One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 456 It can also be called the choice of fate

The trip to Fas Island did not attract the attention of the outside world. This was a move by the navy to suppress the news of this wave of battles.

Charlotte didn't care about this, after all, he had already got [Explosive Rock] in his hands, which had effectively enhanced the family's heritage.

Nowadays, the scientists of the Silberfeller family are constantly researching and trying on the use of [Explosive Rock].

Looking at the information in his hand, Charlotte narrowed his eyes slightly. Now the Don Quixote family has completely replaced the Liku royal family and has become the real controller of Dressrosa.

The world is changing dramatically.

Even in many countries, considerable conflicts broke out among pirates, and destruction and death occurred at any time.

And it is precisely because of the strong strength of the Silberfeller family that he can sit on the Diaoyutai and watch everything that happens in the world.

This is the accumulation and precipitation of countless years, and the Silberfeller family has truly become a unique legend on the sea.

Charlotte stared at the ceiling, stroking Komaru's soft fur with one hand, her thoughts flying.

"This is the famous Silberfeller continent in the New World!"

Jesus Bu spoke dumbfounded.

The red-haired pirates received permission from the border island and successfully arrived at the current base camp of Silberfeller.

Silberfeller continent.

"Yeah! What a big change here."

Shanks, whose right arm was empty, looked at the Silberfeller continent and couldn't help but marvel.

Memories of the past came flooding back.

Today, Lati Island has completely become the core of the entire continent. A huge inland river runs through the mainland and can directly reach Lati Island!

Above the river is a huge triumphal arch with the glorious and legendary Heberfeld River written on it!

Ben Beckman held a cigarette in his mouth and said calmly: "Shanks, how do we get there?"

Nowadays, outsiders are not allowed to pass through the large river that can directly reach Lati Island.

That is the exclusive channel for the access of the Hiberfield family's fleet.

"Go to Outer Harbor City! Land from there."

Shanks spoke quietly, having been informed of the current route to the Silberfeller base camp when he was on Border Island.

Outer Harbor City!

This is the town port for foreign trade in the Silberfeller continent. Nowadays, both merchants and pirates need to land from there.

Not long after, the red-haired pirates appeared in the outer port city. The towering and majestic iron wall and the dense heavy artillery firepower of the black holes were extremely powerful.

The flag that had just been raised was fluttering in the wind.

There are countless merchant ships coming and going.

Shanks and others entered the port smoothly.

Soon the group arrived at Dongst Station.

"Isn't this a sea train?"

Jesus Bu You was surprised. They had seen this thing in the Capital of Seven Waters. It was very magical and interesting.

Even Shanks was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Silberfeller family would move the sea train directly to the mainland.

“Guys, this is a land train!”

The ticket inspector carefully explained to several people.

Many outsiders who choose to go to Lati City will be shocked. Such magical things are rare in the world.

That's right, today's Lati Island has been completely renamed Lati City, a huge and magnificent city.

It can be said that it is not only the core of the Heberfeiler Continent, but also the headquarters of the Heberfeiler family. In the eyes of all the people of the Heberfeiler Continent.

That is the only royal city.

Moreover, the former Lati Island was famous far and wide and had many titles. It is still the same now that it has become Lati Royal City.

The Royal City of Lati has inherited the precious political wealth of Lati Island and is irreplaceable.

"Thank you very much."

Facing the kind reminder, Shanks spoke dangerously.

Then several people successfully boarded the land train - the Tom!

"Ding ding ding——"

The color changes to green as the starting light comes on with a crisp and pleasant sound.


The land train, the Tom, made a dull sound, and slowly spewed out white smoke from the front of the train. It drove out of Dongst Station and set off towards King Lati City.

Shanks and others sat in the box and looked at the scenery passing by outside with emotion.

The legend of the Silberfeller family is far more shocking than what outsiders say.

Such a great feat is amazing. This is the only force that truly moves the world.

You can also see new towns under construction in the distance.

Shanks was shocked in his heart. The Silberfeller family has really changed a lot over the years.

There are several forces in the world that can complete such a huge project. It is estimated that no one except the world government can complete it.

Time passes when you arrive at the terminal.

The group got out of the car and saw the brand-new Lati City, which was so majestic and magnificent that people were amazed.

The huge steel city wall that is 100 meters high looks like an ant when you look up. It seems to be even bigger than before.

Especially since the entire Lati Island originally became Lati City, you can imagine how huge it has become.

It’s not polite to say that Lati City is huge enough to occupy a place in the world.

"Shanks is here!"

Gemu's figure appeared, and his voice sounded near the group of people.

"Long time no see, Brother Gemu."

Shanks smiled and said, he had received a lot of help during his training in the Court of Swords, and he would keep it in mind.

"Let's go, boy."

Gemwen opened his mouth and took Shanks and his party to the headquarters of the Hiberfield family.

Several other people along the way looked around with curious faces, which was rare in the prosperous world here.

After a while, the group of people passed through layers of guards and arrived at Charlotte's office.

"Dong dong dong!"


A deep voice came from the room, and Gemu motioned for everyone to enter.

After opening the door, I saw a gentle and calm-looking person leaning lazily on the sofa.

That is the legendary great pirate Heberfield Charlotte.

"It's been so many years since I've seen Shanks."

Charlotte's voice sounded slowly. Seeing that the once frivolous boy was now growing more and more stable, it really felt like time was passing by.

"Mr. Charlotte."

Shanks' voice was slightly excited, and he remembered Charlotte's teachings and training in his heart.

Charlotte smiled slightly.

Looking at Shanks' empty right arm and the disappeared straw hat, a kind of fatalism in the pirate world still comes to mind.

Then Shanks seemed to be surprised or sighed.

"Mr. Charlotte! Am I really surprised?"

oh? ? ?

Charlotte was a little strange and didn't understand what was surprising?

Although Charlotte didn't ask, Shanks clearly saw the curiosity on Charlotte's face and continued to speak.

"In the East China Sea! There is a kid who said exactly the same thing as Captain Roger!"

Charlotte didn't feel much after listening to Shanks' words. It was normal for the fateful protagonist of the pirate world.

From a metaphysical point of view, it can also be called the choice of fate!

" left the straw hat to him, thinking it could inherit Roger's will!"

Charlotte looked at Shanks' plain opening and saw Shanks nodded firmly.

"I blocked my right arm in the new era!"

Shanks looked at his empty right arm and spoke calmly.

It was really a familiar scene. Charlotte was calm and speechless, and then looked at the other person and asked the key question.

"Then what are you here for?"

Faced with Charlotte's inquiry, Shanks said without hesitation.

"I need to go all out for the next journey, so I hope Uta can stay in the Hiberfield family."

For him, the Hiberfield family is a trustworthy family, and their next journey is not suitable for the little girl Uta to follow.

And for little Uta, who is naturally fond of music, this is the perfect place.

The only two world music capitals on the sea, it is definitely the ideal place for UTA.


Charlotte turned her head and looked at the little girl who was clutching Shanks' clothes tightly, looking uneasy and nervous.

A little girl with the same fate as Shanks was found in the treasure chest where the pirates were defeated.


Uta has good talent and is worth cultivating.

"Okay, I agree."

His voice was calm.

In the future, Uta can be allowed to study hard with A Li and the others, and it will not be a problem to create a world-class singer.

Uta's singing talent is truly amazing.

Shanks was relieved. After arranging Uta, he could give it a try.

Then he thought of something and continued to speak.

"Mr. Charlotte, let Whitebeard be careful of Teach! That guy is very serious and has ulterior motives."

Charlotte knew Shanks' reminder very well, but Whitebeard couldn't persuade him.

Charlotte looked at the three clear scars on Shanks' right eye, and her gaze became a little dangerous.

Today's Shanks is not weak at all. Although he has not reached his peak state, he is still a famous and powerful man on the sea.

Even so, Blackbeard Teach actually injured the red hair in the battle. It is not difficult to see that the guy who hides deeply has extraordinary strength.

In particular, he was very interested in the other party's special physique.

"Okay, I'll remind you."

After exchanging pleasantries, Shanks took out a treasure chest.

"Mr. Charlotte, I have prepared a gift, I hope you can accept it."

Shanks spoke calmly. After all, the Silberfeller family didn't owe him anything, but he was the one who caused more trouble for the other party.

So he specially prepared a gift. Although it was not expensive, it also represented his gratitude.

Charlotte tilted his head. He really didn't expect Shanks to have such thoughts.

However, he naturally had no reason to refuse Shanks's kind expression.

"Okay, thank you very much. Your thoughts have been received by the Hiberfield family."

In fact, he was a little curious about what gift Shanks had prepared.

Shanks took a treasure chest from the hands of his subordinates without hiding it and opened it directly.

Devil Fruit!

Charlotte saw at a glance that it was a devil fruit, not to mention it was really a nice thank you gift.

"This is a superhuman devil fruit - a weapon fruit!"

Shanks introduced slowly. He knew very well that Charlotte liked Devil Fruit because it was a good thing for the huge Silberfeller family.

Weapon fruit!

Charlotte was really surprised. This thing is indeed quite good!

"very good."

Listening to Charlotte's satisfied tone, Shanks also smiled.

What happens next is naturally much simpler.

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