Long was stunned by the question and said,"She's dead!"

Uchiha Madara originally wanted to deal with this person who broke his promise, but he didn't expect that he was dead.

Long seemed to be lost in memory and murmured,"She was tortured to death!"


Uchiha Madara was a little surprised

"She told us about you and her. She refused because she was afraid that resurrecting you would make more people homeless!"

"If I had known that your resurrection could change the world, I would have asked him to resurrect you no matter what!"

Long said this, sighed and said:"Hey, maybe this is the result of not keeping a promise. Because of chakra and ninjutsu, she was captured by the Celestial Dragons."

"In order to research those strange ninjutsu, the World Government forced her to conduct inhumane experiments."

"As a result, the World Government, which did not gain much, thought of using genetic inheritance to pass on those ninjutsu, so there was Joelle Bonnie as Big Bear mentioned, that is, Ginny's daughter!"

Uchiha Madara nodded and said,"It seems that I don't need to look for her. Since she is dead, forget it!"


Just then, Long's phone rang.

Long took out the Den Den Mushi and chose to answer it.

""What's the matter, old man!"

Long asked the Den Den Mushi.

Garp's appearance appeared on the Den Den Mushi, and Garp's voice came:"The navy has discovered that Luffy appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago. Where are you? Don't you want to go and take a look?"

"that...I'm in the Red Earth Continent and can't come for the time being."

Long said, and asked curiously:"By the way, Luffy is...."

"I don't know. I just heard from the navy that he appeared there. There were many reporters taking pictures, and Pluto Rayleigh was also there. I'm heading there now. This time, I have to stop him from becoming a pirate no matter what."

"Then you should go quickly. Now Sakaski is the marshal. He will not be soft-hearted because of my son!"

Long said hurriedly.

"If you want to go, just go. You don't have to worry about me!"

Uchiha Madara said, and soared into the sky. After flying for more than ten meters, he suddenly remembered Shiki the Golden Lion, turned his head and said,"By the way, help me keep an eye on Shiki the Golden Lion. I want to know his whereabouts. I will come to you in a few days."

Uchiha Madara left this sentence and disappeared from Long's sight.

Seeing Uchiha Madara leave, Long controlled the power of Phoenix and rushed to the Sabaody Archipelago. He wanted to stop his son from becoming a pirate.

At the same time.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Luffy raised his arm, and there were a few letters on it. This was his secret code to his companions.

""Luffy, it should be almost time, if you stay any longer the navy will be here!"

Rayleigh said anxiously.

In order to help Luffy, Rayleigh chose to expose himself to arouse the topic this time. At this time, Rayleigh stood behind Luffy, and the reporters kept taking pictures, and the bolder ones wanted to interview him.

Luffy also felt that it was almost time and nodded.

The two of them walked quickly to the shore of the Sabaody Archipelago, where a small boat had been prepared. Rayleigh planned to take Luffy to Nine Snake Island for training.

They had just walked a few hundred meters when Rayleigh suddenly stopped and said with a serious face:"You're here so fast!"

"Long time no see, Silbaz Rayleigh!"

Feigarand Garin looked at the old man in front of him and greeted him.


Rayleigh squinted his eyes and looked at the person who came. After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, he said in surprise:"It's you - Shanks' father!"

After a brief shock, Rayleigh asked:"Why are you stopping us?"

"I just want to meet this boy!"

While speaking, Fegaland Garin looked at Luffy.

"The user of the rubber fruit ability!"


"The user of the Nika Fruit! No wonder my son cares about you so much!"

"It turns out that the hope he once said was you - Monk·D·Luffy!"

Fegaland looked at Luffy seriously and said.

Hearing this, Rayleigh said helplessly:"I didn't expect you to know"

"I just found out about this today. I never paid attention to this little brat before!" Feigaland Galin explained.

"Hey, uncle, what are you talking about?"

Luffy asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"Haha~ Nothing!"

Seeing the other party's stupidity, Feigaland Garin smiled and replied

"Now that we've met, you can leave!"

Rayleigh said with a clean face, fearing that the other party would do something bad to Luffy.

"You don't have to do this, although we were enemies before, now our forces have failed, and we will not attack you anymore!"

After saying this, Fegaland Garin looked at Luffy and said,"We are here to help him!"

"Help him?" Rayleigh was puzzled.

Fegaland Garin frowned, as if he had noticed something, and hurriedly said:"This is not the place to talk, Garp is coming with the navy, let's leave here first!"

Rayleigh was still thinking about the other party's purpose.

When Luffy heard that his grandfather was coming, he was so scared that his face turned pale, and he hurriedly shouted:"Yes! Let's go! Can't let grandpa catch me!"

After Luffy finished speaking, he ran to the shore in a hurry, and the Knights of God and Rayleigh quickly followed.

On the other side, Uchiha Madara was flying rapidly in the sky. His destination this time was Beehive Island, which was the most familiar place for him to come to this world.

Uchiha Madara thought that his strength had reached the ceiling of this world, so he curiously asked the system:"System, I am invincible now, can you send me back to the modern world?"

To be honest, Uchiha Madara missed his home on Blue Star. Now that he has become so powerful, he wants to go back and take a look.

In his previous life, he was a novelist. Now that he has the ability, he wants to go back to make his family live a better life.

‘Ding! The secondary world has not ended yet. There are still two years before the host can go to another world! '

The system prompted.

The system prompt made Uchiha Madara excited. Originally, he just wanted to ask, but he didn't expect that he could really go to another world.

"Do we have to wait another two years?" Uchiha Madara asked

‘Yes, host! 'The system replied.

Uchiha Madara thought for a moment and said:

"Where did I go after those two years? Was it the Blue Planet or a higher-level world?"

‘No comment! '

The system's cold answer made Uchiha Madara a little annoyed.

Unwilling to give up, Uchiha continued to ask questions, but the system refused to tell him after a long time. Later, the system might have been tired of asking questions, so it chose to play dead, which made Uchiha Madara very helpless. Uchiha Madara, who could not get any results, hurried to the Beehive Island. When he found an island with people below, he landed and took a walk.

On the third day, countless civilians stood in front of the live broadcast screen where the war had been held, waiting.

It was because they received a newspaper yesterday, asking them to watch the latest decision.

At eight o'clock, the live broadcast device finally had a picture.

"Look, that's Monkey D. Dragon from the Revolutionary Army!"

A civilian who knew Dragon shouted.

In the New World G1 Fortress, countless navy gathered here to watch Dragon on the platform.

At the forefront of the navy was a live broadcast device, and the camera was aimed at Dragon.

"I think everyone knows what happened recently!"

Long said to the camera.

"The era of the Celestial Dragons is over, and there will be no more slaves in this world!"

Speaking of this, Long paused, as if giving the civilians in front of the screen time to digest the words.

"Next, what I want to announce is - cancel the member states and establish the United Nations!"

"Each country selects capable people to hold important positions in the United Nations to jointly manage the world!"

"The United Nations has established four parliamentarians who have the ability to make decisions on major events!"

"They are - the current Admiral of the Navy - Sakaski!"

When Long said this, the navy below burst into warm applause, and the camera was also aimed at the steps. Akainu, wearing the cloak of the Admiral of the Navy, walked up

"I am Sakaski - I will serve as a councillor and admiral of the navy!"

Akainu introduced himself.

"The second member of the parliament - the Navy Staff - Vice Admiral Tsuru!"Vice Admiral

Tsuru walked up from the stage, and the audience burst into warm applause again.

"The third councillor is me, and I am also the president!"

After Long introduced himself, he pointed down and said,"The fourth councillor is Gardino!" As

Long finished speaking, Crocodile stared at the screen on an island in the Grand Line.

Mr. 3, wearing a cape, holding a cane, and wearing gold-rimmed glasses, walked slowly to the stage like an old man.

This style is almost the same as the Five Elders.

"I am Gardino! Your world councillor!"

Crocodile heard the third brother's self-introduction, and Crocodile said unconvincedly:"How could it be that bastard!!!"

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