The next day, after giving instructions, Lake, Old John and everyone else set out on the road to North Wind Harbor.

Now that Rayleigh is in charge of the camp, Lake is not worried about any accidents, although Rayleigh is not his man, but just a temporary coach.

However, he believes that if something really happens, Rayleigh will definitely not sit idly by.

The guard leader of this patrol is a team of guardian knights led by Simon, who was appointed by Lake, who wanted to find an opportunity to see what kind of changes this young man with good intentions in his heart has undergone.

On the other side of the carriage are Lucci and his party from CP9. The reason why he brought them along is that Lake thinks these people are all talented, but they have been brainwashed by the World Government, and he wants to try to make them surrender.

He believes that people whose hearts are blinded by darkness need to be influenced by light and deterred by powerful strength.

And he happens to have both of these.

He also hoped that the happiness of the civilians of the Frost Kingdom and the joy of all beings would infect them along the way. After all, for them who have been orphans since childhood, this must have been a deep yearning in their hearts.

Although he didn't know to what extent these people had been brainwashed by the World Government, it would not be a loss for him to try. What if they really agreed? Wouldn't it be a ready-made powerful fighting force?

"Lake, we have arrived at the North Wind Port Church."

Hearing the voice of Old John, Lake, who was resting with his eyes closed in the carriage, stood up.

This trip was just a private visit, so the believers were not notified, and the location was also in the private area of ​​the church. There were not many people welcoming them at this time, only the local church members.

"Priest, according to your instructions, the trainee priests and guards directly under the church have all arrived." Tobias, the head of the North Wind Port Church, said.

Then, Lake brought everyone to the training ground of the church.

"Is that the priest?"

"I didn't expect him to come in person!"

"It would be such an honor to be selected."

Seeing from afar that the person coming was Lake himself, these teenagers, whose average age was less than 17 years old, whispered and became excited.

After all, Lake was not only their leader and their protector, but also a super strong man. Which man does not worship powerful strength?

As Lake approached, the training ground suddenly fell silent, and no one dared to be disrespectful at this time.

Looking at this group of young people with strong mental outlook, Lake was very satisfied.

Because he knew that these young people were orphans raised by the local church. At this time, they did not see any malnutrition and thinness. They all looked very healthy, and several of them were abnormally strong.

This meant that the route of the regional church he had conceived before was indeed developing healthily and was on the right track. He did not need to worry too much. He believed that this was the correct route for a powerful organization.

"You are all the most devout believers of God. In the future, you will spread the faith of God and protect the safety of the Church of God. Everyone has a chance to show their abilities, but this time, I will only take 10 people away."

Lake looked at the more than 100 teenagers in front of him, and said slowly to the young people with admiration in their eyes.

"This time, Pastor Tobias will recommend 5 apprentice priests, and you will have to fight for the 5 knights of the Knights' Order. Prepare your best and show your own strength."

"Also, priests and guardian knights are both servants of God and have equal honor."

Lake's plan at this time is to select outstanding people from the regional church, and go to various parts of the East China Sea to spread the faith by pairing two familiar people, priests and guardian knights.

So, in the selection mode that has been determined long ago, half of the people randomly draw their opponents from the box.

In order to make the scene more solemn and let everyone feel that victory is a powerful honor, Lake did not let them fight at the same time, but each time they fought in pairs in front of everyone.

As the two fought, everyone focused on the two teenagers in front of them. Although the battles were not exciting, they still paid attention to every one of them.

"Lucci, what do you think of the talents of these young men?" Lake asked with interest.

"Humph, their strength is vulnerable." Looking at these young men who had trained for less than two years and whose strength was only at the level of elite navy soldiers, Lucci was of course dismissive.

Lake also understood what Lucci meant, but this was obviously not what he wanted to ask. What he wanted to ask was their qualifications. According to the training of ordinary people in this world, whether such strength is outstanding.

"They were all orphans, and they should have been trained by the church for less than three years. Before that, they all lived a miserable life with insufficient food and clothing."

"Is that true?"Lucci seemed to remember the fate of himself and others, which seemed to be as miserable as that of these orphans.

However, he didn't understand why these orphans smiled from the bottom of their hearts.

He didn't understand, and he had never experienced it.

He couldn't be blamed. After all, this was a smile that only comes after being redeemed and the soul is full of hope.

"If that's the case, then they are not bad." This time, Lucci said seriously without disdain.

"Well, obviously they are not as good as the strength cultivated by your world government since childhood. I guess you have suffered a lot, but does the world government really not intend to care about you? No one has come to negotiate for so long."


This sentence obviously hit the scars of their group. They were also very disappointed with the world government's indifference, but they were overly brainwashed and blamed themselves for their lack of strength. This was the fundamental reason.

Lake did not continue to attack them and discredit the world government's approach. After all, subtle influence and silent moistening are the most clever means, and too obvious intentions will only make them psychologically defensive.

Then, Lake's eyes fell on the duel on the field, but at this time a teenager caught his attention. He was strong and nearly three meters tall, and his fighting posture was very fierce.

What attracted him most was not the boy's strength, but the horn on his head. After all, in this world, those with horns on their heads are all tough characters, such as the Four Emperors Kaido and Gekko Moriah.

"What is his origin?" Lake pointed at the boy and asked Tobias.

"Priest, he is Neil Hausman, an orphan who wandered to North Wind Port. He was only 12 years old when he came here, and he made a living by fishing. His life was very hard, but he was never bewitched by gangs and always lived alone."

"Oh? It seems that he has an unknown story. Didn't he tell it?"

"No." Tobias shook his head.

"Yeah." Lake nodded.

Then he felt the degree of Hausman's faith and found that he was a devout believer.

This made him a little confused. Shouldn't the more independent people be the less they believe in God? He couldn't figure out why this was the case? Obviously there must be some unknown reason, and he planned to find out more later.

"Do you know what race he is?" Lake asked Lu Qi again.

"It should be a ghost tribe?"

Lu Qi was not sure. He had seen photos of the two-horned ghost tribe, but it was the first time he saw a single-horned one.

However, Lake did not continue to dwell on it. It was obviously a waste if he didn't train a young man with extraordinary qualifications, so he planned to train him as the captain of the Guardian Knights.

He didn't expect that there would be such a talented person at the first stop, and he immediately looked forward to this inspection.

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