One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 342 Extra: Spring Festival Special (Thirteen)

Although Kikinocheng vomited the wine, he did not spit it out completely. At least half of the wine had been consumed. But now that he started drinking champagne, the situation immediately changed.

Friends who drink should know that the most fearful thing about drinking is mixing alcohol. Once the alcohol is mixed, you may not be able to drink half a catty, and you will not be able to drink it.

It happened that because of the extremely high alcohol content of shochu before, Kikunochei didn't even realize that champagne also had alcohol content. The general alcohol content of champagne is 12-13 degrees, which is higher than that of ordinary beer, but because the taste itself is sour and sweet. , which made it easier to drink. In order to dilute the spiciness caused by the soju in his mouth, Kikunomagi drank several glasses of champagne. Well, something happened now.

"Wuwuwuwu, why don't they listen to me? I once said that we should talk, but no one paid attention to my words. Even His Highness Oden just smiled and said nothing. Wuwuwuwu."

Kikinocheng lay on the table with a red face and burst into tears. While crying, he scolded the others. The scene immediately made Luke feel embarrassed, because the change was a bit too fast, so fast that he couldn't react at all, but Kichinocheng's appearance She was a beauty, and the passers-by who didn't know the truth looked at Luke with reproachful expressions on their faces, as if Luke was some kind of heartless man.

Luke really wanted to stand up and shout, is this guy a man? Don't look so beautiful! But he is a man! Don't be fooled!

But Luke knew that nothing he said was of any use. He couldn't take off Kikunocheng's pants and tell him to prove that what he said was true, right? And what if? What if the other person has a gender disorder or something? She is really a woman, but she thinks she is a man, but in her heart she feels that she is a woman. If she is a super politically correct person, then her actions are pure hooliganism!

I am lazy, not a pervert! Besides, even if he is really a man, it doesn't seem to be any better when he takes off someone's pants. No, it seems to be even more perverted!

Taking off a woman's pants is lewd. If he takes off a man's pants, Luke feels that from now on all the beasts will have no place for him. Everyone will avoid him and he will spend his whole life being pointed at. No! I can neither want to be known as a dishonest person, nor can I want to be known as a pervert.

Calm down, calm down Luke, you are not the kind of person who is in a hurry. You have never been nervous since you became Twelve Hours. Calm down, calm down! Think of a way! Luke!

Luke kept talking to himself, asking himself to think of a solution to the problem at hand, but sometimes the more anxious people are, the less they can think of anything. Luke is in this situation now, his mind is a mess and he can't think of anything. The problem is that he still can't think of anything. He couldn't just leave, otherwise his reputation as a heartless man would be completely fulfilled.

Luke was thinking crazily here, but Kikunochori, who had drunk too much, didn't care so much, and continued to pour wine into his mouth. At the same time, Che Lulu kept talking, telling everything like pouring beans.

"I have told them a long time ago, Hiccup, the situation of the beasts is not right, Hiccup, why are you still fighting? Hiccup! Obviously, Hiccup! Everyone can sit down and talk, Hiccup, obviously Your Highness Oden, Hiccup, I also hope that everyone will have a good time. Well done, hiccup!”

Kikuchi Cheng said and started to cry again. This guy not only looks like a woman, but also behaves like a woman. His movements when crying are like Xiaojiabiyu. I felt pity for him. Luke kept thinking silently in his heart when he saw this. This guy is a guy, this guy is a guy, this guy is a guy.

Luke never thought that one day he would feel compassion for a man. This world is really evil.

"Obviously everyone is in jail, Hiccup, why do you want to do anything? Hiccup, counterattack plan."

Luke, who was a little distressed, suddenly became energetic. A counterattack plan? What are these people doing? Is it possible that they still want to escape from the mine? Putting aside whether they can escape or not, where are they going to go after they escape? There is no place for them in Wano Country anymore. If they can reform with peace of mind, they may be able to regain the acceptance of the people of Wano Country. If they really launch a counterattack, then they will be completely incompatible with this country. Wait, wait? The counterattack plan, isn't it related to the disappeared Kozuki Momonosuke and the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes?

Luke is smart. They are indeed not afraid of enemies on the surface, but that may not be the case if they hit the back of the neck. That black charcoal snake has done stupid things to form an alliance with the world government. Who is sure if that Kozuki Momonosuke is someone else? What a fool, do this again?

Whether the World Government, which suffered a loss once before, will do it again is a matter of speculation, but we are not afraid of thieves stealing, we are afraid that thieves will remember us! The current situation in the New World is indeed monolithic, but this does not mean that the Four Emperors Alliance has the strength to completely challenge the World Government. It can only be said that the strength of the Four Emperors Alliance makes the World Government feel that attacking the New World is a loss-making deal. It's just that I don't want to do it, but it's not that I can't do it. If one day, the threat of the Four Emperors is too great, the World Government will rush in and fight against the Four Emperors at any time, even if the bottom is falling.

What Luke is worried about is that Kozuki Momonosuke is very likely to give the World Government such an excuse, allowing the opponent to bypass the peripheral defense and directly enter the interior. Who knows how many old monsters the World Government still has.

"Drink slowly, drink slowly, you feel uncomfortable, come on, talk to me, just say it."

Luke's attitude reversed 180 degrees in an instant, and he spoke softly to Kikinocheng. The movements of his hands were very gentle. Although he reached out to stop the champagne in Kikunocheng's hand, judging from the small movements of his hands, it was not so much that It was more like he was trying to stop Kikunocheng from drinking it.

"They are just a bunch of crazy people. Why haven't I noticed that these guys are so crazy before? I know we lost and many people are unconvinced, but I really feel it's okay. After all, everyone has lived a good life. What the samurai did before is indeed No, but why start a war?"

Under Luke's reassurance, Kikinocheng talked more and more, and in a short time he told the whole story from beginning to end. Unsurprisingly, this so-called counterattack plan this time was... Denjiro, who has the same name as Shumizu Denjiro, came up with it. To put it simply, he used the prisoners who were stealing in and out of the mine to pass on information, and connected the samurai who escaped the trial outside the mine to get out of the mine together. Rush out of the cave, then part of them go to the outer sea to accumulate strength, and then the other part lurks in the country of Wano, contacting the so-called "righteous men" who resist the beasts, and at the same time looking for opportunities to assassinate those who cooperate with the beasts, in order to intimidate them. Everyone.

"Are these a bunch of idiots?"

Luke felt like his jaw was about to drop. What kind of bad plan was this! Let’s not talk about how you can be sure that those thieves who only need to stay for a few months or even dozens of days to go out will do this brain-destroying job with you, nor do you want to mention how many people in Wano can do it now? Follow your "righteous men", let alone how you bypassed the blockades and sailed to sea without any experience in long-sea navigation.

Just the person who cooperated with the beasts through assassination to scare others, what kind of solution would a stupid person think of?

Doesn't this force everyone to stand against you? One side is to protect you, and the other side is to attack you. Not many fools will trust the person who hurts you! The onset form of Stockholm Syndrome is not like this! Would you like to read some books? I really feel like I'm becoming stupid when I compete against fools like you every day!

"Brother Luke, what are you doing here?"

At this time, a raging voice sounded behind Luke. Luke looked back and saw Jack, a silly boy, holding a drink and grilled elephant steak, his face full of oil. Luke didn't know why this kid's fruit power was... Elephants, my favorite thing is elephants, and my favorite thing to eat is elephants.

"Ah, Jack, this guy here drank too much. I'll keep an eye on him and make sure nothing happens." Luke couldn't explain it clearly to this silly boy, so he could only say it casually, but he didn't expect that Yes, although this kid Jack is stupid, he has one characteristic, that is, he will never stop talking until he is shocked!

"Ah, what a beautiful big sister, big brother Luke, is this your girlfriend?"

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