It's just to take one step at a time, and if these things really happen at that time, then he will find a way to solve them, and he doesn't have to worry about these things by his subordinates or these people around him.

And at this time, Lunn heard the footsteps of this person running at great speed, so he chewed in his mouth, and the food slowly stopped, so that he became vigilant, and he didn't know who was coming here.

When he saw that it was his subordinate, a pirate, he was immediately relieved, after all, he had thought that someone else had arrived here and gathered what they had done.

But the truth is not what he thinks at all, so he doesn't have to continue to worry, and it's not a way to continue worrying.

"Boss, we just observed Hawkeye coming here. "

He said these words out of breath, and of course when he said these words, he immediately picked up the water beside him and drank it directly.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to say all of these words smoothly.

When Lunn knew about this, his face did not change one by one, after all, whoever came here would have any panic, so he said: "Then you can take me directly, I will go to the beach and wait for his arrival." "

He wanted to see what he had been doing lately, and if he really did come here to do something bad, then he would have given him a little bit of color to see and regret it.

Of course, under the premise of his debugging, if he didn't debug at all, then they wouldn't have done this kind of thing, after all, people don't offend me, I don't offend people.

After Hawkeye hit the ground, so that he didn't notice Lunn, it was right behind him, and when he turned around, he was startled the moment he saw Lunn.

"Why are you here? "

He touched his pounding little heart to say this, after all, he didn't do anything in his heart at all, and if he didn't turn back, he wouldn't have found him here.

After listening to his words, Lunn smiled directly there.

"I should be asking you, I've been here a long time ago, and I never know why you're here, so can you explain it to me?"

He wanted to see what he meant by being here.

"I'm just passing through. Now he was a little helpless, it turned out that Lunn appeared here, just waiting for his arrival here, but he wouldn't do anything to them, he just passed by here.

And when he finished saying this, he also noticed that there was a news bird in the sky above him, and when Lunn noticed these things, he knew that this news bird must be doing something more.

But he wouldn't choose to attack him, because it didn't mean anything to him, and it was because the bird was just reporting the things that he found out in time.

Therefore, for him, it is also a good way to promote his domination of the ocean world.

Then he saw the news bird and threw it down, and when the eagle eye of a newspaper came, he felt his curiosity to see what kind of things were written on the newspaper.

When he saw that the headline in the newspaper was Lunn just now, he frowned directly, and suddenly looked at Lunn Lunn also noticed these small details, but he didn't say anything.

In the end, he had read all of these things clearly, so he now had some other opinions about Lunn, after all, he didn't know why Lunn came here directly, so he said that to him.

And now he knew what all this was about, and he had seen in the newspaper that Lunn was just a pirate.

Suddenly he became vigilant, because he himself did not want to see these pirates, they were all making waves there, and they were not doing good things day by day.

Therefore, he wanted to eliminate the harm for the people, so as to solve it, and of course, it did not have any interest in the reward offered in the newspaper.

Anyway, for him now, if he doesn't solve this Lunn in front of him, then he will be very special in the future.

After all, when he came here, he never thought that this kind of thing would happen here.

Lunn was looking at him now, and he knew that he was full of grudges against him now, but it was nothing to him.

"Why are you doing this?" said Lunn knowingly.

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