Crocodile gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

The other party was once his subordinate!

Now he has become a powerful person and a councilor of the barrier. Crocodile can't accept it.

On the other side.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Buggy and his group who followed Luffy to get off the ship here were covered tightly. They were watching the live broadcast.

"What a joke!!"

Bucky rubbed his eyes as if he suspected that he had seen it wrong, and shouted in a shrill voice

"Damn it! If I had known earlier, I would have gone to help. I would have definitely become a member of parliament!"

"Yes, that's right!"

The pirates next to Buggy were jealous to death, and they also regretted it very much.

At the same time, on an island in the New World.

Uchiha Madara was standing in the square watching the live broadcast on the screen.

Seeing the appearance of Gardino on the screen, Uchiha Madara found it funny.

Just as everyone was watching the live broadcast seriously, a civilian discovered Uchiha Madara standing behind and shouted in panic:"Everyone run, it's Uchiha Madara!"

All the civilians and navy officers present turned their heads at the same time to look at Uchiha Madara in casual clothes. Everyone showed horror on their faces. The brave ones ran for their lives, and the timid ones fell to the ground.

""Wuwuwu~ Don't kill me!"

One of the little girls cried loudly.

""Mom! I want my mom!"

The little girl screamed in fear.

Uchiha Madara frowned.

The navy officers watching the live broadcast looked at each other nervously, then ran to Uchiha Madara and opened their arms to serve as a human wall for the civilians who did not escape.

"What is this for?"

Uchiha Madara was very upset and asked in a deep voice

"No...don't want...Don't hurt them...beg...Please!"

One of the sailors plucked up his courage and stammered.

"When did I say anything about hurting them?"

"Which eye of yours saw me hurting them?"

"Answer me?"

Uchiha Madara asked loudly with anger in his heart.


The crotch of the navy being questioned was wet, and his legs were shaking like sieves. He couldn't say a word for a long time.

Under the powerful aura of Uchiha Madara, the navy seemed to have forgotten to breathe, and his lips trembled.

"Sailors and civilians, don't be afraid. Uchiha Madara has made great contributions to this world. He was the one who solved the cancer of the Celestial Dragons!"

"The world has also changed because of Uchiha Madara. Without the oppression of the Celestial Dragons, you should thank him!"

Just then, a colonel came from a distance, holding a loudspeaker and shouting anxiously.

He had just chatted with a beautiful woman not far away, and found the scene chaotic, so he came to check. When he saw Uchiha Madara, he was scared.

The colonel was afraid that these people would anger Uchiha Madara, so he hurriedly took a loudspeaker Den Den Mushi used to maintain order from the broadcasting equipment and shouted.

After the navy's explanation, only a few of the civilians present changed their eyes, and most of them still showed fear. The little girl cried even louder.


Seeing this, Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, turned around and left. He didn't want to explain anything.

After Uchiha Madara left, the colonel wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he made a phone call to the Navy's G1 Fortress-New Headquarters to tell them about his encounter with Uchiha Madara.

After the colonel explained what happened, the Navy's new Chief of Staff Aokiji asked:"He didn't do anything, right?"

"No! He just left in anger!"

The colonel reported

"Garp fought with the opponent twice, and the opponent let him go. Don't worry, as long as you don't provoke him, he won't do anything to you!"

Aokiji said, and then said:"By the way, I have something to tell him, you go chase him immediately!"

"yes..."Yes, the Admiral!"

The colonel replied a little nervously, and turned on his observation Haki to sense it. He found that Uchiha Madara had not gone far, so he quickly chased after him.

On the street, Uchiha was walking around.

He had visited several islands in the past few days, which really opened his eyes. These islands were like every"small country", and the customs and habits were mostly different.

""Master Madara!"

A voice came from behind Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara turned his head and looked at the other party with doubt.

"It's General Aokiji who wants to see you!"

The colonel ran to Uchiha Madara and said respectfully.

Uchiha Madara looked down and saw that the other party was holding a Den Den Mushi.

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Madara asked Den Den Mushi

"You asked us to find out about Shiki. We have received news that he was last seen in Haining Road in the East China Sea!"Aokiji's voice came

"I understand!"

Uchiha Madara replied calmly.


Aokiji's voice was drawn out, and he seemed a little hesitant.

"Just say what you want to say!"

Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice

"Long intends to issue a ban on pirate activities. Shiki is your subordinate. I hope you can restrain him and stop him from committing crimes....."

"I will!"

Uchiha Madara left a word and soared into the sky.

Looking at Uchiha Madara's departing back, the colonel reacted after a few seconds and said to the Den Den Mushi:"He's gone!"

The colonel thought for a while, then said:"I didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to and agree to such a request!"

"Are you surprised?" Aokiji asked jokingly.

"Yes a little!".......

In the sky, Uchiha Madara flew quickly towards the East China Sea. Because of Shiki, he didn't plan to go to Beehive Island. He went to see Shiki first. At least he had such a loyal person. In his previous life, he watched anime and saw Luffy beat Shiki away. He didn't know how he was doing now. After flying for several hours, Uchiha Madara returned to the Grand Line from the New World.

Just as Uchiha Madara was flying quickly, a person in front of him not far away from Uchiha Madara���On the island, a fat man was struggling to run towards a giant bullhorn beetle.

This man was Usopp, a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

He ran towards the bullhorn beetle, hoping to defeat this huge guy and leave here.

"Watch out!"

When Usopp rushed to the position of the Horned Ox, he grabbed the rubber on the slingshot with his right hand and charged it.

"Must Kill..."

Before Usopp could finish his words, the sharp horn of the bullfrog arched towards Usopp.


Usopp screamed and flew into the sky like a cannonball.

Above the sky, Uchiha Madara, who was flying rapidly, asked in confusion,"Human bomb attack?"

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