After seeing his sword melted, Lunn was still a little shocked in his heart, because he didn't expect Irma's ability to be so powerful.

The battle between the two men began to heat up.

Because of the blow that Lunn had just hit, not only did it not hit Elma's vital point, but because of the strength of Elma's flames.

I didn't get close to him, and I lost a good sword.

At this time, Lunn lost the blessing of the weapon, and then the people around the Pyro couldn't help but secretly rejoice, because they thought that Lunn would be defeated soon if this continued.

Then Irma the Pyro watched his sword melt away by himself.

Without giving Lunn another chance to breathe, he quickly launched the next round of offensive, taking advantage of the fact that Lunn was in surprise.

Unleashing his next attack, he pulled out his musket and fired several shots in Lunn's direction.

Because he had expected that Lunn would not have time to dodge his attack. However, he never expected it.

Lunn's ability to regenerate his mind was unpredictable, and in the blink of an eye, Lunn reflected and jumped out of his attack range.

The Pyro then put away his pistol and intended to continue the battle with Lenn.

Although he knew that Lunn's loss of weapons was beneficial to him, he was also extremely cautious and did not dare to be overly arrogant.

His next step was to use his Fire Dragon Technique, which meant that the heat of the flames would continue to expand into a dragon-like appearance.

It was so huge, and while he was gathering energy, Lunn was constantly thinking about countermeasures and moves, and he first looked at the position of the flame hand.

In the tense battle situation, he analyzed his position.

Escaping the Pyro's attack, he walked behind Irma as the flames grew.

The Flamer, who had the upper hand, saw that Lunn was constantly dodging his attacks.

He gradually secretly rejoiced in his heart, because he thought that Lun En was about to be defeated by himself, so he was a little careless.

Then, with each dodge of Lunn, he launched his near-full attack.

But Lunn dodges his range of attacks for a fraction of a second before each of his attacks, constantly jumping off to another place.

But at this time, the Flame Hand didn't notice anything unusual, but just thought in his heart that he would defeat Lunn when the time was almost right.

Suddenly, he jumped in front of Irma, the flamer, and Irma, who was shocked, jumped two positions away from Lunn in an instant.

Ask him what's the matter with you, and then Lunn says, "What's the matter, are you scared?"

But instead of answering his question, Irma intensified her offensive.

Then he rushed straight towards Lunn, and the direction in which he was standing was before Lunn could dodge, and the Flame Dragon rushed down.

A large hole was smashed into the ground. Just when everyone thought that Lunn was going to die, Lunn's voice came from above their heads.

Lunn shouted at Elma on the ground, "You're just too underestimated. "

As soon as the words fell, the walls began to slowly crumble, and everyone looked for shelter.

Then Irma realized that it was just a little trick by Lunn.

He wanted to let Irma's vigilance and take advantage of Irma's fire dragon's attack.

Destroying the supporting buildings around Irma, one after another.

But Elma, who realizes that this is a trap, has no time to dodge.

He could only try to avoid the gaps in the crashing of the buildings, and then look for a place where he could hide.

Just as another huge stone was about to fall down, he found the huge sinkhole he had just punched.

He jumped into the sinkhole himself, and used his power to cover the boulder just above it.

Then the surrounding buildings collapsed with a bang, but Irma's life was also saved.

Because there was so much rubble that collapsed, if Irma melted them with flames at that time, she would have hurt herself if they fell.

So he dodged first, and then slowly melted the small corner of the boulder to ensure that it would not hurt his own life.

Then he crawled out of the crack, and when he got out, he saw Lunn gloating on the side.

The anger in his heart came up, because he felt that Lunn was playing tricks on him, so he planned to sneak attack him together.

The moment he stretched out his hand, Whitebeard next to him realized the Flamehand's intention to sneak attack, and reached out to grab the arm that grabbed him.

But he didn't expect to be burned, so he could only be forced to let go of his hand, and at the same time, he was also shocked by the strength of the flame hand.

He was so tough, and Lunn, who realized that he was about to be attacked, also looked back in the direction of the flame hand and made a defiant gesture to him.

The provoked Flamehand also felt helpless, because when he was about to sneak attack, he was stopped by Whitebeard.

When Lunn found out, he didn't make the next move.

Ron also borrowed a normal sword from his own men to fight Irma for his next battle.

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