Creek's goal was clear. After entering Harlan City, he saw that there was no force on the street to stop them, so he led his men straight to the palace.

Soon, they arrived in front of the most glorious and magnificent palace in the Frost Kingdom.

Looking at the magnificent palace, the pirates were excited again. After all, with their status, they had never seen such a luxurious residence.

Creek looked at these men with desire and greed in their eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked at the palace in front of him, and seemed to see that the domineering secret of cultivation was already waving to him.

"Little guys, countless treasures are in front, what are you waiting for, go and grab them for me, hahaha." Creek shouted loudly.

His words were full of strong bandit spirit, and every word was as hot as a raging fire, instantly igniting the morale of his men. They all laughed like him and rushed towards the gorgeous palace gate at the same time.

Suddenly, the fierce pirates and the soldiers of the kingdom started a fierce battle.

However, ordinary soldiers who had not been baptized by blood and the bodyguards of ministers, how could they be the opponents of these pirates who had been burning, killing and looting on the sea for many years?

Sure enough, after several tentative confrontations, the battle soon showed a one-sided trend. The soldiers were beaten to pieces by the pirates. This was not only the difference in personal strength, but also the number of soldiers hastily summoned was obviously insufficient.

"Kill them all!" The pirates roared.

"Hahaha, such a weak soldier dares to block our way!" The captains of the Creek Pirates led their brothers to attack fiercely, crushing the soldiers ruthlessly like harvesting wheat.

"Hahaha, you really don't know how to live or die." The pirates' mocking voices came one after another, as if this was the fun of their battle.

"Run!" The remaining soldiers shouted in fear.

"Too strong, retreat."

"Retreat quickly, we are no match at all!"

The soldiers saw their companions being killed and wounded in an instant, and their hearts were filled with fear and despair, and their morale suddenly dropped to the extreme. Finally, under the extreme fear of death, they began to flee everywhere.

On the high platform of the palace in the distance, the king and the ministers saw this, their faces were ashen and desperate.

At this time, the last remaining guards around them, although more loyal, most of them had abnormal expressions and were obviously uneasy. They seemed to be thinking about whether to fight to the end or choose to run away.

However, how to choose between life and death and loyalty?

This problem may not be difficult for ordinary people. But for those who have been brainwashed by the idea of ​​loyalty for many years, this problem seems particularly tricky at this moment, and it is difficult to make a decision for a while.

After a while, the pirates broke into the inner hall of the palace, and their speed was simply unstoppable. If it weren't for the corpses and blood along the way still telling the tragedy just now, I would really think that the pirates had a smooth journey.

Seeing the fierce pirates rushing towards them, the king, ministers, and soldiers were all panicked, but there was nothing they could do. The atmosphere was extremely tense, and some ministers even couldn't help trembling.

"Hahaha, little guys, take a good look at our king!" Creek walked out of the crowd and laughed at his men.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the king is just an ordinary fat man."

"Yes, it turns out that these big guys are no different from us."

"That's nonsense, aren't they human..."

The pirates were bustling and talking about it. For those of them at the bottom of society, the ministers and kings of the kingdom were all high-ranking big guys, and they were once unattainable to them.

However, when they saw it at this moment, they all felt that it was just so-so.

So they laughed loudly. It seems that only in this way, slandering and belittling these people who were once high above, can their twisted hearts feel a little satisfied and let them find self-esteem.

"What do you want? Bailey, jewelry, gold and silver?"

King Krofa VII saw this and knew he had to stand up to defend his dignity. Otherwise, even if he escaped this disaster, his dignity would be lost.

"Hahaha, of course it's treasure!"

"We are pirates!"

"So, hand it over, hahaha!"

Crick didn't say anything, but his brothers couldn't hold back and shouted loudly.

"Do you know that such behavior will be surrounded and suppressed by the navy?" Some ministers still wanted to use the navy's full force to threaten these pirates, hoping that Creek would retreat.

But they didn't know that Creek was obsessed with power at this time and didn't care about it at all.The so-called naval encirclement. Besides, they are pirates, and the strongest pirate group in the East China Sea. It's not like they haven't experienced it before.

So, at this time, they don't take the naval encirclement to heart.

Of course, how can these little pirates in the East China Sea know the true power of the navy?

So, in front of this group of ignorant pirates, using the navy to threaten is doomed to be futile.

"Hahaha, we are pirates, isn't it normal to be encircled by the navy?" Creek mocked loudly.

"Little guys, navy, are you afraid?" Creek turned around and shouted to the pirates behind him again.


Suddenly, another round of laughter sounded. Because there were too many people, the laughter resounded through the sky, and almost the entire city of Harun could hear it.

"Father, what should I do?"

The little princess Sarah looked at her king father anxiously, with a gleam of hope in her eyes, as if she hoped that he could turn the tide, defeat the pirates, and protect the country.

After all, she was still at an age of fantasy, always hoping to have an omnipotent father to protect her.

However, King Krofa VII held her hand tightly without saying a word. He did not dare to look directly into his daughter's expectant eyes, because he was afraid that his powerlessness would disappoint her.

"Can we exchange it with money?"

"Yes, don't you want money? Tell us the amount, we will give it to you!"

At the critical moment of life and death, although the ministers were very scared, they were also seeking a ray of hope, and hurriedly begged for mercy from Creek, hoping to exchange their lives for money.

However, what they did not know was that Creek was not thinking about money at this time, but strength, a domineering practice method, and his self-esteem.

"Boss, what should we do?" Ajin frowned and asked in a low voice.

He looked at those subordinates who seemed to be a little moved, and suddenly realized that if he and others did not accept Bailey's begging for mercy, would they be abandoned by his subordinates?

After all, being a pirate is not for money, not for treasure?

Of course, Creek understood Ajin's concerns, but he was not worried.

"I am a pirate!" He roared, pretending to be insulted, "If I want something, I will go and rob it myself, not accept your charity!"

This performance was obviously for his younger brothers to see, and the effect was very good. At this time, a group of minions felt that the boss was full of ambition, and they were all impressed by his spirit, and they all laughed at him.

"The admiral is right! We are pirates, and robbing is our nature!"

"Kill them! Robbing all their treasures!"

A group of rabble, completely incited by Creek's words, shouted wildly as if they were injected with chicken blood. It seems that they all think that robbing is the true meaning of pirates and is in line with their pirate style.

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