One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 487 The True Utopia (Bosses, if you have extra monthly tickets, please vote. Thank you)

Half a month later!

Nine Snakes - Daughter City!

Hancock held up his skirt and trotted along with his long, snow-white legs, looking eager.

Not long after, inside the main hall.


As soon as he saw Charlotte, the excited Hancock made a sweet voice and rushed directly into Charlotte's arms without any consideration.

Charlotte was extremely embarrassed, the waves in her chest were too soft.

"Do you miss me? Charlotte."

Hancock raised her delicate face and looked at Charlotte.

Cough cough cough... Charlotte coughed twice quickly.

"Well... I just happened to come here to see you, um... talk about something by the way."

Facing the love-minded Hancock, Charlotte forced herself to speak. He really couldn't say it directly. He came here to make an appointment with Zefa.

Otherwise, what might happen to the cranky Hancock?

"Really? That's great!"

Hancock was completely unaware of the following words, which were full of pink bubbles. In her opinion, this was very reasonable, very reasonable.

Charlotte sighed, is this stupid woman really hard to blame?

After all, as the lord of Daughter's City, Hancock usually has many decisions to make, so she naturally spends more time here.

Fortunately, Nine Snakes Daughter City is not far from Lati City.

"Okay, let me see if I've gained weight recently!"

Charlotte joked, holding Hancock's face with both hands, and looked at it seriously.

Hancock's shy face turned red for a moment.

"I'm really a little fat, my face is too big!"

When Charlotte finished speaking, Hancock screamed like a groundhog and hurriedly got rid of Charlotte's hands.

He kept looking at himself in the mirror, and even pinched his cheeks.

Charlotte laughed out loud when she saw it, "No more, I'm teasing you fool!"

After listening to Charlotte's words, Hancock breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Charlotte with his hands on his hips, seemingly very angry.

Then before Charlotte could say anything more, she became shy and coy again.

"Charlotte is teasing her. This is a little trick between lovers! How shameful!"

Looking at Hancock's appearance, Charlotte couldn't help but want to laugh. He was really cute and dizzy every day.

"What do you want to eat? Why don't you leave today!"

Hancock looked at Charlotte expectantly and asked.

"You're the best at it! I'm not leaving tonight."

Charlotte responded with a smile. Hancock was very happy when he heard it and quickly ordered people to prepare things while she went to prepare the dishes carefully.

While Hancock was busy, Zefa also came here at the same time.

This trip to the Kingdom of Heberfil gave him a very strong shock.

The city of O'Hara has the largest literary city with the most scholars, the city of murlocs is the first city on land in the world, and the incredible sky-island features of the sky-island city are shocking...

But what touches the soul even more is that those residents who live a happy life have really been redeemed here from their originally troubled lives.

This is a truly ideal country!

It is undeniable that this will be recorded in history. If one day everyone knows about it, it may even become the first unprecedented prosperous era in the entire history.

This trip was truly unprecedented, touching people's hearts and making it impossible to calm down.

When the two met again, Zefa's attitude was obviously different.

The man in front of him really impressed him.

"How was your trip Zefa?"

Charlotte spoke calmly, more like a greeting between old friends.

"very good!"

It can be seen that Zefa has lost the strong rejection feeling at the beginning.

"It looks like the harvest is not small!"

Charlotte said with a smile.

"It's really not small."

Zefa did not hesitate or avoid the issue.

"So you get it!"

Charlotte continued in an enigmatic tone: "The World Government does not represent everything. Even if you leave the navy, you can still do what you need to do. Only by seeing some things can you see more clearly."

After the words fell, Zefa looked at Charlotte in surprise.

Don't tell me, this pirate leader really doesn't mean what he said.

"The world underestimates your ambition and courage, and the world government underestimates you even more!"

Zefa felt something in his heart and made a positive evaluation of Charlotte for the first time.

He has been thinking and reflecting for a while.

After constant comparisons with the Kingdom of Heberfil, I have long understood that what Charlotte said is true.

Of course I had doubts before, but more often than not I was trapped by my own identity and heart and couldn't see through it.

When I think about it in this capacity, I see things more broadly.

As Charlotte said, you should do what you want and should do after leaving the navy.

Here he saw what he once pursued and protected for his heroic dream.

That is the peace and happiness of thousands of families.

“What an amazing review!”

Charlotte looked at Zefa and smiled.

He was also surprised that this legendary Navy veteran from his former enemy would speak so highly of him.

In fact, it really surprised him.

It seemed that the next thing should be a matter of course. Thinking of this, Charlotte also officially started the invitation.

"Zefa, have you made up your mind? Are you ready to join the Hibberfeller family?"

Zefa was silent for a moment when facing Charlotte's inquiry and shook his head.

This made Charlotte a little confused. Is it not enough?

The will of the old strong man is really as solid as a rock!

It's just that it's obvious that he feels that Zefa is moved, but what's the difference?

"I don't want to join the pirates yet!"

Zefa sighed and said with regret. He really thinks this place is good.

But even if he is just and kind, he can't accept the fact that he has become a pirate in a short time!

Charlotte's mind flashed, and he understood where the problem was.

Pirates have caused too much damage to this veteran of the navy. The two major blows in his life are inseparable from pirates.

It is impossible for anyone to act as if nothing has happened.

After figuring out the key, Charlotte spoke again.

"Mr. Zefa, I think you have misunderstood."

Zefa looked at Charlotte with a question mark on his head, a little confused. What did he misunderstand?

"It is not the Heberfil Pirate Family that invited you, but the authentic Heberfil Kingdom."

Charlotte looked at Zefa sincerely and continued.

"The Kingdom of Heberfil is preparing to build a new city, and the Heberfil Military Academy will move there. From now on, it will recruit new students from all over the kingdom and all over the world for training..."

Charlotte paused and continued.

"And you will be the principal of the new Heberfil Military Academy."

Zeffa looked at Charlotte in amazement.

Charlotte didn't care about this, he had already planned this matter.

As the core of the entire family, the Heberfil Military Academy now needs a wider area and platform, and the family has already reserved a lot of elite talents in various majors.

It is more than enough to serve as a teacher in various subjects.

This will not only liberate the cadres in the family who are responsible for many people, but also allow the up-and-coming talents to show their skills and apply what they have learned.

The most important thing is that doing so will not only provide strength for the family but also enhance its good image worldwide.

Maybe one day the Heberfil Military Academy will become a world-famous international university?

It's pretty good to think about it?

Looking at Charlotte with a serious face, Zefa was really moved, although he knew that the other party had some small plans.

But such conditions are indeed hard to refuse, and he can continue to teach, maybe he can cultivate more heroes with justice in his heart?

The most important thing is that he joins the Heberfield Kingdom and the Heberfield Pirates!

This is wonderful.


Zefa agreed with a sense of relief.

In fact, he agrees with the concept of the Heberfield family's ideal hometown in his heart, especially the unexpectedly good results.

Zefa has studied it carefully.

The Heberfield Kingdom not only has a strong military support, but also a perfect judicial system, a flexible moral bottom line, and a positive and active spiritual culture that is constantly nurturing and so on.

The Heberfield Kingdom is far more complicated than what the outside world sees.

So he is more willing to agree in this way of covering his ears and stealing the bell.

Maybe the passion of youth has been extinguished, but the original dream still exists.

Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief, and finally achieved the desired result. It's really not easy to say!

"Charlotte, the meal is here."

Hancock's voice came from afar, and you can tell that there is a feeling of happiness as soon as you hear it.

Hancock, who came in with food, looked at Zefa in astonishment, somewhat surprised that there was an outsider here.

Zefa knew that he was still here when he saw Hancock like this. This was just a big light bulb.

"Ah, I have something else to do, so I'll go to Lati City first. Let me know when the city is built."

After saying that, without waiting for Charlotte to answer, Zefa turned around and left, extremely straightforward.

Hancock admired old man Zefa for this, and he was very considerate.

Charlotte shook his head, but he didn't have to worry that the other party would sneak away.

"Okay, let me try it!"

Hancock was overjoyed to hear this, and hurriedly took the delicious food prepared for his beloved.

"Delicious, delicious, the cooking skills are amazing again, Hancock is worthy of being my good wife!"

Charlotte, in a good mood, praised Hancock fiercely.

Of course, he also praised her at ordinary times, but this time Zefa's joining made the strength of the Kingdom of Heberfeller once again improved, and his mood was naturally more excited.

Hancock felt warm in her heart when she heard Charlotte's praise, and her love surged like a tide.

She felt that she was the happiest woman in the world at this moment, and always fantasized about the sweetness of married life.

Now this is what she wants.

A man who knows how to be considerate, love her, and take care of her. What's more, Charlotte is the hero who saved her from the darkness!

"Come on, sit down and eat together!"

Charlotte took Hancock's hand and let her sit next to her, and a large area of ​​pink hearts appeared around them.

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