scared to death.

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