"Hey, stop shaking and shoot!"

Brother 3 wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said to the pirate holding the camera.

"you...Aren't you the same?"

The pirate said fearfully. Even so, he didn't dare to slow down at all. He adjusted the camera and aimed it at the large group of people rushing in front of him.

"Damn it!"

Satan Sheng saw that the other party's filming location had turned into that monster. He had no way to deal with it. Uchiha Madara was there. If he wanted to attack the camera, he would definitely be intercepted.

"What should we do? The camera is facing us, and it is inconvenient for us to use our abilities!"

Izambaron·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng said helplessly

"Let's see first!" Marcus Mazishen said helplessly.

"This is the only way!" Topman Vochuli agreed.

""Everyone be careful!!!"

Smoker shouted among the navy men who were rushing forward. Suddenly, countless navy men stopped, their foreheads sweating, their faces pale as they looked at the huge creature in front of them.

The other party was opening its mouth, and red energy was gathering in the center of its mouth. A whirlwind was swirling around the energy, and lightning was attached.

The pirates and the third brother who were responsible for filming on the tailed beast felt this violent energy and were terrified.

Even the ordinary navy men felt the power of this energy.

""Not good!"

Aokiji was shocked and immediately put his hands on the ground, ready to cast a defensive layer for the navy in front.

Red Hair, Akainu, and Garp were ready to attack at any time.

The tailed beast quickly closed its mouth, and the huge energy was contained in its mouth. The next second, the moment the tailed beast opened its mouth, a beam of energy light spit out from its mouth.

The ice layer that Aokiji had just propped up was instantly destroyed, and the energy beam shot into the distance.

The three admirals, the five elders, and many navy officers who reacted turned their heads to look, and the long energy beam was endless.

Saint Satan, Saint Nasujuro and others changed their faces.

"That location is...."

Akainu widened his eyes


A sky-high explosion sounded a few kilometers away, and the aftermath of the explosion almost spread to the navy.

In an instant, a strong airflow came out from the direction of the explosion, and countless navy were blown into the sky by this airflow.

"this...This explosion is good......How terrible!"

On the Moby Dick, Ace stared blankly at the explosion in the distance and said in shock.

In the distance, the mushroom cloud-like explosion gradually faded away. The Five Elders used their observation Haki to sense the situation over there. His face was grim.


A roar to the sky came from a distance. The voice belonged to Feigalande Galinsheng.

At this time, only four people from Feigalande Galinsheng were standing on the water. The rest were gone.


A member of the Divine Knights covered in a turtle shell stood on the water, gasping for breath.

Just now, the energy attacked, and as the one with the highest defense in the Divine Knights, he took action, directly transforming into the form of a mythical beast dragon turtle. Due to his limited size, he could only help the three companions around him to block the energy. As for the others, no one knew where they went after the explosion.

On top of the Ten-Tails, Uchiha Madara looked into the distance and sighed,"I’m so lucky!"

"Navy! Hurry up! That monster has no energy left!"

Satan was terrified when he saw that the monster killed so many members of the Knights of God with one move. He shouted hastily, wanting to use the navy's human wave tactics to deal with this terrible existence.

Smoker, who was at the forefront, turned pale. Thinking that if this monster was not killed, more navy would die, Smoker gritted his teeth, roared bravely, and rushed forward with his hands clenched.

Smoker's shout was like a signal, and the dense navy followed again.

"It's really spectacular~"

Black looked ahead in despair, his voice hoarse.

In the crowd of navy, the red-haired man was moving very fast. His idea was similar to that of the Five Elders. He thought that the monster had no energy, and was ready to take this opportunity to chop him.

Beside the red-haired man was Hawkeye. The two ran in front.

""Big fire!" Akainu jumped high in the sky , and a fist of lava over several dozen meters gathered, and then punched the Ten-Tails in the eye.

"hold head high~~~~~~~~"

The Ten-Tails saw the lava coming and roared with its mouth wide open. A strong gust of wind blew out of its mouth.

Akainu, who was walking on the moon steps in the sky, looked at the lava fist flying back in disbelief. In just a second, he flew back.

""So powerful!"

Kaido, who had transformed into a blue dragon, felt the strong wind coming, and his huge body flew backwards uncontrollably.

Charlotte Linlin, who was sitting on Zeus beside Kaido, also flew backwards.

The two of them originally wanted to cooperate with Red Hair to launch an attack on it, but the monster just roared and they were blown away.

The roar of the Ten-Tails continued, and the fierce gale made the rushing navy stand still. All of them covered their eyes with one hand and held the navy in front with the other hand to avoid being blown away by the gale.

Even if the Ten-Tails did not blow on the ice, the navy felt the power of this monster.

At the moment when the gale ended, Red Hair and Hawkeye passed Smoker, stepped on the ground with their feet, and flew to 70 or 80 meters like sharp swords.


The two held the blades and prepared to swing in the direction of the Ten-Tails' head.

Two red slashes of 100 meters flew towards the head of the Ten-Tails in the shape of a"two".

100 meters!

50 meters!

20 meters!

The two slashed at such a high speed that the Ten-Tails lying on the ground seemed not to notice.

10 meters!

Seeing that the attack was about to arrive, all the navy's hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

5 meters!

In just a moment, the Ten-Tails, which had been motionless, suddenly raised its claws. Its speed was amazing.

The Ten-Tails flicked its claws lightly, as if flicking ashes easily.

"With a"bang", two slashes flew into the sky.,


Kaido's eyes widened in shock, his face full of disbelief

"How...How is it possible!"

Hawkeye was stunned

"What a joke!!!"

Garp's face was grim as he slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of the tailed beast. He looked at the spinning slash in the sky and was extremely shocked.

The Knights of God were rushing to the holy land, and a member said solemnly to Fegaland Galen."What should we do, Chief? That monster over there doesn't seem to be easy to deal with!"

"Don’t worry about this, the holy land is the most important!"

"If the Five Elders can't defeat them, we can use that thing to wipe out Marin. I don't believe that monster can survive!"

Feigalande Galin said confidently.

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