The dim and damp underground dungeon, with only a few rays of light shining through the iron windows, seems to be in hell, and it is full of oppressive, gloomy dark power.

There was a smell of rotting wire in the air, there were no vents here, and the water smelled of erosion due to the prolonged detention.

From time to time, the child stuck his head out of the water to observe, and when Lunn looked at him, he timidly retracted his head back into the water, and the surface of the water rippled.

The child's limbs and neck were shackled, and the chains rose and fell with him, occasionally emitting small bubbles, and if he was not careful, the chains would collide with each other, making a sharp sound unique to metal.

The child's every move was watched by Lunn, who was only amazed by the child's ability to breathe underwater.

Lunn jumped into the water and swam towards the place where the child was trapped, and after stabilizing his body, he quickly removed the chains from the child's limbs.

The child watched this scene in disbelief, Wangsi didn't expect that someone would come to save him, and he once thought that he had no hope of escaping from prison, and he was depressed all the time.

The child looked innocently at Lunn's face, and there was a trace of water vapor in his eyes, which was a clear, pure look that Lunn had never seen before.

Lunn asked him tenderly as he unlocked it for him,

"Kid, where are you from? Why are you here?"

The child's face was like white snow, and he still looked at him innocently,

"My name is Wangsi, I belong to the mermaid clan, and I was captured by the city lord to make food for crocodiles. Thank you, benefactor. "

Lunn didn't expect this kid to be from the merfolk clan, no wonder he could breathe underwater for so long. However, merfolk are rare on land, does the presence of children indicate that a great war has ended or will soon begin?

Wangsi was grateful, and he said incoherently,

"I thought... Thought I'd never come out again... I couldn't get out, they kept me here and I felt scared and lonely,"


"Ah, you scratch me, let me go, why are you arresting me!"

The voice of the immature child resounded through the dimly lit passageway, and the guard only did his duty to detain the child and send him to the water prison.

The guards fiercely put the child on the ground, pulled the iron door and quickly locked it with a lock, leaving two guards to guard the door.


The child rubbed the painful part of the fall and screamed loudly,

"Let me out! Why do you arrest me!

The guards at the door were silent, and the only sound in the entire water dungeon was the voice of children. In the first few days when Wangsi was imprisoned, he screamed, shouted, and grabbed hoarsely, he resisted, he was dissatisfied and unwilling, but no one paid attention to him, even the food delivery person just glanced at it casually and expressed sympathy in his heart.

On the second day after Wangsi was caught, he still had some energy for his stubbornness, he showed his resistance by not eating, and the uncle who delivered the food just shook his head helplessly, put the food on the ground, and was about to leave, but heard the sound of the bowl and chopsticks falling to the ground behind him, the bowl broke and the chopsticks fell, and the food was all upside down on the wet and dirty ground.

Wangsi shattered them in anger and still resisted the dark forces of them. The uncle patiently cleaned up the crumbs and debris on the ground, and he said calmly,

"Children, why don't you eat? Only by eating can you have the strength to resist. "

Wangsi was silent and angry, looking at the middle-aged uncle's efforts to bend down and pick it up, he seemed to feel a little distressed and sympathetic.

After the uncle cleaned up the things on the ground, he instructed the child,

"Kids, remember to eat next time. "

He couldn't bear to tell him the fact that he was going to be eaten by the giant crocodile, and just muttered,

"What a poor child. "

But today was a special day for him, he finally saw the sun. Lunn's arrival was tantamount to pulling him back from the darkness, allowing his dark-coated body to be baptized by the light.

Perhaps fortunately, the city lord gave him a suitable environment for his survival - locked him in the pool, otherwise the hope of being a mermaid would not be able to stand it.

Lunn brought Wangsi out, but they were still in the water, walking slowly towards the shore, Lunn still had a lot of curious things, he was surprised and surprised by the appearance of the mermaids, so he began to bombard Wangsi with questions.

Wangsi patiently answered his questions, but the perceptive Lunn always sensed that Wangsi was always deliberately avoiding things about his background, so he sought out him and asked him some seemingly inconsequential questions, he wanted to ease Wangsi's loneliness.

Wangsi was indeed lonely after being held in the water prison for so long, and as soon as he left the chain that bound him, he was a little excited, and he was able to respond immediately to Lunn's questions.

Lunn still asked him questions, and Wangsi seemed to feel something suddenly silenced, and he whispered to Lunn,

"Don't talk yet. "

For Wangsi, who is also a creature in the water, he is extremely sensitive to this silent movement in the water, and he keenly captures the location of this movement, and he looks around vigilantly.

The movement was getting closer and closer, and Wangsi subconsciously retreated, and then reminded Lunn,

"It's a crocodile! Let's get out of here. "

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