
With an unbeatable momentum, the shadow black claw that covered the sky and the sun slammed into the harbor in front of the execution table!

His Majesty Qiwuhai, Admirals, CP Intelligence Agency Personnel, Army Elite Generals, these high-end combat forces are all here, and Lun En directly crossed all the miscellaneous soldiers.

Launched an offensive against the most heavily defended place!

Dark shadows and black claws obscured the sky, obscuring the sunlight cast over the entire Marinfando sky.

Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes froze, his hand directly grasped the hilt of the black knife, and in the face of the black claws pressed down like Tarzan's collapse, he couldn't hold it anymore!

Doflamingo's face was fanatical, Moria's face was strangely smiling, and the others had different faces.

But what is invariant is that these people did not make the first move, but waited for something, and the general who was high under the execution table was as stable as a rock.

Neither the yellow ape nor the pheasant seemed to be worried that this devastating blow would destroy the execution table.

"It's time for moderation, Lord of the Night!"

The old and full of neutral voice resounded through the battlefield domineeringly, and everyone couldn't help but raise their heads slightly and look at the place where the voice came from.

The cloak of the word justice is waving in the wind, the two temples are moving with the wind, Karp is standing under the execution table, his face is solemn, this is the area he is responsible for guarding!

"Iron Fist, Justice!"

With a loud shout, a storm that was completely blasted out by the momentum of the fist suddenly swept through the entire port, and everyone suppressed their bodies, otherwise they would be blown away!

The rich black armed color domineering condensed into an inky color, and a void fist mark composed entirely of huge air pressure slammed into the black claw that covered the sky and the sun.

Mihawk pressed his hat, his eyes looked coldly at the two who were about to collide with each other, the beating blood in his heart was almost unstoppable!

"Karp, what? "

Lunn stood in the sky, looking at the old man who was still showing endless heroism, his eyebrows were slightly raised, he had already guessed the order of the Warring States, let Karp only guard the execution table, and not go anywhere!

And the other combat forces are waiting directly in front of the execution table, if he wants to pass, he must sweep everything first!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat the naval hero Karp, who is known as Iron Fist, with a single blow in the air!


The Shadow Giant Claw and the Void Fist Seal collided violently, and with a loud bang, the air shook into countless ripples, and a scene like the sea being shaken appeared in an instant!


The huge wind pressure swept in all directions, and all the warring navies and pirates near the harbor were blown away!

The entire execution table was blown to the point of crunching and crumbling!

"Break it for me!"

In the midst of the heroic roar, the fist mark that was stalemate with the giant claw suddenly shone brightly, and then exploded!


The shadow giant claw, which was so huge that it obscured a small part of the sky, was instantly slammed into a warp, and then, an inky figure suddenly appeared in front of the giant claw!

Bang bang bang!!

Hundreds of fist shadows suddenly appeared, slamming into the Shadow Giant Claw at an extremely high speed.

In the blink of an eye, the entire atmosphere exploded wildly, and when everything stopped, Karp stood in mid-air, and the massive shadow claw let out a 'click' sound!


Pieces are broken!

All the people who watched this scene through the live broadcast of the video bug became excited.

"The King of the Night, the King of the Night's move, was actually stopped!"

"For the first time since the start of the war, a strong man with a navy has blocked the attack of the Night Lord head-on!"

"That's a Navy hero, Karp!"

"He is worthy of being a hero of the navy, and his strength is outstanding!"

Amidst countless compliments, Karp's eyes stared solemnly at Lunn who was floating in the sky in the distance, and at first glance it seemed that he had shattered the Shadow Claw, but only he knew that.

At such a distance, Lunn is again an area attack, and he blasts the Shadow Giant Claw with his precise point-breaking move, there is really nothing to congratulate!

Next, when Lunn breaks through all barriers and walks to the execution table, it will be the hardest war to fight!

"Interesting, really interesting, is this the Navy's plan, since you want me to go over so much, then, I'm here now!"

The shadows rushed into the sky, and there were a few wisps of exaltation in the faint indifferent voice, and the momentum on Lunn, who had seen through the situation, continued to rise, and his vicinity was now difficult to even get by!


Lunn took a step, as if lightning was coming out of the air, and countless shadow arcs like lightning were circling around his body at this moment, and he was jumping wildly!

Seeing that Lunn was preparing to attack, Hancock suddenly shouted!

"All members of the Nine Snake Pirates, support Lun En and open up a way forward for Lun En to be in charge!"

All the Nine Snake Female Soldiers who had not yet entered the entanglement battle quickly gathered, and countless arrows suddenly shot towards the front of the path that Lun En had treaded, and a clear path was instantly opened up.

"Angel Wheel Dance!"

The mad knife raised its sword, and a tornado burst out, and on Lunn's left side, all the naval forces that wanted to stop Lunn were stopped by this storm!


With a colossal roar, a huge block of ice was lifted up by Diamond Joz, who slammed into the navy to Lunn's left!


With Lunn's step, the battle became more intense!

"Little ones, open up a way forward for Brother Lunen!"

Whitebeard shouted loudly, his eyes showed solemnity, Cong Yun pointed forward, he stood on the big whale ship, and began to mobilize a large number of pirates to cooperate with Lunn's actions!

Grab people!

"Stop them from !!"

Sengoku stood on the execution table, holding the phone bug in his hand and suddenly gave an order, and the elite of the army, which had been waiting for a long time, suddenly rushed out, mixed with the elite of the CP agency, and blocked the attack of the pirates for a while.

And now, in front of Lunn, only a few hundred meters of space has been opened up!

And at this time, he was still a full kilometer away from the execution table!

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