The city lord of Nolanos saw that things were getting more and more intense, and then he was ready to make a move.

Because Lunn was a little strong, he called his men over first.

Receiving the order, the Irma Flamemen immediately rushed over.

Seeing the battle in front of him, he immediately understood what was happening.

So at the behest of the city lord Nolanos, he began to fight with Len.

At first, Lunn didn't take Irma seriously, and then the two of them began to fight.

At first, it was a painless fight, because both of them were testing each other's strength.

But because he was too cautious, the battle went unusually slowly, and the city lord next to him couldn't help it, so he said to Irma, "You hurry up and settle this battle." "

Naturally, Irma couldn't be sloppy when she heard the order, so she launched an even more fierce attack than just now.

Then Lunn, who was attacked, unleashed his Destiny Shadow Blade.

This move is also one of his primary methods, using the transformation of the blade to produce psychedelic shadows.

It's just that it's really unclear from which angle the attack is going to be launched, so that the opponent is upset, and in a panic, he shows his horse's feet, and then launches an attack.

But Irma has a certain strength after all, and there is still some gap between it and the strength of the San Juan wolf just now.

Therefore, when facing Ron's attack, he also seemed calm and not so flustered.

So when Lunn attacked him, he was also steadily analyzing the battle situation and the change of Lunn's moves.

In this way, he analyzes his flaws, when Lunn initiated the move of Destiny Shadow Blade.

He was a little surprised, but he immediately returned to his form.

He was carefully observing the changes in these events, and he found that although the blades were changing very quickly, they had a double vision.

But there are still some flaws in the ghosting, because the speed of the sword hilt can't keep up, and the speed of the blade swinging.

The ghosting produced by the hilt of a sword is often less illusory than the ghosting produced by a sword.

So he needs to calm down and carefully change the handle, and then find out where his true body is, and break his illusion with one move.

At this time, Lunn had not yet noticed the difference between Elma, because he was extremely calm at this time, and people could not see any flaws.

Then, in the split second of Lunn's distraction, Irma launched an attack and cracked his Destiny Shadow Blade technique.

When he was defeated, Lunn suddenly realized that he might have underestimated the enemy just now, and showed some flaws to Irma.

So he sank down, and then prepared to see the move, and did not plan to launch the next attack, after cracking Lunn's move.

Irma wanted to wait for Lunn's next attack, but she didn't expect Lunn to stop.

Then Irma could only attack first because the other party didn't make a move, and then he didn't make a move, and the two people were deadlocked, and no one knew what would happen next.

And Lunn also expected Irma to make a move, even though he stopped attacking.

But because as a flameman, the first thing to bear the brunt of is to strike bravely and not be afraid of death.

Then he will be unhappy with his attack, turn to his own attack, and then as expected.

After a 23-second pause, Irma launched the next round of counter-offensive against him, and Elma cast his fire wheel.

As a flamer, Elma is naturally best at using fire.

Therefore, he first used the medium move Fire Rim to attack Lunn.

Lunn smiled when he saw the Fire Wheel Fist approaching him step by step, because he was going to let Irma fall into his trap step by step.

Then he found the art of cracking it himself, and cracked his moves step by step.

As Elma's moves got closer and closer, he used his sword to directly circle the fireball in front of him around the arrow a few times.

Then, with the help of force, these rings of fire were sent back to him from the direction of the attack.

was about to be hit by his own move, Irma was naturally not willing to be defeated, and he directly collected his fireball.

Then he went one step further and used the fire technique, which was to let the fire continue to spread around the enemy, forcing him to jump into another trap he had set step by step.

But Lunn was naturally not that stupid, when he saw the flames rising beside him.

He realized that it was Elma's trap, and he pried up a few boulders from the ground.

Then the big stones kept turning into small pieces in Lunn's sword, but although they were small pieces, they added up to a lot.

Instead, it's more like a thick wall that extinguishes the flames around it.

Then Lunn sensed something interesting, and he launched his own attack on Germa.

He pointed a sword at the other party's heart, and then forced Irma to use his own trick, and Irma was naturally not far behind.

He immediately used flames to keep Lunn from getting close to him, and melted Lunn's sword directly. _

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