One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 455 This is the most vicious era

Exterior of Fas Island Naval Base!

A bright cross of light suddenly lit up in the sky, piercing the clouds, penetrating the sky and the earth, and shooting down.

At the same time, a thunderbolt soared from the ground into the sky, and the endless electric light covered the sky and the sun.


The two forces collided fiercely, and the bright light of the explosion was extremely dazzling.

", he should be called Admiral Kizaru."

Jhin's figure appeared quietly, and his hoarse voice sounded faintly, without much emotion.

The two are definitely old rivals. They have fought for more than ten years and fought hundreds of times. They are simply old acquaintances who are very familiar with each other.

"It's really troublesome ~ The Hiberfield family, King of Thunder, Jhin."

Kizaru's figure appeared completely in the combination of golden light spots.

Originally, he was returning to the G1 Fortress, and happened to pass near Fas Island when he received the distress message.

So he rushed over alone, but he didn't expect that the person who took action was actually a member of the Hiberfield family who had been silent for two years.

This was really a big headache for him. He didn't want to mess with those crazy people at all?

Kizaru curled his lips and looked at the miserable situation of the entire Fas Island below. The navy's forts, fortresses... facilities all suffered devastating blows.

I didn’t expect it was too late!

It was beyond expectation that such a powerful attack could be unleashed in such a short period of time.

The opponent's strength is becoming more and more terrifying, and the Silberfeller family seems to have endless potential.

It can bring a strong shock to people every time.

Jhin looked at the other party with distrust.

Jhin was not careless in the slightest about this guy whose mouth was terrifying and whose kicks were critical.

Although he always looks lazy, his strength is really fierce.

The price to pay for being deceived is huge.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's fight!"

After Jin finished speaking, green light flashed, and streaks of thunder and lightning shot out, densely covering the sky.

Kizaru's eyes were alert, and when he raised his feet, his legs directly turned into elements, and the golden light was bright.

The two collided instantly.

The collision of light and electricity emitted arcs of golden light, destroying everything around them.

After the two struck a blow, they directly transformed into elements and flew upside down and disappeared in their original positions.

next moment!

Appeared on the ground again and launched a fierce battle.

Jin's body was as fast as a dragon and as fast as thunder, and he appeared in front of Kizaru in an instant.

Thunder wrapped around his legs and pulled out suddenly, twisting the air and bursting into lightning and thunder.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

Kizaru's tone was neither hasty nor impatient, and the palms of his hands on his chest faced each other up and down, like a burst of light like the sun.

Jhin's terrifying kicking skills flashed by.

Kizaru's body turned into a point of light and disappeared at the same time, like a moving firefly appearing in the sky.

The leaping figure reorganized, and Kizaru's feet once again turned into elements of golden light.

He suddenly spun in the air, leaving an astonishing golden arc in mid-air, and the golden light was dazzling.

Jhin's kick was empty, and he had already sensed that something was wrong after seeing Se Haki. He unsheathed the long sword in his hand and turned around instantly.


Golden light shot out directly from Kizaru's legs, and the harsh sound of laser firing resounded through the sky.

It is very bright and dazzling, and its attack power is extremely terrifying.

The long sword in Jhin's hand was wrapped with thunder and turned into a sword of light. He slashed out in an instant, and the thunderous silver snake rose into the sky.


A deafening explosion sounded, and a terrifying circular shock wave of arc-shaped gold and cyan intertwined appeared all around.


The ground suffered impact and continued to crack in all directions, dust and smoke billowed, and light spread.

Two figures flashed past in the dust and smoke, and their elemental bodies moved against each other instantly.

The cloak and coat fluttered slowly, and the surrounding scene kept changing.

"It's really been a long time since we had a fight?"

Kizaru's brown sunglasses made it difficult to see the expression in his eyes, but the calmness at the corner of his mouth showed that he was very relaxed.

"Polusalino, Admiral, you are getting carried away."

Jhin's wings twined with thunder and he replied in a calm tone.

"You are just as good as before! Jhin."

As he spoke, Kizaru raised his palms to each other, made a fist with his left hand, and a golden lightsaber appeared out of thin air.

In just an instant, Kizaru paused and slashed at Jhin with his lightsaber.

"It's because you are getting more and more arrogant."

The long sword wrapped with thunder in Jhin's hand also swung out.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The horrifying sound of metal collisions is endless, strong fluctuations are raging crazily, the trembling buzzing sound penetrates the ground, and the pieces of gravel spread like ripples on the lake.

The battle between the two was fast and explosive, with arcs of light flashing and iron particles flying everywhere.

"Being an admiral in an incompetent navy, Porusalino, are you too arrogant?"

Faced with Jhin's words, Kizaru did not get angry at all, but curled his lips and said.

"You are Ba Jin, you are so arrogant!"

Kizaru raised his hand and pointed, and a golden light spot appeared on the fingertip.

The next moment, accompanied by the unique sound effect of the laser, it hit directly and straightly, leaving layers of sonic boom rings in the air.

Jhin slashed down with the long knife in his hand, directly shredding the incoming laser, and a series of golden flashes erupted in the air.

The scattered light spots hit the ground and made a series of explosions. In just a moment, dust flew up and rocks penetrated the air.

Jhin's body flashed, and a series of thunderous light points shot out, directly towards where Kizaru was.

The astonishing thunder was like an electric arc razor intertwined, raging crazily between the sky and the earth, and explosion smoke was everywhere.

Kizaru in the sky curled his lips, "It's really scary~"

Both of them raised their fingers, and the flashes of light dancing on their fingertips made people's scalp numb.

Points of light turned into lasers and shot out, constantly colliding with each other.


Continuous and shocking explosions continued, and the scene was extremely shocking.

This is the powerful maneuverability and destructive power of natural fruits.

The admiral and the Thunder King of the Hiberfield family were locked in a fierce battle.

In the steel room, when all the [Explosive Rocks] were collected, this mission was successfully completed.

Charlotte felt the strong fluctuations on the battlefield, and he knew that it was a familiar guy.

The navy's support is indeed ridiculously fast.


Charlotte gave the order and the others took action.

Nowadays, the relationship between the Hiberfield family and the navy has not yet reached a situation where war is necessary.

Accumulating strength is the key, and it will take some time for the navy to disintegrate as an obstacle.

Even if the navy knew that [Explosive Rock] was acquired by them, they would not dare to betray them.

It’s not that easy to heal a two-year scar!

Kizaru, who was fighting fiercely in the sky, glanced at him, his pupils vibrated, and his scalp felt slightly numb. It was self-evident who that person was.

"Damn it, why is Heberfiler Charlotte here too?"

Kizaru could no longer remain calm and immediately left the battle.

Charlotte glanced at the other party who turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"What a life-saving super fruit! It's enviable."

The navy here is simply unable to resist the strong attack from the most elite knights of the Hiberfield family.

It didn't take long before it collapsed.

A large number of the Heberfiler family acted quickly, retreated to the ship, and then left gracefully.

Kizaru was suspended high in the sky, his eyes were hazy, the problem was serious.

Then he dialed the phone he carried with him and reported the incident to Navy Marshal Sengoku.

Obviously, facing the sudden attack of the Silberfeller family and the appearance of the Four Emperors Charlotte.

Warring States' gloomy face showed a little unwillingness, but he still made the best decision rationally and ordered to give up the pursuit and save the wounded.

"Damn it, how could the secret be leaked? What went wrong?"

Sengoku roared angrily in the Admiral's office.

[Explosive Rock] This is an extremely destructive weapon, and it fell into the hands of the extremely vicious and powerful Silberfeller family.

This is a tricky business and can easily go wrong.

And he also knew very well that with the financial resources and abilities of the Heberfiler family, they would definitely use the [Explosive Rock] extremely horribly.

In the battle two years ago, the power of those modified humans, clones, ancient giants, dawnists... was clearly demonstrated.

There is no doubt that the Silberfeller family has super scientific research power, which is second only to the world government's scientific research power.

The danger of something inherently dangerous falling into the hands of such a force is self-evident.

Once again, the Silberfeller family intercepted such a murder weapon, which makes people worried!

In the eyes of Marshal Sengoku, the threat from the Silberfeller family is the most powerful in history, even the Rocks Pirates are slightly inferior.

Because this family not only has an amazing number of strong men, but also has something that other pirate groups don't have.

A large number of capable people, excellent strategic vision, huge wealth support, strong technological power, and united belief... This is an unprecedented and huge threat.

The Silberfeller family is likely to become the most vicious and terrifying pirate group in history.

Sengoku has no doubts about his judgment. This is a pirate family he has never had in his countless years of fighting pirates.

Moreover, this family also has the Fishman Legion, the Fur Legion, the Giant Tribe, the Lunalia Tribe... such rare racial forces.

I am afraid that it will be more difficult for the navy to face the Heberfiler family in the future, especially since there are still three emperors in the new world.

Fortunately, there was a estrangement between the four emperors because of what happened two years ago. Otherwise, once the alliance of the four emperors came out, they would really be unable to fight against it.

Even if the Four Emperors are in a situation of disunity, the terrifying number of forces in the New World today surpasses the Rocks era and the Roger era.

It can be said that this is the most vicious era right now.

The Warring States Period was thinking about the navy's route. There was only balance, and they could only try their best to maintain balance on the sea.

Now on the plaque hanging high behind him, the words "Justice that rules the world" are indeed a bit dazzling.

It is indeed difficult to dominate the world with the current strength of the navy.

Of course, except for the New World, there are no problems at all in the other four seas and paradises.

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