Lake took off his black robe, revealing his handsome face. He looked at the Creek Pirates' headquarters in the distance, and a meaningful arc appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The bait has been spread, and it depends on whether you will take the bait," Lake chuckled, "Pirates who respect the strong, I think you can't hold back."

Then, he jumped onto a small raft and kicked it hard. The raft flew towards the darkness in the sea like an arrow from a string.

Soon after, he came to a big ship. The people on the ship didn't seem to be curious about the purpose of his trip. No one asked much, but just respectfully welcomed him on board, and then left together, as if this scene was not strange at all.

Therefore, no one on the ship knew that the extremely kind and great priest of God in their minds had just made a deal with the Creek Pirates, and this deal was not glorious.

No one spoke on the ship. Everyone was doing their job with a serious look. So, in such silence, the whole ship gradually sailed into the darkness.

The Creek Pirates' base was still bustling. Lake entered and left quietly without attracting the attention of others.

At this time, the pirates were immersed in the excitement of marching into the Grand Line. However, Creek, Akin and other four people in the hall looked solemn and the atmosphere was depressing.

The three of them were silent, looking at Creek quietly, waiting for his decision. They had followed Creek for a long time, and although they had seen more powerful forces, they still subconsciously treated him as the backbone.

Creek's face was also changing, and at this time, a strong desire for power surged in his heart. After seeing the real power, he also wanted to have it, especially since he was obsessed with power.

He felt unprecedented humiliation when he was easily defeated by a young opponent like Lake. But this time, he was terrified. Unexpectedly, his proud full-strength attack was not as good as the opponent's finger.

He recalled his previous arrogance and ignorance, and often claimed to be the most powerful pirate. But in fact, he was only worthy of stirring up trouble in the East China Sea. He suddenly felt that he was really a clown.

Thinking of this, a strong sense of shame surged in his heart, which made him feel ashamed. At this time, he couldn't help feeling a little lost and self-doubting, and even a little decadent.

But he was a powerful man after all, how could he be easily defeated by setbacks?

What's more, there is a clear path in front of him now, that is, to find a way to practice domineering.

Once again recalling the strength of the black-robed man, so calm and self-confident, so that he didn't take him seriously, suddenly, a strong fighting spirit was aroused in his eyes, as if to say, wait for me, don't let me become stronger.

It seems that at this time, only by becoming stronger and becoming a real strong man can he cover up his previous arrogance and ignorance, and let those who look down on him face him, and let himself get rid of the ignorant clown image.

However, he also knew that this path obviously concealed some conspiracy. After being in the business for so long, how could he not know that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is only thunder rolling in the sky.

However, even though he knew that this might be a conspiracy of the black-robed man, driven by his obsession to become stronger, he had to find out the truth. The powerful force was so tempting that he had to take a risk.

Three days passed in a flash. At this time, the sky was gloomy and drizzling, and the sea was already covered by fog, with low visibility.

Suddenly, a large number of fleets appeared at the dock of the port without any warning.

"Pirates are coming!"

The lookout sentry discovered something unusual and shouted loudly, alerting the residents and security team around the port.

After hearing the shouts, people looked at the dock one after another, and suddenly they were all panicked, running around, and shouting loudly.

"Pirates are coming!"


"It's the Creek Pirates!"

"Everyone hide!"

This notorious and strongest pirate group in the East China Sea, its fierce reputation has long been enough to make children stop crying and make civilians terrified. Every time they show up, they will bring a disaster.

Therefore, when the residents of the town saw that they were coming, they immediately panicked and fled in all directions.

The patrolling security team was no exception. Facing the huge fleet of the Creek Pirates, they were just ordinary soldiers and had no courage to resist.

They did not have the courage to try to stop the chariot, nor the determination to fight for the kingdom and the pirates. They also wanted to live a stable life for ordinary people. Therefore, they only wanted to protect their own safety and the happiness of their families.

After weighing the pros and cons, they decided to retreat and found an excuse that could convince themselves and make them feel at ease, saying that this was to preserve their manpowerquantity, to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.

However, how can they be blamed for this?

Even ants cherish their lives, let alone humans. Isn't it the same for ordinary people?

At this time, the pirates have already landed on the shore and are rushing towards the town frantically. The dense crowd is scary to look at.

Since Creek and others followed Lake's instructions and did not reveal the purpose of this trip, all the pirates thought that this was a collection of supplies before going to the Grand Line.

So they rushed to the docks, residential areas and towns and began to plunder frantically.

Of course, Creek also remembered Lake's instructions not to plunder believers protected by the Creation God Church and not to kill civilians indiscriminately.

He knew that this was an order that could not be questioned. Therefore, he sternly ordered his men.

In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, he also deliberately asked people to inquire about how to identify believers protected by the Creation God Church.

Such news is also very easy to find out. After all, Lake once publicly said that having the jade token he personally bestowed represents the protection of the cult.

Therefore, Creek quickly figured out the situation and conveyed the relevant information to all his men.

Because the sudden arrival of the Creek Pirates caught the town off guard. Many people had no time to escape, so they could only close the doors and windows, hide at home, and deceive themselves.

But can this withstand the fierce pirates?

Obviously, it can't.

So, in less than a quarter of an hour, these more than 5,000 pirates brought disaster to this port town.

The noise, screams, cries, and deafening sounds of destruction are intertwined, which is chilling.

"Tell me! Where is the money hidden?!" A little pirate was threatening the old man in the house.

"Old man, if you don't say it, I'll kill you! What a waste of my time!" Seeing that the old man was silent, the little pirate obviously lost his patience.

The old man was so scared that he trembled all over. He pointed under the bed with trembling fingers, then took out the jade card from his arms, closed his eyes and began to pray.

The little pirate was overjoyed when he saw this, and was about to lift the bed board to search for property.

Suddenly, he noticed the jade card in the old man's hand and the old man's pious prayer posture, and stopped his action immediately.

At this time, he remembered the boss's stern order, his expression when he was explaining it, and the consequences of violating the order, and he shuddered subconsciously. Then, he took a deep breath and resisted the impulse.

In the end, he left unwillingly to find a new target.

The old man was puzzled, and he had no idea why the pirate who was just ferocious would suddenly leave. I can't figure it out. At this time, what else can he do besides continuing to thank the gods?

Similar scenes were staged in many civilian homes in the town. However, more civilians who did not get the protection of the cult had their homes looted, and those residents who were unwilling to resist were beaten severely by the pirates.

However, strangely, the pirates didn't kill anyone. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that this was the masterpiece of the Creek Pirates.

As the pirates left, the residents of the town gathered together again. They seemed to have experienced twists and turns, and some were still frightened. They instinctively believed that there was strength in numbers and more people were safer.

However, when they found that those devout believers were unharmed and their property was not lost at all, an incredible idea came to their minds:

It turned out that the protection of the cult was real!

Although their trust came a little late, it was not too late after all.

Creek looked at his men who were even more motivated after a round of looting, and then looked at Harlan City not far away. His eyes became more fiery, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile, and he shouted to move forward quickly.

At this time, he seemed to see the method of domineering cultivation mentioned by the black-robed man.

He seemed to see himself in the near future, just like the man in black robe, blocking a thousand pounds of force with a single finger, and with a light wave, a deep gully appeared on the ground.

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