"Your Majesty, it's bad, it's terrible!" Defense Minister Baroka rushed to the palace and shouted anxiously.

"Baroka, what happened?" King Klofa VII asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"Pirates... The Creek Pirates are coming!" Baroka spoke quickly, his face full of worry.

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Klofa VII sat up in shock, his face suddenly became solemn.

"Yes, they are approaching the suburbs of Harlan!" Baroka added anxiously.


Klofa VII was speechless for a moment, his face turned pale. Although he was the head of a country, he couldn't help but panic when facing such a powerful pirate group.

However, he was the king after all, and he soon calmed down.

"What about the navy?" Klofa VII asked hurriedly.

"Today, the sea was covered with fog, and the navy was completely unaware." Baroka shook his head and said worriedly, "I have notified them, but it may take at least half a day to arrive."

"Half a day?" Klofa VII looked a little ugly, "What should we do in this half a day?"

Baroka was a little at a loss when he heard this, and he didn't know how to answer, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Seeing this, Klofa VII frowned and could only pace back and forth in the hall. He obviously knew the notoriety of the Creek Pirates and knew that the kingdom's own defense force could not resist it, so he was very worried.

This is also the current situation in this world. Except for a few powerful countries with strong armies, most countries only maintain basic defense forces to deal with emergencies.

After all, the existence of the navy is to maintain law and order at sea. If every country defends pirates on its own, what is the meaning of the navy?

"Send the order, summon all the ministers of the kingdom, let them lead their respective defense forces to the palace, and jointly resist the pirates!" After thinking for a moment, Klofa VII gave the order decisively.

He knew that now he had to gather all the available forces to fight for a glimmer of hope.

The guards of the palace took the order and quickly conveyed the king's order. Klofa VII and Baroka stayed in the palace, waiting anxiously.

At this time, in the suburbs of Harlan City, a mighty pirate team was approaching quickly.

"Admiral, Harlan City is in front of us! How do we act?" A pirate asked excitedly.

"Yes, that's the richest place in this country!" Another pirate echoed, rubbing his hands, eager to try.

"As long as we grab this place, we will get rich!"

The pirates were excited, as if they had seen countless gold and silver treasures waving to them.

They had just looted the port town by the sea and tasted the sweetness. Now facing the prosperous Harlan City, they were like hungry wolves pouncing on their prey, and they could no longer suppress their greed.

"Listen to me!" Creek looked at the excited crowd and shouted, "Our goal is the palace! That's where the real treasure is!"

"Yeah, there's nowhere to compare to the king's treasure."

"Hahaha, robbing the king, this is so exciting!"

The pirates were even more excited, as if they had seen the scene of countless gold, silver and jewelry piled up like mountains, and they cheered again.

Creek looked at his subordinates with high morale, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. However, he immediately thought that Harlan City was not far from the naval base, and it was very likely that the navy had already arrived.

However, he had no plan to evacuate. Even if all his men died in battle, as long as he could find the secret book of practicing domineering, everything would be worth it.

He glanced coldly at Ajin and the other three people who knew about it, and the three of them shuddered and nodded subconsciously. Although they didn't understand what Creek meant, they thought it was right to nod.

Not far away, Lake, with Allen and two teams of guardian knights, quietly observed the scene.

He watched groups of pirates pour into the port, only looting the wealth of non-believers or non-pious civilians, and not killing anyone, and he was very satisfied with this. Otherwise, Lake would have taken action at the port.

Although he wanted to use the hands of pirates to let everyone in this country realize the power of the Creation God Church again, and let everyone know the meaning of God's protection.

But he would never do anything to achieve his goal and treat the lives of civilians as worthless.

Although many civilians were looted and might be left without food and clothing, Lake would find a way to help them and would not let them starve. For devout believers, he would provide more help and support.

But for non-believers, he could only give some food. After all, for those who are ungrateful, he would not care too much, even if it was all caused by him.

"Priest, are we really not going to take action?" The kind-hearted Simon said with some reluctance.

"Do you think we should deal with this group of pirates?" Lake asked back.

"I just think that so many pirates will hurt countless people in Harlan City, which is too cruel." Simon looked at Lake's expression and felt a little uneasy.

Lake nodded, knowing that it was Simon's kindness at work.

He did not comment on anything. Sometimes people are like this, easily sentimental. Although some people are orphans, they will be infected and become kind-hearted after feeling the kindness of the world.

Even if they have an unbearable childhood, even if their life as orphans is full of suffering, their kind side will still be revealed under certain conditions.

This is a good thing for Lake. After all, it is better to get along with such people than those cruel people. However, he does not need excessive kindness, kindness that disregards the interests of the religion.

However, he would not give up Simon immediately, but planned to change the boy who had followed him from the beginning.

"Simon, you must remember that God will protect true believers. You saw it at the port before, right?" Lake said lightly.

Simon nodded immediately with a serious face.

"Those who do not believe in God, or those who are not firm in their faith, are destined to experience disasters. This is the rule of God's creation. Can you understand?"

Simon was at a loss and did not answer for a long time.

"Or do you think your ideas and your opinions are more correct than my decisions?" Lake frowned slightly.

"Priest, I don't mean that. My belief in God is sincere, I just can't bear it..."

"You must remember that you are a believer in God and a guardian knight of the God's religion. Your duty is to protect the believers of God. Do you understand?" Lake looked at him coldly and said seriously.

"I understand, I understand." Simon heard this and knew that he had crossed the line and made a fool of himself, and immediately said with a firm expression.

"Very good, as God's guardian knights, you must be clear about your mission. You are not saviors, don't be sentimental, all this is God's will."

After saying that, Lake crossed his hands on his chest, closed his eyes, and silently recited God's prayer.

Seeing this, everyone followed suit, each of them acting extremely pious. Simon was even more so, as if he had almost made a big mistake just now, and now he was repentant, so he worked harder.

Just as Lake and the others were praying, the Creek Pirates in the distance had already broken through the city gate and entered the streets of Harlan City.

Faced with the aggressive pirate group, the streets of Harlan City were already empty.

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