"Katakuri, I now understand why you did that," Bray's eyes fixed on his face, "I have no grudge against you in my heart now, and I understand your actions very well. "

Katakuri was also happy to see that Bray could understand them.

The two men had now completely stopped fighting and were standing there talking.

"Bray, thank you for being understanding of our situation, and I'm glad you don't complain about us anymore. Katakuri's tone was relaxed, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't expect Bray and the other members of the Big Mom Pirates to understand their current situation, he was still very happy that Bray was able to understand and believe them in this way.

Although they will still be rivals after the next meeting, Katakuri knows that he will not be cruel to them, and in his heart, they have always been friends.

"Katakuri, the story between you and Lunn is very touching, I have been touched by you, don't worry, I will help you go to the aunt and say a few good words, persuade her, let her stop hating you. "

Bray is a kind person, and he also has a friendship with Katakuri and the others, and he really doesn't want to see such an unpleasant quarrel between his aunt and these sons.

Therefore, she thought of this method and wanted to make peace from it to resolve the contradiction between the three generals and the aunt.

Bray pondered in his heart: "The reason why Auntie hates them in her heart is that she doesn't know the story between them and Lunn at all, if she tells him this matter clearly, she will definitely forgive Samsung." "

But she was still too naïve to think about it, and she also underestimated the ruthlessness of her aunt.

In Auntie's stubborn heart, as long as Samsung will stand on the opposite side of him, she will not be able to spare them!

Of course, Katakuri knew the character of the aunt very well, and when he heard Bray's suggestion, he didn't think it would work.

He didn't think about this suggestion, when he decided to join the Whitebeard Army, he could go directly to his aunt to make it clear, but this method was finally ruled out by him.

It's because he knows his aunt's character too well, and he is a person who will never change his mind just because of a few words.

For the betrayal of his subordinates, there is only one way in the end, and that is to be executed by the aunt!

Thinking of this, Katakuri directly rejected Bray's request: "Bray, you don't need to persuade Auntie, he won't listen to your advice, I know her person too well, if this method works, I will definitely do it a long time ago!"

The expression on Katakuri's face was serious, not at all like he was joking.

Not only did Bray have a puzzled look on her face, but she was skeptical of Katakuri's words.

"Why don't you let me persuade you? Don't you want to reconcile with your aunt?"

She couldn't understand why Katakuri had stopped her kind behavior.

While the two were talking, Lunn had already come over from Whitebeard's side.

He had seen from afar that Katakuri and Bray had stopped fighting and were talking to each other closely, so he hurried over to take a look.

When they reached the two men, they happened to hear their conversation and Breen's angry questioning.

Before Katakuri could speak, Lunn answered Bray's question.

"Brie, of course I understand your kindness, you just want to help the three stars generalize them, but you ignore Charlotte Lingling's ruthlessness. "

"With his character, he will definitely not give up so easily, she will definitely turn the world upside down and satisfy the selfish desire in her heart, and then it is possible to stop!"

Lunn acknowledges Bray's kindness and explains to her why it wasn't feasible.

Charlotte Lingling is notoriously sinister and vicious, and everyone knows it, so few people believe that he will give up attacking the Whitebeard group because of Brie's few words.

When Bray heard Lunn's explanation, he couldn't help but bow his head and ponder.

Is Charlotte Lingling really so unkind? Even her own own son?

Lunn looked at Bray, knowing that she still had doubts in her mind, and also expressed understanding.

He didn't dwell too much on the matter, but just made another request to Bray.

"Bray, since you want to help the three generals, then I have a proposal, I don't know if you will agree?" Lunn looked at Bray and said what was in his heart.

Since they can't have this mind, it is better to let her do something else to help them get information!

"What proposal?" Bray looked at Lenn with a puzzled expression.

Lunn's answer was straight to the point, without any detours: "I want you to help us, become a spy on the side of the Big Mom Pirates, and provide information." "

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