The members of the Big Mom Pirates couldn't believe their eyes.

The Samsung generals, who were originally the closest members of their team and Charlotte Lingling's most loyal subordinates, had to be very surprised that they had all defected to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Seeing the strong offensive of the three people, those children also had the idea of retreating, and they didn't want to fight them head-on anymore.

They all know very well in their hearts that compared with the strength of the three-star generals, there is a world of difference.

In just this short period of time, it is impossible to surpass their strength.

Their skills are so powerful, if they blindly fight, they can only suffer a loss for themselves, let the other party take advantage, and if they are not careful, they may lose their lives.

The members of the Big Mom Pirates all made a small calculation in their hearts, feeling that this confrontation was not a long-term solution at all.

Some of the clever members have already retreated out of the fighting circle, watching the other members engage in fierce battles with Samsung.

Those ordinary pirates are no match for the three-star generals and Whitebeard.

In less than a while, the other party had already killed more than half of the members here, and the speed was so fast that people almost didn't have time to think.

Bray is also engaged in a fierce battle with the pirates of the Whitebeard Legion.

She now plays for Charlotte Lingling, and although she has a deep friendship with Katakuri, she now has to act on Lingling's orders and fight with them.

But Bray has always wondered in his heart: "Why did Katakuri and the others suddenly join the Whitebeard Army? What happened between them? Could they betray Lingling so easily? Aren't they afraid that Lingling will retaliate against them?"

With these questions, she ran away from time to time during the battle, and did not use all her strength.

Fighting against him was Katakuri, who had apparently seen Bray's absent-mindedness, so he didn't use all his strength, just going through the motions with him.

Katakuri realized that Bray would have to ask him some questions, so he waited quietly for him to speak.

Halfway through the fight, Bray's movements finally slowed down, and then he stared at Katakuri suspiciously, asking him the question in his mind.

"Katakuri, why did you and Smuji betray Auntie, and now that you're joining each other's camp, what do you think?" Bray asked in a questioning tone.

She didn't understand the behavior of the Samsung generals very much, and she also felt very resentful in her heart.

Even if a few of them are dissatisfied with the aunt, they can't directly betray the team and run to the other party's camp.

Bray's eyes were fixed on Katakuri, and he seemed to be a little angry.

Katakuri could also understand what Bray was feeling now, and secretly pondered in his heart: "Now it's excessive justification again, Bray will definitely not understand, if he does this, it will definitely deepen his misunderstanding of us, why don't you tell him what happened, right or wrong, let him judge for himself." "

Thinking of this, Katakuri told Bray in detail about the three of them in the first place.

"Bray, I know you have a lot of questions in your mind right now, and you also resent the three of us, and I understand your feelings very well, so I don't blame you. "

Katakuri's tone was very calm, as if he was saying something very normal, which made Bray feel a little surprised.

Shouldn't Katakuri feel guilty for betraying the Big Mom Pirates, and why are they talking to her in a proper way now?

Bray's brow furrowed deeply, and he was even more dissatisfied with them.

But Katakuri didn't seem to see the expression on her face, and still spoke calmly.

"The reason why a few of us have taken refuge in Lunn is entirely because he saved the lives of the three of us, and has the grace of regeneration for us, our souls are now reborn, and we don't have to give it to Auntie anymore, and now we have our own consciousness and opinions, all thanks to Lunn. "

"If it weren't for Lun, we would still be enslaved by Big Mom, in order to repay him for this kindness, we would have to join the Whitebeard Army, even if we had to be enemies of the King Pirates in the end, we would not hesitate to do so!"

Katakuri swore so well that Bray listened to it.

What Bray didn't expect was that such a wonderful thing had happened between them and Lunn in Katakuri.

Lunn actually saved the lives of the three-star generals!

Judging from this statement, it is also reasonable for Samsung generals to join the Whitebeard Army and repay Lun's kindness.

Bray has been moved by Katakuri's story, and he no longer has a grudge against the Samsung generals in his heart, but has an extra layer of understanding and respect for them.

The grace of saving lives, of course, should be repaid well, and Bray also supports them in his heart.

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