"Take advantage of this opportunity to capture the port in one fell swoop!"

"Kill, take the port, save Ace!"

"Rush, let them see the power of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

A large number of pirates rushed in the direction of the port, but Lunn stopped the charge of the Nine Snakes, he instinctively felt that it was not good, but he did not know what would happen.

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared at the entrance to the inner bay of Marin Fando!

And in the direction of the port, there are also dozens of tall figures who walked out against the flow of naval people, and these figures all wore hats on their heads, and even their faces were exactly the same!

There was a hint of excitement in Doflamingo's eyes, is this the secret weapon developed by Vegapunk?!

A human weapon specially developed to capture pirates!

The pacifist commander, Momomaru, looked at the countless pirates with cold eyes, she raised the Guan knife in her hand and ordered coldly.

"Shoot, kill these pirates!"

Lunn's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he suddenly remembered, this is, pacifist!

After decades of sleep, he had forgotten too much!

"Nine snakes, hide for me!"

Lunn slammed into a shout, and at the same time, a large shadow turned into a canopy and descended!

Whitebeard also turned his head sharply and looked at the pacifist who had blocked the pirates' retreat!

"Isn't that Bartholomy Bear?"

Hancock looked at those figures in surprise, as one of the Seven Martial Seas of the former king, she was also able to recognize who these identical people were, but now, to her surprise.

There is not a trace of the breath of a living person coming out of these Bartholomy Bears!

Lunn's shouts had just sounded, and the female soldiers of the Nine Snake Pirates could react, and all the Bartholomy Bears had already opened their mouths!

Countless laser lasers have suddenly appeared!

Boom Boom Boom !!!

The endless yellow flash directly drowned everything, and the pirates who rushed to the front and fell at the end were dealt a fatal blow one after another!


"My feet, my feet!!"

Tragic howls arose everywhere, and when the yellow light in the sky dissipated, a human tragedy appeared in front of everyone.

Countless pirates let out a wail!

"Is it a human weapon developed by Vegapunk...."

Lunn looked at these large number of clones, and opened his mouth lightly, under his shadow canopy, the wave of laser attacks that had just spread to a large number of pirates did not cause him harm.

But he faintly felt a threat, if such a clone was extended to the size of an army, it would be of this intensity, reaching 100,000 people!

One salvo is enough to leave anyone with scum in seconds!

But fortunately, on the current battlefield, there are only a few dozen Bartholomy Bears, and it seems that this is already full strength, but even so, it still caused a large number of casualties to the pirates.

The navy, which had been pressed and beaten all along, immediately cheered after the pacifists wielded!

"I knew that His Excellency the Marshal must have a backhand!"

"These damn pirates, let me rest in Marinfando!"

"Kill the Night King, kill Whitebeard!

"Brothers, rush !! me"

Navy supporters from all over the world also cheered.

"I'm just saying, that Night Lord won't be arrogant for long, the navy will definitely sanction him, and now even the clones of the Seven Martial Seas have appeared!"

"This laser method is like the Devil Fruit ability of the Great General Yellow Ape. "

"Don't care so much, anyway, now the navy is regaining its superiority, hahaha, the pirates' good days are over!"

As soon as the pacifist side appeared, the tide of the battle was quickly reversed, and the Whitebeard Pirates instantly fell into a disadvantage.

A large number of pirates lay on the frost and wailed, and the medical team was frantically rescuing the wounded, while a large knife slammed to the ground!

Bang dang!

Cong Yunche directly smashed the ice out of a pit, and then the big hand on the handle left, still standing there steadily.

Whitebeard looked at the clones with a hint of anger on his face, and he let out a low roar, then a sudden roar!

"Drink, ah!!"

Two white lights like lightning flashed in his hands, and the air exploded at that moment!


The frost cracks, and the snow flies!

"Don't think that the old man is old and can't move!"

The strong shock resonated a large number of shock waves, and the extremely powerful shock waves directly resonated with the air, frost!

A huge collapse appeared in an instant, and the entrance to Marin Van Donne, which was frozen by pheasants, collapsed in an instant!

Before a dozen pacifists could carry out the order to escape, they were wiped out by Whitebeard's punch!


Whitebeard turned around suddenly, looked in the direction where the execution table was located, raised his head suddenly, pulled out the knife in his hand, looked at the Warring States, and said coldly.

"Warring States, as a wise general, you also didn't expect that with the help of my eldest brother, my body would have recovered a long time ago!"

Looking at the white beard who destroyed most of the pacifists with one blow, Sengoku's face instantly turned blue.

And the pacifists in front of them were also caught off guard by continuous blows!


In front of the huge ice caves, countless shadow halberds were inserted into the pacifists, and countless cremations erupted from one body after another!

On Lunn's head, a huge claw appeared!

"Now, let's get started, let's fight for the real time, Sengoku!"

Under the indifferent cold cheer, Lunn raised his hand, and the shadow giant claw that covered the sky and the sun was suddenly pressed down, and Whitebeard also waved the cloud cut in his hand, and countless pirates rushed out again!

Great war, outbreak!

The Navy's plot, failed!

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