The two of them retreated, and a giant crocodile rose from under the water and pounced on the two of them, like a hungry wolf, Lunn quickly dragged Wangsi behind him, and he slapped the giant crocodile to the shore with his hands.

The crocodile was thrown a few meters away, and it slid sideways on the ground for some distance before stopping, and the crocodile gasped, it was clear that it was no match for Lunn now.

After Lunn finished filming, he shook the hand he had just used hard and quipped,

"This crocodile's head is so awkward, it hurts. "

Wangsi reminded Lenn,

"Don't take it lightly, there are several more on their way. "

Lunn grinned, still in a playful tone,

"Don't worry, kid, stay away from me, just stay there obediently, and Uncle will take you out to play later. "

The dark waves surged, and it was clear that several giant crocodiles were indeed attacking him. One giant crocodile couldn't wait any longer, and soared straight from the water, making a huge splash and slapping its tail against the water. It opened its mouth and lunged at Lunn's head,

"Here's another one. "

Lunn also jumped up from the water and held out his other hand.

"Don't be a ghost when you die!"

As soon as the words fell, the giant crocodiles also landed one after another, and there was a loud sound of "poof". Lunn's athletic skills didn't seem to be of much use here, and due to the resistance of the water, Lunn's movement from the water just now was much slower, and his height was reduced accordingly.

There are still many giant crocodiles that have not been solved, and a good way has to be found. As if a good thought flashed through his head, he crooked the corners of his mouth and said confidently,

"You'll have to say goodbye to me here this time. "

The crocodiles are coming from one direction, and Lunn decides to swim with them, intending to use a roundabout tactic.

He began to swim widely, but the crocodiles would only follow him invariably, and their weakness was the sheer size and inflexibility of their bodies.

Lunn was right, the giant crocodiles would only chase forward with one goal, and only wanted to eat the prey they fancied in their mouths, and they didn't know how to be flexible at all.

The giant crocodiles are long enough on their bodies alone, and the length of their tails makes them less agile in the water.

The crocodiles were so dizzy by Lunn that several of them touched each other, and due to the tremendous force that the crocodiles needed to swim, the strength was bounced off the bodies of their fellow crocodiles, and they were finally knocked into the bricks in the water, smashing the crocodile's head painfully.

Lunn looked at the giant crocodile who was amused by him, and felt a little proud, and he was proud that this method really worked.

The city lord releasing several giant crocodiles is also afraid of Lunen's strength, for Lunen's true strength, the city lord has already seen it outside, so two or three giant crocodiles are completely fine for Lunen, but what if several are sent?

Now Lunn has no weapons in his hands, and he can only fight with his bare hands to survive, and it is estimated that Lunn is at a loss now, and he doesn't need the city lord to clean it up himself, so Lunn is waiting to become a giant crocodile's meal.

The city lord thought proudly outside, but he didn't know the real situation inside at all, he just thought that this group of giant crocodiles was strong and did not raise them in vain.

Lunn swam leisurely, watching the group of giant crocodiles colliding with each other and hurting each other, so he immediately stretched out his foot and took advantage of the weakness to give them a blow.

"Brutes, die!"

The crocodiles seemed to be annoyed by the word "beast", so they tried their best to eat this stupid human in their mouths.

Lunn rubbed the foot that was stretched out just now, and looked at it with some distress,

"Damn crocodile, it hurts not only my hands, but my feet. I really want to pick off your hard shells and have a good fight with you. "

Wangsi saw that his benefactor was being chased by several giant crocodiles, and was a little annoyed that he was useless, but he wanted to help Lunn relieve some of his burden, so he lured some giant crocodiles alone.

Wangsi took a fancy to a lone giant crocodile, he patted the water with his hand, trying to attract its attention, and said to it with some provocation,

"Come here, little crocodile. "

The giant crocodile seemed to have heard Wangsi's battle book, so his greedy eyes stared at him directly, swinging his bulky body and slowly swimming towards Wangsi.

Wangsi watched the giant crocodile run towards him, and he was a little happy, so he wanted to take the giant crocodile away from Lunn.

"Crocodile, you're no match for me. "

He swam hard, and when he saw that the crocodile behind him was gone, he subconsciously thought that he had thrown it off, so he said with some excitement,

"Got rid of one, I can count it as a favor, right?"

Wangsi's sensitivity to the giant crocodile still did not decrease, and he suddenly felt a little at a loss, because this time the underwater movement was not something that ordinary giant crocodiles could get, and this time the giant crocodile seemed to be bigger and more ferocious.

Wangsi should have been a giant crocodile's meal, looking at the tender Wangsi, the giant crocodile was salivating, it seemed to have more motivation, and ran towards Wangsi vigorously.

Wangsi's subconscious was to "escape", so he immediately used his unique skills as a mermaid, and the horsepower of the giant crocodile was even stronger, stalking and chasing Wangsi.

Wangsi looked back from time to time, and found that the giant crocodile was not only not thrown away by him, but chased after him and got closer and closer to Wangsi.

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