One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 488 Hidden Secret Base

One month later!

The Heberfield Special Training Ground.

This is a training ground that integrates many black technologies of the current Heberfield family.

It includes the improved gravity training room, speed training room, will training room, ice training room, flame training room...

The gravity training room uses gravity to target the body, so that it can perform overload training while resisting gravity.

The speed training room is a reaction training for dodging high-speed seastone bullets, lasers, etc. in a confined space.

The will training room is a training like a terrible dream developed through the ability of the Mitis Devil Fruit, which will simulate the most fearful things in people's hearts.


And various high-strength training equipment made of pure seastone, soft treadmills made of cloud technology...

It can be said that it is beyond everyone's imagination, there is nothing that can't be done.


The moment the door of the will training room opened, a burst of white smoke came out, and Charlotte walked out slowly.

He is trying his best to improve, and the purpose is naturally to prepare for the awakening of the devil fruit ability later.

It is very impolite to say that there are great risks in awakening the animal fruit, especially his devil fruit is an extremely rare mythical beast.

Charlotte naturally dared not be careless about this, and there would be no problem if he was well prepared.


Charlotte heard the voice and turned his head to see Lina coming over.

"What's wrong, Lina?"

Lina looked at Charlotte helplessly and found that Charlotte really forgot what it was, so she reminded him.

"You promised to inspect the secret base under the sea today!"

After Lina's reminder, Charlotte finally reacted.

During this period of time, he had been thinking about awakening and training, and he had almost forgotten it, and he had no impression of it.

This underwater base plan is a major confidential plan within the Heberfil family.

So it is a matter of great importance!

"Okay, let's go!"

Soon, a huge transportation station within the Heberfil family came into view.

Cloud cars made of white clouds were neatly parked in this independent exclusive parking space.

Yes, this is the new type of cloud car created by the Heberfil family using cloud technology.

Charlotte and Lina chose a cloud car and got on it.

The staff immediately adjusted the huge connected channel through the controller.

"Attention, the target location is the underwater port island, channel No. 5 is open, and the No. 6 cloud car is ready to go."

"Received, in operation."

The player repeated the words.

With the "click-click-click" mechanical rotation sound, the lights on the confined No. 6 pipeline channel flickered, and the steel door slowly opened at the same time.

"Let's go!"

The voice fell.

Under skilled operation, the cloud car started quickly and entered the No. 5 connection channel.

Charlotte was slightly amazed. The technology of the Heberfil family is really getting more and more amazing.

"Charlotte, the family is really getting stronger and more prosperous."

Lina said with feeling. After all, the Heberfil family was really poor from a long time ago.

To this point, the time, energy, money, layout... It's really not easy to get here.

"Indeed! But it's all worth it."

Charlotte spoke softly. The efforts and accumulations in the past have now begun to receive a blowout return.

Without accumulation, there would be no technological explosion today!

Build high walls, lay out a wide layout, and slowly become king. These are all wise sayings!

Of course, this is also thanks to some of the technologies that Big Bear constantly transmits back to Vegapunk.

Take this huge pipeline technology, which comes from Vegapunk's [Air Cloud Pipeline Technology].

Not long after, the Jintou Cloud Car slowly slowed down and successfully arrived at the deeper underground below, and successfully docked at the exclusive position.

Charlotte and the others walked down from the docking position.

"Boss, you are finally here."

Adeli spoke excitedly.

You know, he has now been appointed by Charlotte as the commander of the underwater base, and naturally he is eager to show Charlotte some achievements.

Charlotte smiled. As the first modified person in the family, Adeli is now terrible, especially his command ability is also quite good.

"Come on, take me to see how it has developed here?"

Adeli hurriedly led the way in front, passing through a huge super tunnel.

A gentle light lit up.

This is the command center of the entire submarine base, built close to the submarine mountain wall.

The huge fan-shaped glass windows can easily take in the entire base.

At first glance, it looks like you have come to the former Fishman Island!

Charlotte was also a little shocked. To be honest, this submarine underground base is much larger and more beautiful than he imagined.

"Boss, this place uses the double-layer coating technology of Fishman Island and the barrier technology combined with the sky cloud top. If you want to enter and exit, you must go through a special submarine port channel..."

Charlotte smiled as he listened to Adli's endless introduction. It seems that this kid has really done his homework.

"How do you solve the problem of light here?"

Charlotte spoke lightly. After all, this is dozens of meters underwater, just below the Heberfeller River, and the sunlight cannot penetrate it.

Adli was speechless for a moment and hesitated for a long time. Lina smiled and started to explain to Charlotte.

"That's a lighting device made using weather balloon technology."

Charlotte nodded, but he did not blame Adeli. He was not to blame for this kind of thing.

The main purpose of his inspection here is not these technological applications but another kind of weapon.

The biggest function of this large submarine base is that it is the base camp of the mechanical sea beasts and the other is the secret port of the Hibberfeller submarine.

You must know the development over the years. Both the quantity and quality of the mechanical sea beasts of the Silberfeller family have been greatly improved.

Of course he wanted to take a look.

"Where are those mechanical sea beasts?"

Adeli perked up upon hearing this, "Where is the boss?"

Following the direction of his finger, Charlotte looked over, and rows of huge steel machinery warehouses marked with numbers were clearly visible.

"Boss, there is a mechanical sea beast sleeping in each mechanical warehouse. There are a hundred of them here and these hundred are carefully selected. They are the most powerful guys in the family transformation today."

Charlotte nodded. This thing is very effective in attacking from underwater. The main reason is that it is easier to protect the enemy from invading from the bottom of the sea. This is the key.

In particular, the mechanical sea beasts stored here are constantly being updated and enhanced.

Whether it is defense, attack, or speed, they are constantly improving.

"Start one and see."

"Okay!" After receiving the order, Adli no longer hesitated and directly activated the No. 1 mechanical warehouse.

As the lights flickered, a huge steel sea snake slowly appeared.

A snake-like steel body with a huge laser blasting jet on its head.

"Boss, this is the Steel Seadramon. Its body is made of Olga alloy and equipped with the latest lightning laser beam."

Not to mention, he was also surprised at first sight. These were the most powerful group of mechanical sea beasts in the Silberfeller family today.

"Where is the submarine port?"

Charlotte spoke again.

The Silberfeller family has owned submarines a long time ago, and they have always been at the most basic stage of capabilities, which are diving for reconnaissance, escape, and transmitting intelligence. Perform secret missions and more.

For the powerful Silberfeller family, the role of submarines is considered dispensable.

After listening to Charlotte's words, Adeli quickly walked to the left, stretched out his hand and pointed, "That's it."

Charlotte glanced over and saw that those submarines looked like new models.

Charlotte thought about whether it was necessary to install a research attack submarine. You must know that the mechanical sea beast is quite cost-effective.

After hesitating for a moment, Charlotte temporarily rejected the plan in his mind. Modification is not difficult, but the difficulty is that it needs to be matched with appropriate attack methods.

So is it possible to develop missiles?

Charlotte fell into thinking, but whether it can be realized still requires the efforts of the scientific research team.

But overall, Charlotte is very satisfied with the current submarine base.

At least he didn't waste his thoughts, especially since the guards here also have a specially formed group of murloc warriors to serve as security guards.

This is the benefit of having so many talented people.

As long as he speaks, many things can be mass-produced and assembled in a short time.

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