Rayleigh's timely appearance really provided Lake with a perfect reason to keep Luffy and his crew.

"Luffy, with your current strength, you are far from enough in this world. If you rashly go to the Grand Line, there may be unimaginable dangers. Do you know how powerful the Roger Pirates were back then?"

Lake seized the opportunity and prepared to "PUA" Luffy.

"I am also very strong now..."

Luffy retorted stubbornly, but his eyes unconsciously looked at Lake, and his voice gradually weakened. Obviously, this person who was not much older than him really made him feel that he was very weak.

In fact, he also knew that this was just Lake's specialness. He had been here for these days, and he had long been clear about the situation of Allen and the others. No one was his opponent.

"Let Mr. Rayleigh assess your strength? They know best what kind of dangers you will encounter on this adventure. However, there is no perfect plan in the world, just to give you an idea."

Luffy thought about it and knew that this was for their own good. He also thought that some psychological preparation would be helpful. After all, he wanted adventure, not death.

"Well, okay." He nodded, "But, Rayleigh, I'm very strong, you have to be careful!"

In an instant, he recovered his nature and turned around to laugh at Rayleigh.

Lake also laughed.

I thought, this should be nature, Garp didn't correct it, it should be the so-called inheritance of D's will.

"Luffy, Mr. Rayleigh is a senior!" Nami is not as heartless as Luffy, and she feels a little rude to Luffy calling her by her name.

"Hahaha, little girl, don't be too restrained. Pirates are all about freedom! It's a title, you can call me whatever you like, I don't mind." Rayleigh laughed heartily.

"How can this be, you are a senior." Nami said hurriedly.

After all, Pluto Rayleigh, the vice captain of the Pirate King, is still very important in this world, especially for these rookie pirates who have just set out to sea and dream of conquering the Grand Line. It is a living legend.

"Okay, Nami, Rayleigh is right. Since you have chosen to become a pirate, of course you must try your best to be the freest person and realize your dream. This is the source of motivation for the voyage."

Lake stopped the argument and looked at Luffy with a smile, obviously wanting him to play.

"Hehehe, Nami, let me do it, Rayleigh, I want to become the Pirate King, hehehe!" Luffy said with a arrogant attitude and excitement.

Such a heartless person really made Lake feel overwhelmed. He thought, you might have misunderstood my meaning, I asked Rayleigh to measure your strength, not that you have the strength to compete with him.

"Luffy, you can be mentally prepared. Although Mr. Rayleigh is old, it is still no problem for him to beat you a hundred times." Lake shook his head and laughed.

"Don't look down on me, my fist is faster than a bullet." Luffy was furious and immediately very unconvinced, and he restored the classic posture of horse stance punching.

"Hahaha, you really suit this hat. Come on, straw hat brother, let me measure your courage." Rayleigh was also amused.

Then everyone went to the training ground together.

Three minutes later, Luffy, with a swollen nose and face and two eyes like frogs, appeared in front of everyone.

He was chased and beaten by Rayleigh throughout the whole process. Although Rayleigh did not move a step, he did not show any mercy in the defensive counterattack. Everyone felt a stinging pain when watching from the side.

Under Rayleigh's observation Haki, Luffy couldn't touch a hair.

I don't know if Rayleigh wanted to take the opportunity to vent his anger, or if he felt happy while fighting. He didn't save his Armament Haki at all, and his fists were as strong as iron. Lake guessed that he must have been relieved.

Looking at Luffy's miserable state, Lake also shook his head, thinking, it's all your fault, making this kid disrespect his predecessors and being disrespectful, so you have to suffer.

At this time, Luffy didn't say it hard, and lay on the training ground with a big human shape, doubting his life. At this time, he felt that he had left the Novice Village and his world combat power had been greatly upgraded, as if he had come to a different world.

Seeing this, Lake thought that saying something would definitely be effective.

"Luffy, the courage to move forward is important, but the captain needs not only courage but also the responsibility to protect the crew," he said calmly as he stepped forward, "It's up to you whether you want to practice for a while."

"Luffy, we should learn Haki first, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

Zoro was obviously very rational at this time. His dream was to become the world's greatest swordsman, and he had already shown an extremely tenacious will and an indomitable spirit.Dream.

He obviously would not set sail purely for the dream, especially after seeing his lack of strength.

"Yes, Luffy, this is a great opportunity."

"Luffy, not everyone has the opportunity to get guidance from Senior Rayleigh."

Nami and Usopp immediately advised.

Luffy was no longer stubborn at this time. He lay there and nodded, looking like he had nothing to live for. It was really miserable.

Seeing this, Lake smiled with satisfaction.

After all, this is something that has a great influence on the original plot. A sense of accomplishment suddenly arises. At this time, he feels that the world is in his hands and he can manipulate it.

But he didn't think about really harming Luffy. After all, a man who dares to fight and take risks for his dream should be respected, right?

He just wants him to be stronger. It can't be said that he is harming him.

Then he looked at Allen and the others and arranged: "Allen, you will train with Luffy and the others in the future. As for how to come, listen to Senior Rayleigh's arrangement. Also, your strength is too weak, so you need to fight hard."


Allen looked serious, as if Lake's words touched something called self-esteem, or stubbornness, or bloodiness, and he seemed to have made up his mind at this time.

Then, under the arrangement of Old John, Rayleigh and Luffy were officially arranged to live.

Not long after, after Old John arranged everything, he came to the church again and found Lake.

"Lake, do you have anything to do?" Old John asked.

"I want to know the recent situation of each parish and our financial situation." Lake said straight to the point.

"Lake, you really haven't cared about these things for a long time. I thought you were going to let the parish develop on its own." Old John said with a smile.

As he said that, he took out a folder from his bag and began to report to Lake.

"According to the reports from various dioceses, they are basically in rapid development. The church staff of several major dioceses such as Beifeng Port has reached more than 100 people, and other dioceses are also at a normal level."

"Well, very good, what about the financial aspect?" This is what will affect Lake's plan next, so he is very concerned.

"The profits of Balabala BBQ Bar were later left to the local diocese for development, so we mainly rely on donations from believers. The recent donations have obviously increased, and now there are 2.5 billion Baileys left in the account."

"Well, not bad." Lake nodded with a smile.

After all, this is a huge sum of money, which he dared not even think about in his previous life.

However, now he looks down on these external things and feels that only power is truly his own, after all, it is all obtained by power.

"Old John, this time I plan to conduct a new round of inspections of all the parishes. There are more believers now, but too few priests and knights. I want to see if there are any good seedlings in those parishes."

"Okay, then I will prepare next, but how many people should I bring with me this time?" Old John said.

"Not too many people, a small team of guardian knights, plus some followers, you can do it yourself, and bring CP9 this time." Lake said after thinking for a while.


Then, Old John left quickly. Only Lake was left, and he continued to close his eyes and rest in the church.

Of course, what did he need to close his eyes and rest? Obviously, he was practicing in the fantasy world.

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