Uchiha suddenly attacked his own people, which shocked everyone present.

The pirate who was filming nearby and the third brother couldn't believe it.

"what are you doing...Madara... Madara-sama!"

Black Zetsu's eyes were filled with confusion, and his voice was a little difficult.

Uchiha Madara activated the power of the Six Paths, with magnetic chakra restricting him, and the black thunder paralyzed his whole body, making it impossible for Black Zetsu to leave Uchiha Madara's arms.

"What? Kill you, of course!"

"Although the system says you have been transformed, I don’t believe you!"


As soon as Uchiha Madara finished speaking, the Dao-Seeking Jade Gauntlet wrapped around Uchiha Madara's arm suddenly exploded and grew larger, and Black Zetsu's body was also expanded by the Dao-Seeking Jade.

In order to take out Black Zetsu, Uchiha Madara wrapped his arm with the Dao-Seeking Jade, the purpose of doing so was to make the attack stronger.

"Why, I am so loyal to you!"

Hei Zetsu didn't understand why

"I can't afford your loyalty!"

Uchiha Madara was also afraid that Black Zetsu would be like in the original drama, so he had to kill him first just in case.

"" Ah~"

Black Zetsu screamed, and he was broken into pieces by the expanding Seeking Truth Jade and scattered all over the ground.

Uchiha Madara was afraid that the other party would revive, so he put his hands together to gather the Dust Release obtained by signing in before, and whispered:"Senjutsu·Dust Release·Original Realm Peeling Technique"

A square of white energy enveloped Black Zetsu's broken body and the ice surface.

After the white light, a huge square pit disappeared on the ground, and the fragments of Black Zetsu's body disappeared.

Uchiha Madara used his observation Haki and perception ability to search for it, and found that there was no trace of Black Zetsu, so he felt relieved.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara suddenly looked up.

Everyone's eyes were on Uchiha Madara. Seeing him look up, they looked up at the sky.

The sky was covered with dark clouds at this time, and the strong men present all used their observation Haki to sense the existence in the air.

"that is...."

As a member of the scientific corps, Kizaru is very familiar with that thing. The Holy Mother of Flame developed by Vegapunk

"Not good!"

Akainu yelled with an ugly face, and when he finished speaking, Kizaru had disappeared.

"Are they going to attack us too?"

Karp looked at the dense beams of light that were converging in the sky in disbelief.

""Marine, leave quickly!"

Aokiji shouted, using all his strength to shout.

The red-haired man looked at the sky with an unpleasant expression, and cold sweat dripped down his face.

"What should I do, old woman, you are going to deal with us too!"

Kaido shouted angrily

"These damn world governments! They are just bastards!"

Charlotte Linlin was not very scared, she was very confident in her defense.

Whitebeard, who was far away, looked up at the sky with an unprecedented solemnity on his face, because the"spaceship" above his head was very large, and the beam on it was charging. Even Whitebeard and his men were within the attack range of the"spaceship"

"What happened?"

Brother 3 saw that everyone was looking at the sky, not understanding what was going on, so he asked curiously.

The pirate next to him who was in charge of filming was extremely confused.

Doflamingo, Gekko Mobia and Hancock desperately fled far away, trying to get out of the range of the weapons in the sky.

In the field.

Uchiha Madara saw that these people were frightened by the weapons in the sky, and suddenly felt very embarrassed. I have become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, but I am not afraid of being afraid of a piece of steel?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara slowly raised his right hand, which was wrapped in lightning.

The next moment, the lightning in Uchiha Madara's hand suddenly exploded, and the lightning beam shot into the sky.

In the Flame

""Bang!" A loud noise came into Im's ears. Im, who was controlling the Our Lady of Flame, turned his head and saw that his own Flame was pierced by lightning.



Uchiha Madara's Six Paths Power was activated, and the Chidori Stream shot into the sky and burst. Dense lightning instantly covered the entire spaceship.

Im in the Flame only felt the white light coming


An explosion sounded throughout the square. Countless fleeing marines stood there in a daze, staring at the huge explosion and the black smoke in the sky.

"I didn't expect that it was Uchiha Madara who saved the navy!"

Aokiji looked at Uchiha Madara in disbelief and said in shock.

Akainu said nothing.

"Uchiha Madara! You bastard!!!"

A roar came from the sky, and the people below could hear it clearly.

"You destroyed my King of Heaven, and now you have even destroyed the Flame. You must die here today!!!!"

Imu was extremely angry.

Originally, she wanted to use this trick to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers below, and then take action herself, so that her appearance would not be easily revealed. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Madara directly destroyed her Flame.

In order to avoid others seeing her appearance, Imu directly activated the ability of the fruit, and wrapped a layer of black smoke around her body, and then landed from the smoke of the explosion.

"Who are you? A member of the Knights of God or the man behind this world?"

Uchiha Madara asked curiously to the creature that looked like a salamander.

"I am the man behind this world, Uchiha Madara...."

Before Im finished speaking, Uchiha Madara interrupted and said,"So, you are that Im?"

Im was stunned. How did the other party know his name?

Could it be that the Five Elders or the Knights of God betrayed him and leaked my information?

Im just had this thought in her mind, but she denied it again.

"The lives of the Five Elders were all given by me. They would never betray me. I personally selected the Knights of God, except for the Dragon....."

Thinking of this, Im was sure that it should be Long.

The moment the red-haired man heard the name, he suddenly became energetic and shouted to Kaido and Charlotte Linlin:"If you want to defeat Uchiha Madara, we will attack together later. We still have a chance!"

"How can we have a chance? Lingling and I don't dare to take Uchiha Madara's weapon!"Kaido was full of resistance. He planned to escape when Uchiha Madara dealt with Red Hair and the others.

"It’s too early to say such discouraging words now, because the person in front of us is the strongest in the world!"

"As long as we cooperate, we will definitely be able to defeat Uchiha Madara!"

As soon as the red-haired man said this, Im looked over and said in confusion:"I didn't expect Jialin to tell you about my situation...."

At this point, Yim changed the subject and asked,"What else do you know?"

Yim wanted to see how much the other party knew. If he knew more, he would die here today.

"I don't know much, but my father told me that no matter it is One Piece or Monkey King·D·Dragon, it is impossible to reform the world. He said you are extremely powerful!"

"Well said! I am indeed very strong!"

The salamander nodded.

""If you want to live, then attack together!"

Red Hair advised Kaido and Charlotte Linlin.

Red Hair concealed a lot in the question just now. He also knew what Fegaland Galen knew, because Fegaland Galen had once advised Red Hair to join the World Government like him and return to the Celestial Dragons.

But Red Hair refused and said that he wanted to change the world. Fegaland told Red Hair about the horror of Im at that time, hoping that Red Hair would retreat, but Red Hair still insisted that he could succeed. For this reason, he inquired from many sources and intercepted the Nika Fruit that could fight against Im, until he met Luffy....

As for Red Hair persuading Kaido and Charlotte Linlin to take action, it was also to let the other party survive.

Luffy has not grown up yet, and Red Hair wants these living Four Emperors to attract the attention of the World Government. When no one pays attention to Luffy, it is possible to change the world.

Red Hair knows too well the thoughts of those with power. If Kaido and Charlotte Linlin don't help this time, they will definitely be liquidated in the end. If they take action, there will be a glimmer of hope in the end.

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