Just as the two landed on the deserted island, those who were already close to the distant coast had come to a relatively close position.

"Hey, who knows how the priest and that guy just walked from the sky?" A believer asked puzzledly.

"I don't know."

"I don't know either."

"Me too."

Those who didn't speak also shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

"Are they going to fight?" someone else said.

"I think so." Someone replied uncertainly.

"Who knows who that old man is? How can he bounce from the sky and keep up with the priest?" Suddenly, someone in the crowd asked the key question.

Everyone looked around to see if anyone knew. For a long time, no one spoke, obviously they didn't know such a skill.

"I think I know." The young boy suddenly said.

"Who is it!"

"If you know, tell me!"

"Why are you keeping us on suspense!"

Everyone started to complain. Obviously, the boy's hesitation at this moment caused dissatisfaction among the crowd.

"He is the hero of the navy, Iron Fist Garp!" The boy also felt the emotions of the crowd and said immediately.

Suddenly, the crowd was silent.

"No way, I heard that he is one of the strongest in the navy."

"Oh my god, I remember it too, it's true!"

"What should the priest do now? Can he handle it?"

After a short silence, a fierce quarrel broke out in the crowd again. Some were surprised at Garp's identity, some were worried about Lake, and some were still complaining about the navy, scolding them for daring to attack the priest of God.

At this time, Smoker and Dragon also appeared on a tree on the side when everyone's eyes were focused on Lake and Garp. Because there was only one tree nearby, the two fell on different tree trunks one after another.

At this moment, Smoker realized that there was such a great god following him, and he was immediately scared.

"Drag, it's you." Smoker said coldly.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill will towards you, let's just watch them." Dorag said with a smile.

Obviously, at this moment, Smoker knew what to do as long as he was not stupid. No one saw it, so he should just admit his weakness. After all, the strength of the two was there, and the gap was insurmountable.

So, Smoker was very honest at this time.

And Lake, after landing, looked like he was praying devoutly, which made Karp think that he was really extremely devout to God.

In fact, this was just a trick that Lake wanted to delay time. Since he was not going to hide, the more sensational the better. He just wanted to wait for more people to come, preferably reporters.

After all, the spread of faith requires the reputation of God, the reputation of the religion, and his reputation. Of course, the louder the better.

At this time, Lake also felt that the time was almost up, so he ended his prayer posture and looked at Garp, who was smiling not far away, and faced him.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are ready!" Garp said with a smile, "Are you going to take a book to spar with me?"

"Well, it doesn't matter."

As soon as he finished speaking, the book in Lake's left hand began to be wrapped by a stream of energy, and then, Lake's right hand slowly passed from one end of the book, and suddenly, a black knife appeared in his hand.

Garp's face suddenly became a little solemn. Obviously, he knew that this was an extremely high-end skill of using Armament Haki, and he didn't know it.

Of course, this does not mean that Garp's Armament Haki is not strong, but that these are two different fields of use.

After all, changing the structure of matter requires extremely sophisticated operations, and Garp takes the path of one force defeating ten skills, focusing on the quality of Armament Haki, and almost all the strong men on the sea are like this.

"What's going on? Why did the priest's book turn into a knife?"

"How should I know?"

"This is probably a power given by God!"

The crowd watching the excitement obviously didn't have any masters. They were basically ordinary people from the East China Sea. They just attributed all this to the power of God.

"Is that the power of his devil fruit?" Smoker on the tree didn't quite understand either. He turned his head and asked Dragon.

"No, this is Armament Haki."

Dorrag, who was obviously well-informed, saw what was going on with Lake at a glance.

He also knew that there were very few people who could achieve this level of Armament Haki. There were probably only a few people on the sea who could do it. And today there was one more person, and he was still so young. Dragon couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Smoker was veryHe was stunned. He knew about Armament Haki, but could Armament Haki do such a thing? Obviously, if he could see it, he would have a big question mark on his head at this moment.

If it wasn't said by this person, he would not believe it anyway, and he would probably make a wave of ridicule. If you don't have any knowledge, don't talk nonsense. You really think he doesn't know what Armament Haki is, right?

After a brief eye contact, it indicated that the two sides began to really fight.

"You old man, please be careful. I won't hold back." Lake reminded.

"Hahaha, okay, don't underestimate me."

"Well, let's start."

After Lake finished speaking, he slowly raised the knife in his hand. In the eyes of everyone, Lake's movements were so slow, which was completely contrary to their cognition that the faster the knife was swung, the better.

However, although Lake's knife looked slow, as the knife slowly fell, a heart-pounding pressure instantly enveloped the surroundings.

"God said: Cut off the sea!"

I saw a huge slash on his sword, tearing the sky in an instant and heading straight for Garp. On the way, the sky was split in two, and the sharp cold light on the slash made everyone in the distance feel as if they were stinging.

"You kid, don't you say let me, an old man, you are not worried about cutting me with a knife." Garp's voice sounded a little complaining.

He didn't expect Lake's slash to be so powerful. In a hurry, it was too late to resist with physical skills, so he could only choose to dodge.

But the slash speed was so fast that even if he used "shave", he was still affected by the aftermath of the huge slash, and he looked a little embarrassed at this time.

Of course, he was definitely not injured.

However, although the slash did not hit him, it slashed towards the sea. Suddenly, dozens of miles of sea surface were torn apart in an instant, and the sea water was separated by an invisible big hand. The seabed that was always underwater extended for several miles from the deserted island.

This is not the end yet. After the slash, a huge amount of sea water rushed back with a sound like thunder, and immediately set off huge waves. The people in the distance were shocked and ran behind the boulders to avoid the attack of the huge waves.

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