In the face of this Lunn still having the face to say such a thing, he didn't know what kind of thing he was thinking in his heart.

"Don't you know what you've done yourself, and you're still saying things like that here?"

He looked at this Lunn with a vicious look in his eyes and said this, anyway, he felt very bad now.

Well, when he heard him say this, Lunn couldn't help but laugh.

"I know you're really trying to do something to me right now, because you just saw that news report. "

"You know what your intentions are when you say it?"

When he said this, he couldn't help but directly put his fist in front of him, and if Lunn made the next move, then he would also launch it directly against him, Jiangong.

Anyway, now that the news has been said, Lunn is the most vicious, and if the navy is used to him, they will not offer a bounty of 6 billion to catch him.

So this proves how despicable Lunn is, or how much of a threat he poses to them, and he can't let this person survive in this world.

"Actually, what I want to say is just that otherwise, you will directly join our industry, and thus leave this Seven Martial Seas. "

It was very good for them for Lun to let him join their team, after all, he had heard of how much he was capable of this, so he especially expected him to agree to this matter.

But when the eagle-eye heard what he said, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he showed a particularly disdainful look, and he had no idea who had given Lunn the courage to say such a thing.

"Whoever gave you the courage to say this, you better defeat me first, if your strength is not as strong as mine, then don't say those things. "

Anyway, he believes in these strengths of his own now, so for this Lunn, he is more than enough to deal with him.

Of course, the two of them have never fought each other, so he doesn't know how powerful his strength is, anyway, he won't pay attention to this, he just knows that his strength is very strong.

Lunn listened to what he said, so if he wanted to compete so much, then he could just compete according to what he said.

"Okay, since you want to compete, then I'll give you a competition, anyway, I don't have any opinions, and then I especially want you to join our industry. "

He shrugged his shoulders and said this meaninglessly, after all, he still knew how strong his strength was, of course, the two of them thought that their strength was very strong.

But the two of them agreed, and they didn't know whether it was a direct competition or a weapon, but this move was really annoying, and they didn't know what to do.

Lunn also said at this time: "Otherwise, you can decide, decide what kind of competition you should make?"

He didn't care about anything anyway, so he let him decide.

This eagle-eyed Lunn horn, he also began to think about it there, if he said what kind of truth he was directly with, it might still not be able to beat him, so if he didn't say otherwise, he would directly ask him what he was best at, that is, the sword.

"Then we'll just use the sword. "

In this way, they just didn't say anything more, and after saying anything else, they started to compete there.

At this time, Lun Enbo's whole body was covered with armed color domineering, that is, after people saw it, the strength of his aura would be associated with his next direct victory.

Of course, this Eagle Eye is no exception, and its number of pieces is particularly strong, so in the face of Lunn's equipment, for him, he didn't look at it at all.

After all, the big characters haven't been skimmed yet, so they don't know which of the two of them will win, so they can't determine how much their strength is different from the other party's strength now, or whether they won or lost.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's just start the game. "

After they had refreshed their muscles and bones there, they spoke directly, so that both of them were also in high spirits, and they directly stepped forward and began to reach the front.

Of course, Lunn's subordinates were also One Piece, and when he saw these things, they took a step back.

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