"Grandpa, where are you taking me?"

A puzzled voice sounded in the yellow light above the sky of Marinford for more than ten miles.

The yellow light refracted and appeared in the sea a few kilometers away. After several repetitions, Kizaru's voice came:"Don't ask, let's leave here quickly, we will definitely die if we stay here!"

When Kizaru saw the World Government's Flame preparing to attack the navy, he felt something was wrong.

After hearing the appearance of the person behind the world, Kizaru left here with his subordinates without saying a word, because he knew clearly that Uchiha Madara and the other party would have a war, and no matter who won, no one present would have a good end, so he chose to run away.

On the battlefield of Marinford.

Akainu used his observation Haki to sense Kizaru and found that the other party had disappeared. His face looked very ugly.

"He runs really fast!"

Uchiha Madara said to himself while looking at the direction where Kizaru left.

Uchiha Madara didn't take Kizaru seriously.

Akainu looked around at the navy who were looking forward to it, made a difficult decision, and shouted to Uchiha Madara:"Uchiha Madara! The navy has surrendered, but not me!"

"Bastard Akainu! What are you talking about?"

The voice of Steel Bone Sora came from the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi.

"Akainu, you..."

Aokiji looked at Akainu in confusion, not understanding why Akainu would say such a thing. Before Aokiji finished speaking, Akainu made a gesture to stop him.

"Kong! As an admiral, I have to be responsible for the navy. The laser of that spaceship was aimed at the navy just now. Couldn't you see it at all?"

"I know you're watching the live broadcast! Don't tell me you can't see it!"

"The world government is planning to destroy us all together, so why are they not allowing me to surrender?"

"And there is one more thing! The navy doesn't have a marshal like you!"

Akainu shouted in the direction of Den Den Mushi, and even raised the volume of the last sentence.

After venting, Akainu asked Uchiha Madara:"No one in the navy can be your opponent. If the navy surrenders, as a strong man, I believe you will not attack ordinary navy, right?"

Uchiha Madara nodded and said:"I am not interested in those ordinary navy"

"Then again, why didn't you surrender with them? After seeing how powerful I am, shouldn't you be afraid?"

"Maybe if you choose to surrender, I will let you go!"

Uchiha Madara asked calmly

"As an admiral, I will fight against the pirates even if I die. Even if the enemy is too strong for me to defeat, I will fight with my life. Even if my hands and feet are chopped off, I will bite off the pirates' necks with my teeth!"

"Even though you are powerful, you can't scare me!"

"The day I became a marine, I gave my life to the sea! Uchiha Madara!"

Akainu shouted out his realization.


Uchiha Madara muttered the name, then sneered:"Although I once named the Pirate Group after the Akatsuki Organization, it was just a means for me to achieve my goal."

"Let me correct you, I have never called myself a pirate!"

Whitebeard heard this from a distance and shouted,"Uchiha Madara, do you know how sad Shiki would be if he heard you say this!"

"The other party waited for you to be resurrected for decades, and then disappeared. Before he disappeared, he had always used the title of vice-captain of the Akatsuki organization!"

Whitebeard's words surprised Uchiha Madara. He didn't expect Shiki to do this. Uchiha Madara planned to look for Shiki after the war was over.

"Uchiha Madara, I am the only one on the navy side who will attack you from now on!"

Akainu came out, and Aokiji who wanted to follow Akainu was stopped by Akainu. Akainu turned to Aokiji and said,"The navy is left to you and Garp. I hope you can keep them alive!"

Garp stood aside without saying a word, looking at the admiral whom he once hated the most, with admiration in his heart. He knew that Akainu did this just because he didn't want the world to underestimate their navy.

Uchiha Madara looked at Kaido and others beside Red Hair and asked,"Are you planning to surrender too?"

"Humph! We won't surrender. You were so cruel to your own men before. I don't believe we can get anything good from surrendering!"

Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly.

"You guessed it right. The navy is different from you. I killed them just because we are in different camps."

"But you are different. If you become a traitor and hide well, maybe I won't care too much. But since you have chosen to attack me, there is no possibility of you living anymore!"

Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice. Im on the side was not in a hurry to take action for the time being. She was watching the argument.

In her opinion, their discussion was meaningless, because she was the only winner, and no one except the son of Fegaland Galin could leave alive.

And the remarks of these people made her feel funny, as if she had to have their help to win.

Charlotte Linlin, Kaido and others slowly walked behind Im.

Im's huge salamander head slowly turned around and sneered at the red-haired man:"What are you talking about helping? Do you rely on ants like them?"

Kaido was about to refute after hearing this, and spit out one word:"You..."

"There was a"puff" sound.

The giant salamander that was originally lying on its stomach stood up, and one of its hands pierced Kaido's chest.

Kaido lowered his head in disbelief, and the other party pulled out its claws, holding a scarlet heart in its hand.

No one present was expected by Im's sudden attack.

The evil Charlotte Linlin shouted,"Kaido!"

But the next second, Im's long tail swung towards Charlotte Linlin.

Seeing the attack coming, Charlotte Linlin slashed with the Emperor Sword.


The two's moves collided, and the end of the giant salamander's tail quickly grew longer and wrapped around Charlotte Lingling's neck.

For a moment, Charlotte Lingling, who was holding the Emperor's Sword, was wrapped around the neck by the tail, and it was extremely difficult to breathe.

A large amount of poisonous mist emerged from the salamander's tail, and Charlotte Lingling's face changed drastically after inhaling the poisonous gas.


Charlotte Lingling felt dizzy and her hands and feet were weak. The power of the poison made her feel terrified.


Charlotte Katakuri, who had not participated in the war and was standing far away, ran over like crazy.

Im opened his mouth, rolled his tail around, and threw Charlotte Linlin into his mouth.

His sharp teeth made a sound like biting iron.



The giant salamander chewed with its big mouth, and Charlotte Lingling screamed.

"Bastard!!! Let mom go!!!"

Charlotte Katakuri raised her weapon and rushed to the giant salamander, attacking Im with the sharp weapon.

Im twitched his tail hard.


Charlotte Katakuri's weapon flew away instantly, and the powerful force made his hands tremble.

"Not good!"

Charlotte Katakuri suddenly seemed to have noticed something, and she turned sideways, and Im's tail was free.

""Hey, a good observation Haki!" Im praised. As

Im's voice fell, a large amount of black smoke appeared on his body. Charlotte Katakuri felt a huge suction force and flew towards the opponent uncontrollably.

Charlotte Katakuri quickly gathered her Armament Haki and punched out.


The claws of the giant salamander came forward.

The two fought with each other, and the salamander's sharp claws instantly tore Charlotte Katakuri's fist into pieces. When it reached Katakuri's chest, Im grabbed it hard, and blood and internal organs scattered all over the sky. Charlotte Katakuri's body was split into two and fell to the ground.

After doing all this, Im continued to chew, and Charlotte screamed again.

The heart-wrenching screams frightened the navy and Whitebeard's crew.

After more than ten seconds, Charlotte Linlin's screams disappeared, and then Im opened his mouth and spit.

Charlotte Linlin, who had become a pile of rotten meat, was spit out.

Im turned back again, intending to choose a target, and found that Red Hair, Hawkeye and Akainu had already hidden far away, and were looking at him with fear.

"Forget it, I'll deal with you later!"

Yimu said to herself, and then her eyes looked at the location of the third brother in the distance.

Seeing that he and the pirates in charge of filming were being targeted by such a terrifying existence, the third brother hurriedly shouted to Uchiha Madara:"Save us, Lord Madara!"

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