"Okay, I also want to see what kind of power the legendary navy hero has, and how it is different from my gift from God." Lake said lightly with a blank expression.

Although Garp's reputation puts a lot of pressure on him. But he has been getting stronger through pressure, and breaking through pressure seems to have become an instinct engraved deep in his genes, and defeating pressure has become his pleasure.

Besides, he has been in this world for a long time, and now he has the strength, it is time to announce his arrival.

Now, he already knows that he has become a person of great concern to the world government. Hiding and developing secretly to invincibility is no longer feasible. After all, his strengthening requires the power of faith.

After experiencing the speed of a rocket, how can he tolerate the slow crawling of a turtle!

Therefore, faith must continue to spread.

Thinking of this, Lake also got angry. Since he was not allowed to develop in peace and not allowed to be invincible, let the world feel the storm he brought. After all, his blood is also restless.

Therefore, Lake decided to take this opportunity to find out what his own strength level was. Since Garp did not choose to help the CP people, it was obvious that they were sparring at this time. Isn't this a good opportunity for him to test his strength?

"Hahaha, young people are full of blood, vigor and drive." Seeing Lake so lightly and confidently, Garp also laughed, and obviously had some appreciation.

Then, Lake's eyes fell on the CP9 people again, and he ordered: "Alan, tie them all up."

"Yes." Everyone answered in unison.

After a while, the CP people were tied up like dumplings by Alan and others. After all, they had seen Lucci's strength. If he broke free, it was obviously beyond their ability to deal with, so they were very cautious.

Seeing them tied up tightly one by one, Lake was relieved, and then looked at Garp again.

"Vice Admiral Garp, follow me."

Lake smiled at Garp and said something, then he stepped directly into the void and began to walk towards the sky step by step. His movements were calm and free, just like walking on flat ground.

"Hahaha, your strength is really good, which surprised me a little!" Seeing Lake's skills that were like moon steps, but not moon steps, and obviously more difficult than moon steps, Garp praised.

"Moon steps."

Then, he was not to be outdone and chased directly in the direction of Lake. However, everyone below felt that Garp's movements were a bit awkward. At such an old age, he was still jumping in the air.

It can only be said that there is no harm without comparison.

Fortunately, everyone's focus was not on the movements, but they were deeply shocked by their behavior. They kept repeating a sentence in their minds, why can they walk in the air.

After all, in their common sense, humans walk on the ground, fish walk in the water, and only birds fly in the sky. Flying in the sky is the dream of countless people. Now that it is truly happening before their eyes, their worldview is greatly impacted.

"It turns out that humans are really strong enough to fly!"

This is the sigh in the hearts of the Knights at this time. They were shocked and folded their hands in front of their chests and prayed devoutly to God.

Because they instinctively believed that Lake could do it, which was also a gift from God.

As for why Garp could do it, it was obviously ignored by them subconsciously at this time.

Lake's steps seemed slow, but the effect of the huge thrust made him seem to shrink the earth into an inch. At this time, he was walking quickly to the distance at a speed of ten feet per step.

Garp followed closely behind, and such an action was obviously not very strenuous for him.

Just when Garp and Lake were about to disappear in the air, a white smoke suddenly rushed over at a high speed. It was Smoker, and he looked very anxious.

This once again made Allen and the others short-circuit their brains, and they were all wondering, what on earth was going on? How can people turn into smoke? What kind of world are we living in?

Looking at the tightly tied CP members, Smoker frowned.

He came here for this reason, and when he heard the intelligence personnel know that CP9 went directly to the church, he knew that there would be a conflict, so he hurried over, but how come all the members were rescued and captured in such a short time.

Smoker didn't know what kind of conflict had happened, and was very confused. But he obviously didn't come here to worry about the CP members, but to prevent them from messing around, after all, Lake has not been proven guilty yet.

"Where is Vice Admiral Garp?" Smoker glancedAfter walking around the back garden, he frowned and asked Bogart.

Bogart pointed to the sky in the distance, and the two people who were almost invisible to the naked eye were moving away, one in front and one behind, without saying a word.

Smoker was shocked.

He knew the Six Styles of the Navy, and he also knew the Moon Step, which was only done by the strong physical masters in the Navy. But obviously, Lake's was not the Moon Step, but he knew that this skill was obviously more advanced than the Moon Step.

After all, Lake's elegant posture in the air, like strolling in the garden, was obviously more calm than Garp behind him. Don't forget, this is the sky, the calmer it is, doesn't it mean the stronger the strength?

Although Smoker didn't know how Lake did it, he had already understood at this time that Lake was obviously a real strong man. They might have underestimated him before. Obviously, he was not only strong in swordsmanship, but also in physical skills.

Then he gritted his teeth, turned into a puff of smoke, and chased after him.

However, at this time, there was another gust of wind blowing in the direction of Lake and the others.

Bogart frowned, but finally sighed and chose not to follow.

At this time, in broad daylight, many people in Harlan saw Lake and Cap moving forward in the air, and they were shocked. It spread from person to person, and soon almost the entire Harlan city knew about it.

They all thought that this was also the power of God's gift, so they stopped and prayed, and their faith suddenly soared again.

As for Cap, he was obviously overshadowed by the light of their God's priest in their eyes, and they subconsciously ignored him. After all, in comparison, he was so awkward and inconspicuous.

There were also many people who ran in the direction of Lake. After all, curiosity is human nature.

Soon, Lake brought Cap to a deserted island not far from Harlan City. It was not big, the size of an ordinary football field.

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